* Squad.nix NixOS flake for standing up multiple [[https://joinsquad.com/][Squad]] Servers on [[https://nixos.org/][NixOS]]. ** Installation to a NixOS Flake Config #+BEGIN_SRC nix { inputs.squad-nix.url = "github:AsgardEternal/Squad.nix"; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, squad-nix, ... }: { nixosConfigurations.exampleHost = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { system = "x86_64-linux"; modules = [ # ... squad-nix.nixosModules.default ] }; } } #+END_SRC ** Example Configuration #+BEGIN_SRC nix services.squad-server = { servers."[ASG] Asgard Eternal | New Player Friendly" = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; config = { layerRotation = [ "Gorodok_Invasion_v3" "Gorodok_RAAS_v12" "Harju_RAAS_v6" "Manicouagan_Invasion_v2" "Manicouagan_Invasion_v2" "Yehorivka_RAAS_v13" "Mestia_Invasion_v2" ]; admins = { Admin = { comment = "Admin Group"; accessLevels = [ "changemap" "pause" "balance" "chat" "kick" "ban" "cameraman" "teamchange" "forceteamchange" "canseeadminchat" "reserve" "config" "cheat" "featuretest" ]; members = [ { id = 76561199101367413; comment = "Atrocity"; } { id = 76561198153769543; comment = "MaxRecon"; } # ... ]; }; }; }; }; }; #+END_SRC All settings can be viewed within the [[./nixos-modules/squad-servers.nix][Squad Server Module]]. ** Defaults By default this module does /not/ attempt to increment the in use ports for each server defined. It is expected that each server has its ports defined via ~gamePort~, ~rconPort~, ~queryPort~, and ~beaconPort~ if more than one server is defined. The default configuration largely follows the default settings that Squad installs its configs as, but there may be options that do not closely follow defaults or shouldn't be modified. One such example is map voting. This is due to the lack of functionality for the feature, or due to the option not being permitted in Licensed servers. This module attempts to closely follow licensed server configuration requirements. ** Security Preference all ~passwordFile~ options over the generic ~password~ option if possible (or equivalents, such as ~license.file~ instead of ~license.content~). Using non file options for secrets can expose your secrets in the Nix store. By default all secrets are loaded via [[https://systemd.io/CREDENTIALS/][Systemd Credentials]] (~systemd.systemd-credentials(7)~). ** Purpose of this Repository As part of a migration in Asgard Eternal's infrastructure, we're shifting our primary operating system to NixOS. This module was created separately to support that initiative. Interested in joining up with a community to play Squad? Join [[https://discord.gg/asg][Asgard Eternal's Discord]].