* SquadJS Docker This is a docker image used by Asgard Eternal for [[https://github.com/Team-Silver-Sphere/SquadJS][SquadJS]]. * Credits We include some plugins from other authors besides the SquadJS team and ourselves, Asgard Eternal. Asgard Eternal has received explicit permission to use the plugins included in this repository if they do not include a license. We'd like to give credit to the following authors: - [[https://github.com/fantinodavide][fantinodavide]] for the following plugins: - [[https://github.com/fantinodavide/squadjs-switch-plugin.git][SquadJS Squad/Team/etc. Switch]] - [[https://github.com/fantinodavide/squadjs-squad-name-validator.git][SquadJS Squad Name Validator]] - [[https://github.com/fantinodavide/squad-js-map-vote][SquadJS Map Vote]] Asgard Eternal has a fork based on this plugin with additional code for our needs. Still, the core of it is fantinodavide's work. - [[https://github.com/steelskillet][Skillet]] Skillet, at the time of writing, is part of Asgard Eternal. He has extended on forks of certain plugins or entirely overhauled/rewritten plugins that go into this image. - [[https://github.com/AsgardEternal/DBLogExtension.git][SquadJS DBLogExtension]] - [[https://github.com/AsgardEternal/squad-js-map-vote.git][SquadJS Map Vote]] This is a fork with additional functionality Asgard Eternal uses for map voting. This forked off of [[https://github.com/fantinodavide/squad-js-map-vote][fantinodavide's SquadJS Map Vote]]. So thanks to him for the plugin and Skillet for extending it for Asgard Eternal. Thanks to all authors 🍺!