import Sequelize from 'sequelize'; import DBLog from './db-log.js'; const { DataTypes } = Sequelize; export default class DBLogPlayerTime extends DBLog { static get description() { return ( 'replacement add-on to dblog for player join/seeding times' ); } static get defaultEnabled() { return false; } static get optionsSpecification() { return { ...DBLog.optionsSpecification, seedingThreshold: { required: false, description: 'seeding Threshold.', default: 50 } }; } constructor(server, options, connectors) { super(server, options, connectors); this.seeding = false; this.repairSessions = true; this.lastTickTime = null; this.createModel( 'PlayerTime', { id: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, primaryKey: true, autoIncrement: true }, joinTime: { type: DataTypes.DATE }, leaveTime: { type: DataTypes.DATE }, seedTime: { type: DataTypes.DATE }, joinedSeeding: { type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN } }, { charset: 'utf8mb4', collate: 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' } ); this.models.Server.hasMany(this.models.PlayerTime, { foreignKey: { name: 'server', allowNull: false }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.models.SteamUser.hasMany(this.models.PlayerTime, { foreignKey: {name: 'player' }, onDelete: 'CASCADE' }); this.onPlayerConnected = this.onPlayerConnected.bind(this); this.onPlayerDisconnected = this.onPlayerDisconnected.bind(this); } async prepareToMount() { await super.prepareToMount(); await this.models.PlayerTime.sync(); } async mount() { console.log('Mounting db-log'); await super.mount(); console.log('finished mounting db-log'); this.server.on('PLAYER_CONNECTED', this.onPlayerConnected); this.server.on('PLAYER_DISCONNECTED', this.onPlayerDisconnected); console.log('finished mounting db-log-addOn'); } async repairDB() { console.log('starting DB repair'); await super.repairDB(); console.log('starting DB repair for addOn'); let lastTickTime = await this.models.TickRate.findOne( { where: { server: this.options.overrideServerID ||}, order: [['id', 'DESC']]} ); console.log('last tick found:', lastTickTime); let lastServerTime = lastTickTime.time; console.log('last time found:', lastServerTime); let playerOnlineID = []; playerOnlineID.push(0); for (const player of this.server.players){ playerOnlineID.push(player.steamID); } console.log('players online:', playerOnlineID); const {ne, not, notIn, is} = Sequelize.Op; let rowUpdate = await this.models.PlayerTime.update( { leaveTime: lastServerTime }, { where: { leaveTime: {[is]: null}, server: this.options.overrideServerID ||, player: {[notIn]: playerOnlineID} } }, { logging: console.log } ); console.log('updated playerTimes row count: %i', rowUpdate[0]); console.log('finish DB repair'); } async unmount() { this.models.PlayerTime.update( { leaveTime: 0 }, { where: { leaveTime: null , server: this.options.overrideServerID || } } ); await super.unmount(); this.server.removeEventListener('PLAYER_CONNECTED', this.onPlayerConnected); this.server.removeEventListener('PLAYER_DISCONNECTED', this.onPlayerDisconnected); } async onUpdatedA2SInformation(info) { await super.onUpdatedA2SInformation(info); if((this.seeding == true) && (info.a2sPlayerCount >= this.options.seedingThreshold)){ console.log('switching to Live'); this.seeding = false; let curDateTime = new Date(); let timeNow = curDateTime.getFullYear() + '-' + (curDateTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + curDateTime.getDate()+' '+curDateTime.getHours()+':'+curDateTime.getMinutes()+':'+curDateTime.getSeconds(); console.log(timeNow); await this.models.PlayerTime.update( { seedTime: timeNow }, { where: { seedTime: null, joinedSeeding: 1, leaveTime: null, server: this.options.overrideServerID || } } ); }else if(this.seeding == false && (info.a2sPlayerCount-20) < this.options.seedingThreshold){ console.log('switching to seeding'); this.seeding = true; } } async onPlayerConnected(info) { console.log(info); if(info.player){ await this.models.SteamUser.upsert({ steamID: info.player.steamID, lastName: }); await this.models.PlayerTime.create({ server: this.options.overrideServerID ||, player: info.steamID, joinTime: info.time, joinedSeeding: this.seeding }); console.log('player connect complete'); } else console.log('player is null'); } async onPlayerDisconnected(info) { await sleep (500); console.log(info); if(info.player){ await this.models.SteamUser.upsert({ steamID: info.player.steamID, lastName: }); } let rowAffect = await this.models.PlayerTime.update( { leaveTime: info.time }, { where: { player: info.steamID, leaveTime: null, server: this.options.overrideServerID || } } ); console.log('player disconnect rows update: %i', rowAffect[0]); } }