use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use sqlx::PgPool; use std::net::TcpListener; use tracing::Level; use whitelist_api::{ configuration::{get_configuration, AppConfig}, telemetry::{get_subscriber, init_subscriber}, }; static TRACING: Lazy<()> = Lazy::new(|| { if std::env::var("TEST_LOG").is_ok() { let subscriber = match std::env::var("TEST_LOG") { Ok(log_level) => get_subscriber( "test".into(), log_level.to_lowercase().into(), std::io::stdout, ), Err(e) => { tracing::error!("Failed to get log level from environment variable `TEST_LOG`! Error: {e}"); get_subscriber("test".into(), "debug".into(), std::io::stdout) } }; init_subscriber(subscriber); } else { let subscriber = get_subscriber("test".into(), "debug".into(), std::io::sink); init_subscriber(subscriber); } }); #[derive(Debug)] pub struct TestApp { pub address: String, pub config: AppConfig, pub client: reqwest::Client, } impl TestApp { #[tracing::instrument(name = "Spawning test application" level = Level::DEBUG)] pub async fn spawn(connection_pool: &PgPool) -> TestApp { Lazy::force(&TRACING); let listener = TcpListener::bind("").expect("Failed to bind to random port!"); let port = listener.local_addr().unwrap().port(); let address = format!("{}", port); let configuration = get_configuration().expect("Failed to read configuration!"); let server = whitelist_api::run(listener, connection_pool.clone()).expect("Failed to bind address!"); let _ = tokio::spawn(server); TestApp { address, config: configuration.application, client: reqwest::Client::new(), } } }