Removed cheatsheet
This commit is contained in:
@ -400,21 +400,6 @@ return require("packer").startup({function()
-- Cheatsheet to show various bindings, invoke :Cheatsheet
use {
requires = {
config = function()
-- Register support in telescope with persistent save
-- Register support in telescope with persistent save
use {
use {
@ -91,12 +91,6 @@ _G.packer_plugins = {
path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/ansible-vim",
path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/ansible-vim",
url = ""
url = ""
["cheatsheet.nvim"] = {
config = { "\27LJ\2\n<\0\0\3\0\3\0\a6\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0004\2\0\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\15cheatsheet\frequire\0" },
loaded = true,
path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/cheatsheet.nvim",
url = ""
["coq.artifacts"] = {
["coq.artifacts"] = {
loaded = true,
loaded = true,
path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/coq.artifacts",
path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/coq.artifacts",
@ -126,7 +120,7 @@ _G.packer_plugins = {
url = ""
url = ""
["friendly-snippets"] = {
["friendly-snippets"] = {
after = { "lspkind-nvim", "lsp_signature.nvim" },
after = { "lsp_signature.nvim", "lspkind-nvim" },
loaded = false,
loaded = false,
needs_bufread = false,
needs_bufread = false,
only_cond = false,
only_cond = false,
@ -282,7 +276,7 @@ _G.packer_plugins = {
url = ""
url = ""
["nvim-lspconfig"] = {
["nvim-lspconfig"] = {
after = { "rust-tools.nvim", "nvim-lsp-installer" },
after = { "nvim-lsp-installer", "rust-tools.nvim" },
loaded = false,
loaded = false,
needs_bufread = false,
needs_bufread = false,
only_cond = false,
only_cond = false,
@ -492,18 +486,18 @@ _G.packer_plugins = {
time([[Defining packer_plugins]], false)
time([[Defining packer_plugins]], false)
-- Setup for: TrueZen.nvim
time([[Setup for TrueZen.nvim]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n0\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\21plugins/true-zen\frequire\0", "setup", "TrueZen.nvim")
time([[Setup for TrueZen.nvim]], false)
-- Setup for: markdown-preview.nvim
time([[Setup for markdown-preview.nvim]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n=\0\0\2\0\4\0\0056\0\0\0009\0\1\0005\1\3\0=\1\2\0K\0\1\0\1\2\0\0\rmarkdown\19mkdp_filetypes\6g\bvim\0", "setup", "markdown-preview.nvim")
time([[Setup for markdown-preview.nvim]], false)
-- Setup for: dashboard-nvim
-- Setup for: dashboard-nvim
time([[Setup for dashboard-nvim]], true)
time([[Setup for dashboard-nvim]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n1\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\22plugins/dashboard\frequire\0", "setup", "dashboard-nvim")
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n1\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\22plugins/dashboard\frequire\0", "setup", "dashboard-nvim")
time([[Setup for dashboard-nvim]], false)
time([[Setup for dashboard-nvim]], false)
-- Setup for: markdown-preview.nvim
time([[Setup for markdown-preview.nvim]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n=\0\0\2\0\4\0\0056\0\0\0009\0\1\0005\1\3\0=\1\2\0K\0\1\0\1\2\0\0\rmarkdown\19mkdp_filetypes\6g\bvim\0", "setup", "markdown-preview.nvim")
time([[Setup for markdown-preview.nvim]], false)
-- Setup for: TrueZen.nvim
time([[Setup for TrueZen.nvim]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n0\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\21plugins/true-zen\frequire\0", "setup", "TrueZen.nvim")
time([[Setup for TrueZen.nvim]], false)
-- Config for: which-key.nvim
-- Config for: which-key.nvim
time([[Config for which-key.nvim]], true)
time([[Config for which-key.nvim]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n7\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\14which-key\frequire\0", "config", "which-key.nvim")
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n7\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\14which-key\frequire\0", "config", "which-key.nvim")
@ -512,10 +506,6 @@ time([[Config for which-key.nvim]], false)
time([[Config for nvim-neoclip.lua]], true)
time([[Config for nvim-neoclip.lua]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\nW\0\0\3\0\4\0\a6\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0005\2\3\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\1\0\1\30enable_persistant_history\2\nsetup\fneoclip\frequire\0", "config", "nvim-neoclip.lua")
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\nW\0\0\3\0\4\0\a6\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0005\2\3\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\1\0\1\30enable_persistant_history\2\nsetup\fneoclip\frequire\0", "config", "nvim-neoclip.lua")
time([[Config for nvim-neoclip.lua]], false)
time([[Config for nvim-neoclip.lua]], false)
-- Config for: cheatsheet.nvim
time([[Config for cheatsheet.nvim]], true)
try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n<\0\0\3\0\3\0\a6\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0004\2\0\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\15cheatsheet\frequire\0", "config", "cheatsheet.nvim")
time([[Config for cheatsheet.nvim]], false)
-- Load plugins in order defined by `after`
-- Load plugins in order defined by `after`
time([[Sequenced loading]], true)
time([[Sequenced loading]], true)
vim.cmd [[ packadd coq_nvim ]]
vim.cmd [[ packadd coq_nvim ]]
@ -528,26 +518,6 @@ time([[Sequenced loading]], false)
-- Command lazy-loads
-- Command lazy-loads
time([[Defining lazy-load commands]], true)
time([[Defining lazy-load commands]], true)
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file NvimTreeOpen lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-tree.lua'}, { cmd = "NvimTreeOpen", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file NvimTreeFocus lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-tree.lua'}, { cmd = "NvimTreeFocus", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file NvimTreeToggle lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-tree.lua'}, { cmd = "NvimTreeToggle", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file SessionSave lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "SessionSave", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file SessionLoad lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "SessionLoad", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardJumpMarks lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardJumpMarks", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardNewFile lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardNewFile", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardFindWord lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardFindWord", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardFindHistory lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardFindHistory", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardFindFile lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardFindFile", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.continue() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.run() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.run_last() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.launch() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.terminate() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.disconnect() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.close() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.attach() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.set_breakpoint() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.toggle_breakpoint() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.list_breakpoints() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.list_breakpoints() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.set_exception_breakpoints() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.set_exception_breakpoints() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.step_over() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.step_over() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
@ -567,27 +537,47 @@ pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.session() ++once lua require"p
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DIInstall lua require("packer.load")({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, { cmd = "DIInstall", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DIInstall lua require("packer.load")({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, { cmd = "DIInstall", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DIUninstall lua require("packer.load")({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, { cmd = "DIUninstall", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DIUninstall lua require("packer.load")({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, { cmd = "DIUninstall", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DIList lua require("packer.load")({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, { cmd = "DIList", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DIList lua require("packer.load")({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, { cmd = "DIList", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file new lua require("packer.load")({'mkdir.nvim'}, { cmd = "new", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSBufToggle lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSBufToggle", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardChangeColorscheme lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardChangeColorscheme", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSEnableAll lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSEnableAll", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Dashboard lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "Dashboard", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSInstallFromGrammer lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSInstallFromGrammer", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Telescope lua require("packer.load")({'telescope.nvim'}, { cmd = "Telescope", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Telescope lua require("packer.load")({'telescope.nvim'}, { cmd = "Telescope", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Neoformat lua require("packer.load")({'neoformat'}, { cmd = "Neoformat", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Neoformat lua require("packer.load")({'neoformat'}, { cmd = "Neoformat", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TZMinimalist lua require("packer.load")({'TrueZen.nvim'}, { cmd = "TZMinimalist", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Vista lua require("packer.load")({'vista.vim'}, { cmd = "Vista", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSUpdate lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSUpdate", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file CommentToggle lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-comment'}, { cmd = "CommentToggle", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file ToggleTerm lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-toggleterm.lua'}, { cmd = "ToggleTerm", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TZFocus lua require("packer.load")({'TrueZen.nvim'}, { cmd = "TZFocus", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TZAtaraxis lua require("packer.load")({'TrueZen.nvim'}, { cmd = "TZAtaraxis", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Git lua require("packer.load")({'vim-fugitive'}, { cmd = "Git", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSUpdateSync lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSUpdateSync", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSUpdateSync lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSUpdateSync", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Vista lua require("packer.load")({'vista.vim'}, { cmd = "Vista", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file ToggleTerm lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-toggleterm.lua'}, { cmd = "ToggleTerm", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Git lua require("packer.load")({'vim-fugitive'}, { cmd = "Git", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSUpdate lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSUpdate", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSToggleAll lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSToggleAll", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSToggleAll lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSToggleAll", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSInstallFromGrammer lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSInstallFromGrammer", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSEnableAll lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSEnableAll", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSBufToggle lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSBufToggle", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSBufEnable lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSBufEnable", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSBufEnable lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSBufEnable", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSInstallSync lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSInstallSync", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSInstallSync lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSInstallSync", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSInstall lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSInstall", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSInstall lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSInstall", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file NvimTreeToggle lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-tree.lua'}, { cmd = "NvimTreeToggle", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file NvimTreeFocus lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-tree.lua'}, { cmd = "NvimTreeFocus", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file NvimTreeOpen lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-tree.lua'}, { cmd = "NvimTreeOpen", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TZMinimalist lua require("packer.load")({'TrueZen.nvim'}, { cmd = "TZMinimalist", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TZAtaraxis lua require("packer.load")({'TrueZen.nvim'}, { cmd = "TZAtaraxis", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.run_last() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file SessionSave lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "SessionSave", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file SessionLoad lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "SessionLoad", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardJumpMarks lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardJumpMarks", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardNewFile lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardNewFile", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardFindWord lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardFindWord", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardFindHistory lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardFindHistory", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardFindFile lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardFindFile", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardChangeColorscheme lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardChangeColorscheme", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Dashboard lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "Dashboard", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file new lua require("packer.load")({'mkdir.nvim'}, { cmd = "new", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TZFocus lua require("packer.load")({'TrueZen.nvim'}, { cmd = "TZFocus", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.continue() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.run() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file CommentToggle lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-comment'}, { cmd = "CommentToggle", l1 = <line1>, l2 = <line2>, bang = <q-bang>, args = <q-args>, mods = "<mods>" }, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.launch() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.terminate() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.disconnect() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.close() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.attach() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.set_breakpoint() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.toggle_breakpoint() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])
time([[Defining lazy-load commands]], false)
time([[Defining lazy-load commands]], false)
vim.cmd [[augroup packer_load_aucmds]]
vim.cmd [[augroup packer_load_aucmds]]
@ -597,16 +587,16 @@ time([[Defining lazy-load filetype autocommands]], true)
vim.cmd [[au FileType javascriptreact ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "javascriptreact" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType javascriptreact ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "javascriptreact" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType typescriptreact ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "typescriptreact" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType typescriptreact ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "typescriptreact" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType svelte ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "svelte" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType svelte ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "svelte" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType markdown ++once lua require("packer.load")({'markdown-preview.nvim'}, { ft = "markdown" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType php ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "php" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType vue ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "vue" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType vue ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "vue" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType php ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "php" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType markdown ++once lua require("packer.load")({'markdown-preview.nvim'}, { ft = "markdown" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType html ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "html" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType html ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "html" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType javascript ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "javascript" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au FileType javascript ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "javascript" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
time([[Defining lazy-load filetype autocommands]], false)
time([[Defining lazy-load filetype autocommands]], false)
-- Event lazy-loads
-- Event lazy-loads
time([[Defining lazy-load event autocommands]], true)
time([[Defining lazy-load event autocommands]], true)
vim.cmd [[au BufRead * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'gitsigns.nvim', 'vim-better-whitespace', 'neoscroll.nvim', 'nvim-scrollview'}, { event = "BufRead *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au BufEnter * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-web-devicons', 'nvim-colorizer.lua', 'nvim-lspconfig', 'indent-blankline.nvim', 'todo-comments.nvim', 'nvim-treesitter', 'vim-resize'}, { event = "BufEnter *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au BufEnter * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-lspconfig', 'indent-blankline.nvim', 'nvim-web-devicons', 'nvim-treesitter', 'nvim-colorizer.lua', 'todo-comments.nvim', 'vim-resize'}, { event = "BufEnter *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au BufRead * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'neoscroll.nvim', 'vim-better-whitespace', 'nvim-scrollview', 'gitsigns.nvim'}, { event = "BufRead *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au InsertEnter * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'friendly-snippets'}, { event = "InsertEnter *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
vim.cmd [[au InsertEnter * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'friendly-snippets'}, { event = "InsertEnter *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]
time([[Defining lazy-load event autocommands]], false)
time([[Defining lazy-load event autocommands]], false)
vim.cmd("augroup END")
vim.cmd("augroup END")
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