From fcec889cfd9b81d75704ccc80612c54bb077ffdc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Price Hiller Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2021 00:21:52 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Comment additions --- lua/lsp.lua | 6 + plugin/packer_compiled.lua | 588 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 594 insertions(+) create mode 100644 plugin/packer_compiled.lua diff --git a/lua/lsp.lua b/lua/lsp.lua index 1d25441..eaaea49 100755 --- a/lua/lsp.lua +++ b/lua/lsp.lua @@ -1,14 +1,20 @@ local lsp_installer = require("nvim-lsp-installer") lsp_installer.on_server_ready(function(server) local opts = { + -- Coq configuration, ensure coq actual has capabilties shown capabilities = require("coq").lsp_ensure_capabilities(vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities()), } + + -- In the secnario we're using rust it makes more sense to use rust-tools + -- see: if == "rust_analyzer" then require("rust-tools").setup{ server = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", server:get_default_options(), opts), } server:attach_buffers() else + -- I use ansible a lot, define exceptions for servers that can use + -- server:setup & vim.cmd at the bottom here if == "ansiblels" then opts.settings = { ansible = { diff --git a/plugin/packer_compiled.lua b/plugin/packer_compiled.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d422bc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugin/packer_compiled.lua @@ -0,0 +1,588 @@ +-- Automatically generated packer.nvim plugin loader code + +if vim.api.nvim_call_function('has', {'nvim-0.5'}) ~= 1 then + vim.api.nvim_command('echohl WarningMsg | echom "Invalid Neovim version for packer.nvim! | echohl None"') + return +end + +vim.api.nvim_command('packadd packer.nvim') + +local no_errors, error_msg = pcall(function() + + local time + local profile_info + local should_profile = false + if should_profile then + local hrtime = vim.loop.hrtime + profile_info = {} + time = function(chunk, start) + if start then + profile_info[chunk] = hrtime() + else + profile_info[chunk] = (hrtime() - profile_info[chunk]) / 1e6 + end + end + else + time = function(chunk, start) end + end + +local function save_profiles(threshold) + local sorted_times = {} + for chunk_name, time_taken in pairs(profile_info) do + sorted_times[#sorted_times + 1] = {chunk_name, time_taken} + end + table.sort(sorted_times, function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2] end) + local results = {} + for i, elem in ipairs(sorted_times) do + if not threshold or threshold and elem[2] > threshold then + results[i] = elem[1] .. ' took ' .. elem[2] .. 'ms' + end + end + + _G._packer = _G._packer or {} + _G._packer.profile_output = results +end + +time([[Luarocks path setup]], true) +local package_path_str = "/Users/pricehiller/.cache/nvim/packer_hererocks/2.1.0-beta3/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/Users/pricehiller/.cache/nvim/packer_hererocks/2.1.0-beta3/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/Users/pricehiller/.cache/nvim/packer_hererocks/2.1.0-beta3/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1/?.lua;/Users/pricehiller/.cache/nvim/packer_hererocks/2.1.0-beta3/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1/?/init.lua" +local install_cpath_pattern = "/Users/pricehiller/.cache/nvim/packer_hererocks/2.1.0-beta3/lib/lua/5.1/?.so" +if not string.find(package.path, package_path_str, 1, true) then + package.path = package.path .. ';' .. package_path_str +end + +if not string.find(package.cpath, install_cpath_pattern, 1, true) then + package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';' .. install_cpath_pattern +end + +time([[Luarocks path setup]], false) +time([[try_loadstring definition]], true) +local function try_loadstring(s, component, name) + local success, result = pcall(loadstring(s), name, _G.packer_plugins[name]) + if not success then + vim.schedule(function() + vim.api.nvim_notify('packer.nvim: Error running ' .. component .. ' for ' .. name .. ': ' .. result, vim.log.levels.ERROR, {}) + end) + end + return result +end + +time([[try_loadstring definition]], false) +time([[Defining packer_plugins]], true) +_G.packer_plugins = { + ["DAPInstall.nvim"] = { + after = { "nvim-dap-ui" }, + commands = { "lua require'dap'.continue()", "lua require'dap'.run()", "lua require'dap'.run_last()", "lua require'dap'.launch()", "lua require'dap'.terminate()", "lua require'dap'.disconnect()", "lua require'dap'.close()", "lua require'dap'.attach()", "lua require'dap'.set_breakpoint()", "lua require'dap'.toggle_breakpoint()", "lua require'dap'.list_breakpoints()", "lua require'dap'.set_exception_breakpoints()", "lua require'dap'.step_over()", "lua require'dap'.step_into()", "lua require'dap'.step_out()", "lua require'dap'.step_back()", "lua require'dap'.pause()", "lua require'dap'.reverse_continue()", "lua require'dap'.up()", "lua require'dap'.down()", "lua require'dap'.run_to_cursor()", "lua require'dap'", "lua require'dap'.repl.toggle()", "lua require'dap'.repl.close()", "lua require'dap'.set_log_level()", "lua require'dap'.session()", "DIInstall", "DIUninstall", "DIList" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/DAPInstall.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["coq.artifacts"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/coq.artifacts", + url = "" + }, + ["coq.thirdparty"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/coq.thirdparty", + url = "" + }, + coq_nvim = { + after = { "nvim-autopairs" }, + loaded = true, + only_config = true + }, + ["dashboard-nvim"] = { + commands = { "Dashboard", "DashboardChangeColorscheme", "DashboardFindFile", "DashboardFindHistory", "DashboardFindWord", "DashboardNewFile", "DashboardJumpMarks", "SessionLoad", "SessionSave" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/dashboard-nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["dressing.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/dressing.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["friendly-snippets"] = { + after = { "lspkind-nvim", "lsp_signature.nvim" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/friendly-snippets", + url = "" + }, + ["gitsigns.nvim"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n6\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\rgitsigns\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/gitsigns.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["indent-blankline.nvim"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n8\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\29plugins/indent-blankline\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/indent-blankline.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["lsp_signature.nvim"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n;\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\18lsp_signature\frequire\0" }, + load_after = { + ["friendly-snippets"] = true + }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/lsp_signature.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["lspkind-nvim"] = { + load_after = { + ["friendly-snippets"] = true + }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/lspkind-nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["lualine.nvim"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n/\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\20plugins/lualine\frequire\0" }, + load_after = { + ["nvim-bufferline.lua"] = true + }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/lualine.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["markdown-preview.nvim"] = { + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/markdown-preview.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["mkdir.nvim"] = { + commands = { "new" }, + config = { "\27LJ\2\n%\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\nmkdir\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/mkdir.nvim", + url = "" + }, + neoformat = { + commands = { "Neoformat" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/neoformat", + url = "" + }, + ["neoscroll.nvim"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n7\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\14neoscroll\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/neoscroll.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["nord.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nord.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["nui.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nui.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-autopairs"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n<\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\19nvim-autopairs\frequire\0" }, + load_after = {}, + loaded = true, + needs_bufread = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-autopairs", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-bufferline.lua"] = { + after = { "lualine.nvim" }, + config = { "\27LJ\2\n2\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\23plugins/bufferline\frequire\0" }, + load_after = { + ["nvim-web-devicons"] = true + }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-bufferline.lua", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-colorizer.lua"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n`\0\0\3\0\5\0\b6\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0016\0\2\0009\0\3\0'\2\4\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\28ColorizerAttachToBuffer\bcmd\bvim\21plugins/colorize\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-colorizer.lua", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-comment"] = { + commands = { "CommentToggle" }, + config = { "\27LJ\2\n:\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\17nvim_comment\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-comment", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-dap"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-dap", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-dap-ui"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n+\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\16plugins/dap\frequire\0" }, + load_after = { + ["DAPInstall.nvim"] = true + }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-dap-ui", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-lsp-installer"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n&\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\v../lsp\frequire\0" }, + load_after = { + ["nvim-lspconfig"] = true + }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-lsp-installer", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-lspconfig"] = { + after = { "nvim-lsp-installer", "rust-tools.nvim" }, + config = { "\27LJ\2\n1\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\22plugins/lspconfig\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-lspconfig", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-neoclip.lua"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\nW\0\0\3\0\4\0\a6\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0005\2\3\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\1\0\1\30enable_persistant_history\2\nsetup\fneoclip\frequire\0" }, + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-neoclip.lua", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-scrollview"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n3\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\24plugins/nvim-scroll\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-scrollview", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-toggleterm.lua"] = { + commands = { "ToggleTerm" }, + config = { "\27LJ\2\n2\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\23plugins/toggleterm\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-toggleterm.lua", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-tree.lua"] = { + commands = { "NvimTreeOpen", "NvimTreeFocus", "NvimTreeToggle" }, + config = { "\27LJ\2\n1\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\22plugins/nvim-tree\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-tree.lua", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-treesitter"] = { + commands = { "TSInstall", "TSInstallSync", "TSBufEnable", "TSBufToggle", "TSEnableAll", "TSInstallFromGrammer", "TSToggleAll", "TSUpdate", "TSUpdateSync" }, + config = { "\27LJ\2\n2\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\23plugins/treesitter\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = true, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-treesitter", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-ts-autotag"] = { + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-ts-autotag", + url = "" + }, + ["nvim-web-devicons"] = { + after = { "nvim-bufferline.lua" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/nvim-web-devicons", + url = "" + }, + ["onedark.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/onedark.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["packer.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["plenary.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/plenary.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["popup.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/popup.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["rust-tools.nvim"] = { + load_after = { + ["nvim-lspconfig"] = true + }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/rust-tools.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["searchbox.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/searchbox.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["sqlite.lua"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/sqlite.lua", + url = "" + }, + ["telescope-fzf-native.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/telescope-fzf-native.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["telescope-media-files.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/telescope-media-files.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["telescope.nvim"] = { + commands = { "Telescope" }, + config = { "\27LJ\2\n½\2\0\0\a\0\14\0\0246\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\1\2\0005\3\n\0005\4\6\0005\5\4\0005\6\3\0=\6\5\5=\5\a\0045\5\b\0=\5\t\4=\4\v\3B\1\2\0019\1\f\0'\3\a\0B\1\2\0019\1\f\0'\3\r\0B\1\2\0019\1\f\0'\3\t\0B\1\2\1K\0\1\0\21find_directories\19load_extension\15extensions\1\0\0\bfzf\1\0\4\28override_generic_sorter\2\nfuzzy\2\14case_mode\15smart_case\25override_file_sorter\2\16media_files\1\0\0\14filetypes\1\0\1\rfind_cmd\arg\1\5\0\0\bpng\twebp\bjpg\tjpeg\nsetup\14telescope\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = true, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/telescope.nvim", + url = "" + }, + telescope_find_directories = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/telescope_find_directories", + url = "" + }, + ["todo-comments.nvim"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n5\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\26plugins/todo-comments\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/todo-comments.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["tokyonight.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/tokyonight.nvim", + url = "" + }, + ["vim-better-whitespace"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n9\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\30plugins/better-whitespace\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/vim-better-whitespace", + url = "" + }, + ["vim-enfocado"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-enfocado", + url = "" + }, + ["vim-fugitive"] = { + commands = { "Git" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = true, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/vim-fugitive", + url = "" + }, + ["vim-matchup"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-matchup", + url = "" + }, + ["vim-moonfly-colors"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-moonfly-colors", + url = "" + }, + ["vim-move"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-move", + url = "" + }, + ["vim-nightfly-guicolors"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-nightfly-guicolors", + url = "" + }, + ["vim-resize"] = { + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/vim-resize", + url = "" + }, + ["vista.vim"] = { + commands = { "Vista" }, + config = { "\27LJ\2\n-\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\18plugins/vista\frequire\0" }, + loaded = false, + needs_bufread = false, + only_cond = false, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/vista.vim", + url = "" + }, + ["which-key.nvim"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n7\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\14which-key\frequire\0" }, + loaded = true, + path = "/Users/pricehiller/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/which-key.nvim", + url = "" + } +} + +time([[Defining packer_plugins]], false) +-- Setup for: dashboard-nvim +time([[Setup for dashboard-nvim]], true) +try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n1\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\22plugins/dashboard\frequire\0", "setup", "dashboard-nvim") +time([[Setup for dashboard-nvim]], false) +-- Setup for: markdown-preview.nvim +time([[Setup for markdown-preview.nvim]], true) +try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n[\0\0\2\0\6\0\t6\0\0\0009\0\1\0005\1\3\0=\1\2\0006\0\0\0009\0\1\0'\1\5\0=\1\4\0K\0\1\0\5\17mkdp_browser\1\2\0\0\rmarkdown\19mkdp_filetypes\6g\bvim\0", "setup", "markdown-preview.nvim") +time([[Setup for markdown-preview.nvim]], false) +-- Config for: coq_nvim +time([[Config for coq_nvim]], true) +try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n+\0\0\3\0\2\0\0046\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\16plugins/coq\frequire\0", "config", "coq_nvim") +time([[Config for coq_nvim]], false) +-- Config for: nvim-neoclip.lua +time([[Config for nvim-neoclip.lua]], true) +try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\nW\0\0\3\0\4\0\a6\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0005\2\3\0B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\1\0\1\30enable_persistant_history\2\nsetup\fneoclip\frequire\0", "config", "nvim-neoclip.lua") +time([[Config for nvim-neoclip.lua]], false) +-- Config for: which-key.nvim +time([[Config for which-key.nvim]], true) +try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n7\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\14which-key\frequire\0", "config", "which-key.nvim") +time([[Config for which-key.nvim]], false) +-- Load plugins in order defined by `after` +time([[Sequenced loading]], true) +vim.cmd [[ packadd nvim-autopairs ]] + +-- Config for: nvim-autopairs +try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n<\0\0\3\0\3\0\0066\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0B\0\1\1K\0\1\0\nsetup\19nvim-autopairs\frequire\0", "config", "nvim-autopairs") + +time([[Sequenced loading]], false) + +-- Command lazy-loads +time([[Defining lazy-load commands]], true) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Neoformat lua require("packer.load")({'neoformat'}, { cmd = "Neoformat", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Vista lua require("packer.load")({'vista.vim'}, { cmd = "Vista", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file ToggleTerm lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-toggleterm.lua'}, { cmd = "ToggleTerm", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Git lua require("packer.load")({'vim-fugitive'}, { cmd = "Git", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardFindHistory lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardFindHistory", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardFindWord lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardFindWord", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardNewFile lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardNewFile", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file new lua require("packer.load")({'mkdir.nvim'}, { cmd = "new", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file SessionSave lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "SessionSave", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file SessionLoad lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "SessionLoad", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardJumpMarks lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardJumpMarks", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file NvimTreeOpen lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-tree.lua'}, { cmd = "NvimTreeOpen", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file NvimTreeFocus lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-tree.lua'}, { cmd = "NvimTreeFocus", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file NvimTreeToggle lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-tree.lua'}, { cmd = "NvimTreeToggle", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardFindFile lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardFindFile", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DashboardChangeColorscheme lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "DashboardChangeColorscheme", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Dashboard lua require("packer.load")({'dashboard-nvim'}, { cmd = "Dashboard", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.attach() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file CommentToggle lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-comment'}, { cmd = "CommentToggle", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.run() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.run_last() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.launch() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.terminate() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.continue() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSInstall lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSInstall", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSInstallSync lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSInstallSync", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSBufEnable lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSBufEnable", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSBufToggle lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSBufToggle", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSEnableAll lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSEnableAll", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSInstallFromGrammer lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSInstallFromGrammer", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSToggleAll lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSToggleAll", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSUpdate lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSUpdate", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file TSUpdateSync lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter'}, { cmd = "TSUpdateSync", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.toggle_breakpoint() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.list_breakpoints() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.set_exception_breakpoints() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.step_over() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.step_into() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.step_out() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.step_back() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.pause() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.reverse_continue() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.up() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.down() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.run_to_cursor() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap' ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.repl.toggle() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.repl.close() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.set_log_level() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.session() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DIInstall lua require("packer.load")({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, { cmd = "DIInstall", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DIUninstall lua require("packer.load")({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, { cmd = "DIUninstall", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file DIList lua require("packer.load")({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, { cmd = "DIList", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.disconnect() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.close() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file Telescope lua require("packer.load")({'telescope.nvim'}, { cmd = "Telescope", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined lua require'dap'.set_breakpoint() ++once lua require"packer.load"({'DAPInstall.nvim'}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]) +time([[Defining lazy-load commands]], false) + +vim.cmd [[augroup packer_load_aucmds]] +vim.cmd [[au!]] + -- Filetype lazy-loads +time([[Defining lazy-load filetype autocommands]], true) +vim.cmd [[au FileType javascript ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "javascript" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] +vim.cmd [[au FileType javascriptreact ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "javascriptreact" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] +vim.cmd [[au FileType typescriptreact ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "typescriptreact" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] +vim.cmd [[au FileType svelte ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "svelte" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] +vim.cmd [[au FileType vue ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "vue" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] +vim.cmd [[au FileType php ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "php" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] +vim.cmd [[au FileType markdown ++once lua require("packer.load")({'markdown-preview.nvim'}, { ft = "markdown" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] +vim.cmd [[au FileType html ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-ts-autotag'}, { ft = "html" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] +time([[Defining lazy-load filetype autocommands]], false) + -- Event lazy-loads +time([[Defining lazy-load event autocommands]], true) +vim.cmd [[au BufRead * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'neoscroll.nvim', 'gitsigns.nvim', 'vim-better-whitespace', 'nvim-scrollview'}, { event = "BufRead *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] +vim.cmd [[au InsertEnter * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'friendly-snippets'}, { event = "InsertEnter *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] +vim.cmd [[au BufEnter * ++once lua require("packer.load")({'nvim-treesitter', 'vim-resize', 'nvim-lspconfig', 'nvim-web-devicons', 'nvim-colorizer.lua', 'todo-comments.nvim', 'indent-blankline.nvim'}, { event = "BufEnter *" }, _G.packer_plugins)]] +time([[Defining lazy-load event autocommands]], false) +vim.cmd("augroup END") +if should_profile then save_profiles() end + +end) + +if not no_errors then + vim.api.nvim_command('echohl ErrorMsg | echom "Error in packer_compiled: '..error_msg..'" | echom "Please check your config for correctness" | echohl None') +end