-- Function for make mapping easier. local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, opts) local options = {noremap = true} if opts then options = vim.tbl_extend("force", options, opts) end vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, options) end additional_plugins = { { "pineapplegiant/spaceduck", branch = "main" }, { "ms-jpq/coq_nvim" }, { "ms-jpq/coq.artifacts" }, { "ms-jpq/coq.thirdparty" }, -- You can put your additional plugins here. -- Syntax is like normal packer.nvim Syntax. Examples: -- { "famiu/feline.nvim", branch = "develop" }, -- "mhartington/formatter.nvim", -- { crispgm/nvim-go", ft = "go" }, } -- Other settings here -- For examples for disabling line number: -- vim.opt.number = false -- vim.opt.relativenumber = false -- Or for changing terminal toggle mapping: -- first argument is mode of mapping. second argument is keymap. -- third argument is command. and last argument is optional argument like {expr = true}. -- map("n", "", ":ToggleTerm") -- map("t", "", ":ToggleTerm") -- Set theme to be transparent vim.g.tokyonight_transparent = true -- Enable persistent undo vim.opt.undofile = true -- Run COQ on open vim.g.coq_settings = { auto_start = "shut-up" } -- Markdown preview shit vim.g.mkdp_browser = "safari"