-- Defining alias for vim.opt. local opt = vim.opt -- Alias for vim.g local g = vim.g -- Number settings. opt.number = true opt.numberwidth = 2 opt.relativenumber = false -- Set scroll offset. opt.scrolloff = 3 -- Remove showing mode. opt.showmode = false -- True color support. opt.termguicolors = true -- Enable clipboard. opt.clipboard = "unnamedplus" -- Enable mouse in all modes. opt.mouse = "a" -- Enable cursor line. opt.cursorline = true -- Setting colorcolumn. This is set because of -- this (https://github.com/lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim/issues/59) -- indent-blankline bug. opt.colorcolumn = "9999" -- With set hidden you’re telling Neovim that you can -- have unsaved worked that’s not displayed on your screen. opt.hidden = true -- Set indentation stuf. opt.tabstop = 4 opt.shiftwidth = 4 opt.smartindent = true opt.smartcase = true opt.expandtab = true opt.smarttab = true -- Set searching stuf. opt.hlsearch = true opt.incsearch = true opt.ignorecase = true -- Set terminal bidirectual. -- For writing in right to left languages like arabic, persian and hebrew. opt.termbidi = true -- Without this option some times backspace did not work correctly. opt.backspace = "indent,eol,start" -- For opening splits on right or bottom. opt.splitbelow = true opt.splitright = true -- Enabling ruler and statusline. opt.ruler = true -- Setting time that Neovim wait after each keystroke. opt.ttimeoutlen = 20 opt.timeoutlen = 1000 -- Setting up autocomplete menu. opt.completeopt = "menuone,noselect" -- Enable persistent undo vim.opt.undofile = true -- Set tokynonight transparency variable vim.g.tokyonight_transparent = true -- Add cursorline and diasable it in terminal vim.cmd("autocmd WinEnter,BufEnter * if &ft is \"toggleterm\" | set nocursorline | else | set cursorline | endif") -- Set line number for help files. vim.cmd [[ augroup help_config autocmd! autocmd FileType help :set number augroup END ]] -- Auto open nvim-tree when writing (nvim .) in command line -- and auto open Dashboard when nothing given as argument. vim.cmd [[ if index(argv(), ".") >= 0 autocmd VimEnter * NvimTreeToggle bd1 elseif len(argv()) == 0 autocmd VimEnter * Dashboard endif ]] vim.cmd("autocmd BufWritePost plugins.lua source ")