import sqlalchemy.orm from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID @sqlalchemy.orm.as_declarative() class Base: """ Standard base class to define a table in a postgresql database Default Columns: -> id - Defines a UUID generated via postgresql's in-built "uuid_generate_v4" function, requires the "uuid-ossp" to be installed to the given database. The extension can be installed via "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";" - May never be null -> creation - Defines the creation date in ISO 8601 format based on the sqlalchemy DateTime class and generated by the database using - May never be null -> Modification - Defines a ISO 8601 timestamp that is updated anytime the data in a column is modified for a given row - Can be null Usage: This class, "Base", must be inherited by subclasses to define tables within a database. A subclass must define a single string with a variable name of "__tablename__" which defines the actual table name within the database. -> Example Implementation >>> class SomeTable(Base): >>> __tablename__ = "Some Table" >>> data = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String) """ __table__: sqlalchemy.Table # This ID column expects the extension "uuid-ossp" to be installed on the postgres DB # Can be done via "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS "uuid-ossp";" id = sqlalchemy.Column( UUID, default=sqlalchemy.text("uuid_generate_v4()"), primary_key=True, ) creation: sqlalchemy.Column = sqlalchemy.Column( sqlalchemy.DateTime(timezone=True), key="creation", name="creation", index=True, quote=True, unique=False, default=None, nullable=False, primary_key=False, autoincrement=False,, ) modification: sqlalchemy.Column = sqlalchemy.Column( sqlalchemy.DateTime(timezone=True), key="Modification", name="modification", index=True, quote=True, unique=False, default=None, nullable=True,, primary_key=False, autoincrement=False )