#!/bin/bash ## Fail2ban Setup # Install EPEL necessary for Fail2ban sudo dnf instally epel-release -y # Install Fail2ban log "info" "Installing fail2ban..." sudo dnf install fail2ban -y \ && log "info" "Successfully installed fail2ban" # Enable and run Fail2ban log "info" "Enabling and starting fail2ban" sudo systemctl enable --now fail2ban \ && log "info" "Successfully enabled and started fail2ban" # Write config files to jail.d JAIL_D_PATH="/etc/fail2ban/jail.d/" log "info" "Writing fail2ban local configurations to ${JAIL_D_PATH}" log "info" "Writing SSHD Configuration" cat << '__EOF__' | sudo tee "${JAIL_D_PATH}/sshd.local" [sshd] enabled = true port = ssh ignoreip = logpath = %(sshd_log)s backend = %(sshd_backend)s maxretry = 3 findtime = 1d bantime = 15mm usedns = warn __EOF__ log "info" "Finished writing fail2ban local configurations to ${JAIL_D_PATH}" sudo systemctl restart fail2ban \ && log "info" "Restarted fail2ban"