2021-07-28 17:46:10 -05:00

36 lines
739 B

## Here is a prolog example.
syntax "prolog" "\.pl"
comment "%"
# Reset everything
color normal ".*"
# Integers and floats
color yellow "(^| |=)[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*"
# Variables
color red "(^|[[:blank:]]|\(|,)[A-Z]+"
color red "(^|[[:blank:]]|\(|,)_[0-9a-zA-Z_]+($|[[:blank:]]|,|\))"
# Anonymous variable '_'
color yellow "(^|[[:blank:]]|\(|,)_($|[[:blank:]]|,|\))"
# Functions
color cyan "(^|[[:blank:]])\w+\("
color normal "\(|\)|\[|\]|,|=|\\="
# Atoms
color green start="\"" end="\""
color green start="'" end="'"
# Comments
color white "(^|[[:blank:]])%.*$"
color white start="^\s*/\*" end="\*/"
# Reminders
# Spaces in front of tabs
color ,red " + +"