Price Hiller
TODO: Modify `orion`'s filesystem file to be accurate to the laptop, not a VM
83 lines
2.9 KiB
83 lines
2.9 KiB
#!/usr/env/bin bash
set -euox pipefail
export DISK="/dev/vda"
export DISK_EXT="${DISK}"
# The size is large because I'd like to be able to hibernate my laptop in its entirety. I have 64 GB of ram.
export SWAP_SIZE="32"
export SWAP_OFFSET="$(( SWAP_SIZE + 1 ))"
export LABEL_CRYPT_LUKS="NixOS-Crypt"
export LABEL_SWAP="NixOS-Swap"
export LABEL_BTRFS="NixOS-Primary"
export LABEL_BOOT="NixOS-Boot"
swapoff -a || true
umount /mnt/**/* || true
umount /mnt/* || true
umount /mnt || true
cryptsetup close enc || true
dd if=/dev/zero of="${DISK}" bs=512 count=1024 || true
### Partition The Disk
parted "${DISK}" -- mklabel gpt
# Boot partition
parted -a optimal "${DISK}" -- mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 1GiB
parted "${DISK}" -- set 1 boot on
mkfs.vfat "${DISK_EXT}1"
fatlabel "${DISK_EXT}1" "${LABEL_BOOT}"
# Swap Partition
parted -a optimal "${DISK}" -- mkpart "${LABEL_SWAP}" linux-swap 1Gib "${SWAP_OFFSET}GB"
mkswap -L "${LABEL_SWAP}" "${DISK_EXT}2"
swapon "${DISK_EXT}2"
# Nix Partition, where the OS will reside with our data
parted -a optimal "${DISK}" -- mkpart "${LABEL_BTRFS}" "${SWAP_OFFSET}GiB" 100%
### Encrypt
cryptsetup --verify-passphrase -v luksFormat "${DISK_EXT}3"
cryptsetup config "${DISK_EXT}3" --label "${LABEL_CRYPT_LUKS}"
# Have to decrypt it so we can actually get other things setup
export CRYPT_OPEN_NAME="enc"
export CRYPT_PATH="/dev/mapper/${CRYPT_OPEN_NAME}"
cryptsetup open "${DISK_EXT}3" "${CRYPT_OPEN_NAME}"
### BTRFS Setup
# Go ahead and make the unerypted BTRFS
mkfs.btrfs -L "${LABEL_BTRFS}" "${CRYPT_PATH}"
# Mount it
mount -t btrfs "${CRYPT_PATH}" /mnt
# Create our subvolumes
for subvol in "home" "nix"; do
btrfs subvolume create "/mnt/@${subvol}"
umount /mnt
### Final Mountings
# Mount tmpfs to mnt
mount -t tmpfs -o mode=755 none /mnt
# Create our directories
mkdir /mnt/{"boot","nix","home"}
# Mount our boot partition
mount -t vfat -o defaults,noatime "${DISK_EXT}1" /mnt/boot
# Mount our btrfs subvolumes individually with some btrfs options
# NOTE: On high performance NVME SSDs with a beefy CPU it may be worth considering ZLO compression instead of ZSTD. In
# many cases ZLO is more performant, especially when writing, than ZSTD while having a somewhat worse comrpession ratio.
# WARN: ZLO *may* be a good solution, it can be VERY slow on incompressible data. Something to keep in mind.
mount -t btrfs -o noatime,compress=zstd,subvol=@nix "${CRYPT_PATH}" /mnt/nix
mount -t btrfs -o noatime,compress=zstd,subvol=@home "${CRYPT_PATH}" /mnt/home
mkdir -p /mnt/nix/persist
### Install NixOS
# Gotta make sure current working tree isn't dirty for the flake
git config --global ""; git config --global "name"; git add .; git commit -m "Shit" >/dev/null 2>&1; \
# Clone the flake into place
git clone . /mnt/nix/persist/etc/nixos && cd /mnt/nix/persist/etc/nixos
# Finally, actually install NixOS
nixos-install --flake "git+file:.#orion"