202 lines
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202 lines
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% Developer CV
% LaTeX Template
% Version 1.0 (28/1/19)
% This template originates from:
% http://www.LaTeXTemplates.com
% Authors:
% Jan Vorisek (jan@vorisek.me) <- This guy is a chad, I modified some of this stuff quite heavily. Still, credit where
% it's due
% Based on a template by Jan Küster (info@jankuester.com)
% Modified for LaTeX Templates by Vel (vel@LaTeXTemplates.com)
% License:
% The MIT License
\documentclass[9pt]{developercv} % Default font size, values from 8-12pt are recommended
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.35\textwidth} % 45% of the page width for name
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
% If your name is very short, use just one of the lines below
% If your name is very long, reduce the font size or make the minipage wider and reduce the others proportionately
\colorbox{SumiInk5}{{\HUGE{\textbf{\MakeUppercase{Price}}}}} % First name
\colorbox{SumiInk5}{{\HUGE{\textbf{\MakeUppercase{Hiller}}}}} % Last name
{\huge Vim God} % Career or current job title
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth} % 27.5% of the page width for the first row of icons
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
% The first parameter is the FontAwesome icon name, the second is the box size and the third is the text
% Other icons can be found by referring to fontawesome.pdf (supplied with the template) and using the word after \fa in the command for the icon you want
\icon{MapMarker}{12}{San Antonio, Texas}\\
\icon{Phone}{12}{+1 210 571-4297}\\
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.3\textwidth} % 27.5% of the page width for the second row of icons
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% Other icons can be found by referring to fontawesome.pdf (supplied with the template) and using the word after \fa in the command for the icon you want
\cvsect{Who Am I?}
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.4\textwidth} % 40% of the page width for the introduction text
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
I am a young programmer and Linux user who has an outsized level of pride in my Neovim configuration. Take a look
\href{https://gitlab.orion-technologies.io/philler/dots/-/tree/Development/dots/.config/nvim?ref_type=heads}{here}, it
is deployed via Ansible over \href{https://gitlab.orion-technologies.io/ansible/dot-files}{yonder}. I currently write
most of my code in Lua for configurations and Rust for actual full on programming. I am highly invested in
reproducibility, expressed via Docker and Ansible (and lately some Nix). I currently use Arch Linux (btw) as my
operating system and live almost entirely on the command line. This resume, for instance, was written in vim and
compiled with Tectonic.\\
\hfill % Whitespace between
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth} % 50% of the page for the skills bar chart
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{2022 - 2023\\\footnotesize{part time}}
{Systems Integration Intern}
{Security Service Federal Credit Union}
{I was primarily involved with pipelines and overhauling legacy projects. I overhauled the in-use pipelines to
"Pipelines V3" with significant modularity improvements and major performance gains. The average speedup was 8x,
with the highest speed up being 20x. These pipelines were responsible for testing, building, and deploying code at
SSFCU. \\ \texttt{C\#}\slashsep\texttt{Powershell}\slashsep\texttt{Azure/Github
CI/CD}\slashsep\texttt{Bash}\slashsep\texttt{Docker}\slashsep\texttt{Windows Server}}
{2021 -- 2022\\\footnotesize{part time}}
{Junior Systems Administrator}
{I introduced Ansible automation as part of a project to leave the legacy CFEngine automation platform behind. I
created Ansible playbooks that managed approximately 800 hosts in various customer locations along with implementing
Gitlab CI/CI to lint and run these playbooks on git integration. All systems were Linux based that I automated and
worked on.\\
{2019 - 2020\\\footnotesize{part time}}
{Information Analyst II Intern}
{Booz Allen Hamilton}
{I was on a team doing machine learning work. I helped with applying the target dataset we used, filtering, and
gathering of data for the machine learning system in Python.\\ \texttt{Python}\slashsep\texttt{Linux}\slashsep\texttt{Elastic
{2024 -- FUTURE}
{Finishing Bachelor's Degree}
{University of Texas at San Antonio}
{After my current semester at San Antonio College I intend to go back to UTSA and get my full bachelor's in business
with a cybersecurity specialization starting spring of 2024.}
{2021 - PRESENT}
{Associates in Business}
{San Antonio College}
{I came to SAC to get my prerequisite courses finished and have qualified for an associates degree in business which I
will receive fall of 2023.}
{2019 -- 2021}
{Seeking Bachelor's Degree in Business}
{University of Texas at San Antonio}
{I began on my path to getting a Bachelor's Business degree with a specialization in Cybersecurity in fall of 2019. I
left in 2021 to San Antonio Colleges to finish out prerequisite courses and get my associates degree.}
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\textbf{\href{https://github.com/AsgardEternal}{Squad Server Automation}}\\Squad Server Deployments
and Management\\
\textbf{\href{https://gitlab.orion-technologies.io/blog/blog}{Blog Static Site Generator}}\\Rust Code Powering a Blog\\
\textbf{\href{https://pypi.org/project/avents/}{Avents}}\\Python Asynchronous Event Framework
\vspace{-\baselineskip} % Required for vertically aligning minipages
\cvsect{Some Code I've Written}
- {\href{https://github.com/NeogitOrg/neogit/pull/616}{Test Overhauls For Neogit}}\\
- {\href{https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/23925}{Injecting Cmake Variable into Neovim}}\\
- {\href{https://github.com/krivahtoo/silicon.nvim/pull/28}{Modifying ABI Call in Silicon.nvim}}\\
- {\href{https://github.com/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/pull/2493}{Adding the Azure Pipelines Language Server to Nvim-Lspconfig}}\\
- {\href{https://github.com/pfeiferj/nvim-hurl/pull/4}{Enabling Better User Configuration for Hurl}}\\
Templating System Written in 100\% Pure Bash}}