---@class VirtualIndent ---@field private _ns_id number extmarks namespace id ---@field private _bufnr integer Buffer VirtualIndent is attached to ---@field private _attached boolean Whether or not VirtualIndent is attached for its buffer ---@field private _bufnrs table Buffers with VirtualIndent attached ---@field private _watcher_running boolean Whether or not VirtualIndent is reacting to `vim.b.org_indent_mode` ---@field private _tree_utils table Treesitter utilities for the given filetype ---@field private _fallback_pattern string Pattern to search for if treesitter parser fails local VirtualIndent = { _ns_id = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace "VirtIndent", _bufnrs = {}, } VirtualIndent.__index = VirtualIndent --- Creates a new instance of VirtualIndent for a given buffer or returns the existing instance if --- one exists ---@param bufnr? integer Buffer to use for VirtualIndent when attached ---@return VirtualIndent? function VirtualIndent:new(bufnr) -- TODO: Improve organization of this, ideally should be a separate module that returns these. local ft_settings = { markdown = { utils = require "vindent.treesitter.markdown", fallback_pattern = "^%#+", }, org = { utils = require "vindent.treesitter.org", fallback_pattern = "^%*+", }, } local filetype = vim.api.nvim_get_option_value("filetype", { buf = bufnr }) or "" local ft_setting = ft_settings[filetype] if not ft_setting then return end bufnr = bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() if self._bufnrs[bufnr] then return self._bufnrs[bufnr] end local this = setmetatable({ _bufnr = bufnr, _watcher_running = false, _attached = false, _fallback_pattern = ft_setting.fallback_pattern, _tree_utils = ft_setting.utils, }, self) self._bufnrs[bufnr] = this return this end function VirtualIndent:_delete_old_extmarks(start_line, end_line) local ok, old_extmarks = pcall( vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks, self._bufnr, self._ns_id, { start_line, 0 }, { end_line, 0 }, { type = "virt_text" } ) if not ok then old_extmarks = {} end for _, ext in ipairs(old_extmarks) do vim.api.nvim_buf_del_extmark(self._bufnr, self._ns_id, ext[1]) end end function VirtualIndent:_get_indent_size(line, ts_has_errors, ts_fallback_pat) -- If tree has errors, we can't rely on treesitter to get the correct indentation -- Fallback to searching closest headline by checking each previous line if ts_has_errors then local linenr = line while linenr > 0 do local _, level = vim.fn.getline(linenr):find(ts_fallback_pat) if level then -- If the current line is a headline we should return no virtual indentation, otherwise -- return virtual indentation return (linenr == line and 0 or level + 1) end linenr = linenr - 1 end end local headline = self._tree_utils.closest_headline_node { line + 1, 1 } if headline then local headline_line = headline:start() if headline_line ~= line then return self._tree_utils.headline_level(headline) + 1 end end return 0 end ---@param start_line number start line number to set the indentation, 0-based inclusive ---@param end_line number end line number to set the indentation, 0-based inclusive ---@param ignore_ts? boolean whether or not to skip the treesitter start & end lookup function VirtualIndent:set_indent(start_line, end_line, ignore_ts) ignore_ts = ignore_ts or false local headline = self._tree_utils.closest_headline_node { start_line + 1, 1 } if headline and not ignore_ts then local parent = headline:parent() if parent then start_line = math.min(parent:start(), start_line) end_line = math.max(parent:end_(), end_line) end end if start_line > 0 then start_line = start_line - 1 end local node_at_cursor = vim.treesitter.get_node() local ts_has_errors = false if node_at_cursor then ts_has_errors = node_at_cursor:tree():root():has_error() end self:_delete_old_extmarks(start_line, end_line) for line = start_line, end_line do local indent = self:_get_indent_size(line, ts_has_errors, self._fallback_pattern) if indent > 0 then -- NOTE: `ephemeral = true` is not implemented for `inline` virt_text_pos :( pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark, self._bufnr, self._ns_id, line, 0, { -- HACK: The 'space' character below is not a space, it is actually a "Braille Pattern Blank" -- character, U+2800. This avoids issues with how `indentexpr` is calculated by not using -- spaces (which the `indentexpr` is looking for). virt_text = { { string.rep("⠀", indent), "VirtIndent" } }, virt_text_pos = "inline", right_gravity = false, priority = 110, }) end end end --- Enables virtual indentation in registered buffer function VirtualIndent:attach() if self._attached then return end self:set_indent(0, vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(self._bufnr) - 1, true) vim.api.nvim_buf_attach(self._bufnr, false, { on_lines = function(_, _, _, start_line, _, end_line) if not self._attached then return true end vim.schedule(function() self:set_indent(start_line, end_line) end) end, on_reload = function() self:set_indent(0, vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(self._bufnr) - 1, true) end, on_detach = function(_, bufnr) self:detach() self._bufnrs[bufnr] = nil end, }) self._attached = true end function VirtualIndent:detach() if not self._attached then return end self:_delete_old_extmarks(0, vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(self._bufnr) - 1) self._attached = false end return VirtualIndent