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2024-04-07 00:39:58 -05:00
* Discrete Math Notes [2024-03-30 Sat 22:51] :journal:cs2233:college:discrete_math:
** Laws of Propositional Logic
:ID: 539a691a-ce6d-4711-84ba-57e74ed42f27
*** Domination Laws
- $p ∧ F ≡ F$
- $p ≡ T$
*** Double Negation Law
- $¬¬p ≡ p$
*** Complement Laws
- $p ∧ ¬p ≡ F$
- $¬T ≡ F$
- $p ¬p ≡ T$
- $¬F ≡ T$
*** De Morgan's Laws
- $¬(p q) ≡ ¬p ∧ ¬q$
- $¬(p ∧ q) ≡ ¬p ¬q$
*** Absorption Laws
- $p (p ∧ q) ≡ p$
- $p ∧ (p q) ≡ q$
*** Idempotent Laws
- $p p ≡ p$
- $p ∧ p ≡ p$
*** Associative Laws
Modifying the location of grouping doesn't modify the output among like operators.
- $(p q) r ≡ p (q r)$
- $(p ∧ q) ∧ r ≡ p ∧ (q ∧ r)$
*** Commutative Laws
Modifying the location of variables doesn't modify the output around like operators.
- $(p q) ≡ (q p)$
- $(p ∧ q) ≡ (q ∧ p)$
*** Distributive Laws
- $p (q ∧ r) ≡ (p q) ∧ (p r)$
- $p ∧ (q r) ≡ (p ∧ q) (p ∧ r)$
*** Identity Laws
- $p F ≡ p$
- $p ∧ T ≡ T$
*** Conditional Identities
- $p → q ≡ ¬p q$
- $p ↔ q ≡ (p → q) ∧ (q → p)$
** Even and Odd Integers
- An integer $x$ is /*even*/ if there is an integer $k$ such that $x = 2k$
- An integer $x$ is /*odd*/ if there is an integer $k$ such that $x = 2k + 1$
** Parity
- The /*parity*/ of a number is whether the number is odd or even. If two numbers are both even
or both odd, then the two numbers have the /*same parity*/. If one number is odd and the other
is even is even, then the two numbers have /*opposite parity*/.
** Rational Numbers
- A number $r$ is /*rational*/ if there exist integers $x$ and $y$ such that $y ≠ 0$ and
$r = x/y$.
** Divides
- An integer $x$ /*divides*/ an integer $y$ if and only if $x ≠ 0$ and $y = kx$, for some
integer $k$. The fact that $x$ divides $y$ is denoted $x | y$. If $x$ does not divide $y$, then
the fact is denoted $x ∤ y$.
** Prime and Composite Numbers
- An integer $n$ is /*prime*/ if and only if $n > 1$, and the only positive integers that divide
$n$ are $1$ and $n$.
- An integer $n$ is /*composite*/ if and only if $n > 1$, and there is an integer $m$ such that
$1 < m < n$ and $m$ divides $n$.
** Consecutive Integers
- Two integers are /*consecutive*/ if one of the numbers is equal to $1$ plus the other number.
Effectively $n = m + 1$.
** Proof by Contrapositive
- A /*proof by contrapositive*/ proves a conditional theorem of the form $p → c$ by showing that
the contrapositive $¬c → ¬p$ is true. In other words, $¬c$ is assumed to be true and $¬p$ is
proven as a result of $¬c$.
** Sets
*** Common Mathematical Sets
| Set | Symbol | Examples of Elements |
| Natural Numbers | | 0,1,2,3,... |
| Integers | | ...,-2,-1,0,1,2,... |
| Rational Numbers | | 0, 1/2, 5.23,-5/3, 7 |
| Irrational Numbers | | π, √2, √5/3, -4/√6 |
| Real Numbers | | 0, 1/2, 5.23, -5/3, π, √2 |
*** Subset
- If every element in $A$ is also an element of $B$, then $A$ is a /*subset*/ of $B$, denoted as $A ⊆ B$.
- If there is an element of $A$ that is not an element of $B$, then $A$ is not a subset of $B$,
denoted as $A ⊈ B$.
- If the universal set is $U$, then for every set $A$: $Ø ⊆ A ⊆ U$
- If $A ⊆ B$ and there is an element of $B$ that is not an element of $A$ (i.e. $A ≠ B$), then
$A$ is a /*proper subset*/ of $B$, denoted as $A ⊂ B$.
*** Power Set
- The /*power set*/ of a set $A$, denoted $P(A)$, is the set of all subsets of $A$. For example
if $A = {1,2,3}$, then: $P(A) = {Ø,{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3},{2,3},{1,2,3}}$
**** Cardinality of a Power Set
- Let $A$ be a finite set of cardinality $n$. Then the cardinality of the power set of $A$ is
$2^n$, or $|P(A)| = 2^n$
*** Set Operations
**** Set Intersection
- Let $A$ and $B$ be sets. The $intersection$ of $A$ and $B$, denoted $A ∩ B$ and read "$A$
intersect $B$", is the set of all elements that are elements of both $A$ and $B$.
**** Set Union
- The /*union*/ of two sets, $A$ and $B$, denoted $A B$ and read "$A$ union $B$", is the set
of all elements that are elements of $A$ or $B$. The definition for union uses the inclusive
or, meaning that if an element is an element of both $A$ and $B$, then it also and element of
$A B$.
**** Set Difference
- The /*difference*/ between two sets $A$ and $B$, denoted $A - B$, is the set of elements that
are in $A$ but not in $B$.
- The difference operation is not commutative since it is not necessarily the case that $A - B = B - A$.
Consider that $3 - 2 ≠ 2 - 3$, same applies for the set difference operator.
**** Set Symmetric Difference
- The /*symmetric difference*/ between two sets, $A$ and $B$, denoted $A ⊕ B$, is the set of
elements that are a member of exactly one of $A$ and $B$, but not both. An alternate
definition of the symmetric difference operation is: $A ⊕ B = (A - B) (B - A)$
**** Set Complement
- The /*complement*/ of a set $A$, denoted $ ̅A$, is the set of all elements in $U$ (the
universal set) that are not elements of $A$. An alternate definition of $ ̅A$ is
$U - A$.
*** Summary of Set Operations
| Operation | Notation | Description |
| Intersection | $A ∩ B$ | ${x: x ∈ A and x ∈ B}$ |
| Union | $A B$ | ${x: x ∈ A and x ∈ B or both}$ |
| Difference | $A - B$ | ${x: x ∈ A and x ∉ B}$ |
| Symmetric Difference | $A ⊕ B$ | ${x: x ∈ A - B or x ∈ B - A}$ |
| Complement | $ ̅A$ | ${x: x ∉ A}$ |
*** Set Identities
- A /*set identity*/ is an equation involving sets that is true regardless of the contents of the
sets in the expression.
- Set identities are similar to [[id:539a691a-ce6d-4711-84ba-57e74ed42f27][Laws of Propositional Logic]]
- The sets $U$ and $Ø$ correspond to the constants true (T) and false (F):
- $A ∈ Ø ↔ F$
- $A ∈ U ↔ T$
[[./assets/set-identities.png][Table of set identities]]
*** Cartesian Products
- An /*ordered pair*/ of items is written $(x,y)$
- The first /*entry*/ of the ordered pair $(x,y)$ is $x$ and the second entry is $y$
- The use of parentheses $()$ for an ordered pair indicates that the order of the entries is
significant, unlike sets which use curly braces ${}$
- Two ordered pairs $(x,y)$ and $(u,w)$ are equal if and only if $x = u$ and $y = w$
- For two sets, $A$ and $B$, the /*Cartesian product*/ of $A$ and $B$ denoted $A × B$, is the
set of all ordered pairs in which the first entry is in $A$ and the second entry is in $B$.
That is: $A × B = {(a,b): a ∈ A and b ∈ B}$
- Since the order of the elements in a pair is significant, $A × B$ will not be the same as
$B × A$, unless $A = B$, or either $A$ or $B$ is empty. If $A$ and $B$ are finite sets then
$|A × B| = |A| × |B|$
*** Strings
- A sequence of characters is called a /*string*/
- The set of characters used in a set of strings is called the /*alphabet*/ for the set of
- The /*length*/ of a string is the number of characters in the string
- A /*binary string*/ is a string whose alphabet is {0,1}
- A /*bit*/ is a character in a binary string
- A binary string of length $n$ is also called an /*$n$-bit string*/
- The set of binary strings of length $n$ is denoted as ${0,1}^n$
- The /*empty string*/ is the unique string whose length is 0 and is usually denoted by the
symbol $λ$. Since ${0,1}^0$ is the set of all binary strings of length 0, ${0,1}^0 = {λ}$
- If $s$ and $t$ are two strings, then the /*concatenation*/ of $s$ and $t$ (denoted $st$) is
the string obtained by putting $s$ and $t$ together
- Concatenating any string $x$ with the empty string ($λ$) gives back: $x: xλ = x$
** Functions
_Definition of a function:_
#+begin_src typst
A function $f$ that maps elements of a set $X$ to elements of a set $Y$, is a subset of $X × Y$
such that for every $x ∈ X$, there is exactly one $y ∈ Y$ for which $(x,y) ∈ f$.
$f: X → Y$ is the notation to express the fact that $f$ is a function from $X$ to $Y$. The set
$X$ is called the _*domain*_ of $f$, and the set $Y$ is the _*target*_ of $f$. An alternate word
for target that is sometimes used is _*co-domain*_. The fact that $f$ maps $x$ to $y$
(or $(x,y) ∈ f$) can also be denoted as $f(x) = y$
- If $f$ maps an element of the domain to zero elements or more than one element of the target,
then $f$ is not /*well-defined*/.
- If $f$ is a function mapping $X$ to $Y$ and $X$ is a finite set, then the function $f$ can be
specified by listing the pairs $(x,y)$ in $f$. Alternatively, a function with a finite domain
can be expressed graphically as an arrow diagram.
- In an /*arrow diagram*/ for a function $f$, the elements of the domain $X$ are listed on the
left and the elements of the target $Y$ are listed on the right. There is an arrow diagram from
$x ∈ X$ to $y ∈ Y$ if and only if $(x,y) ∈ f$. Since $f$ is a function, each $x ∈ X$ has
exactly one $y ∈ Y$ such that $(x,y) ∈ f$, which means that in the arrow diagram for a
function, there is exactly one arrow pointing out of every element in the domain.
- See the following example arrow diagram: [[./assets/arrow-diagram.png]]
- For function $f: X → Y$, an element $y$ is in the /*range*/ of $f$ if and only if there is an
$x ∈ X$ such that $(x,y) ∈ f$.
- Expressed in set notation: Range of $f = {y: (x,y) ∈ f, for some x ∈ X}$
*** Function Equality
- Two functions, $f$ and $g$, are /*equal*/ if $f$ and $g$ have the same domain and target, and
$f(x) = g(x)$ for every element $x$ in the domain. The notation $f = g$ is used to denote the
fact that functions $f$ and $g$ are equal.
*** The Floor Function
- The /*floor function*/ maps a real number to the nearest integer in the downwards direction
- The floor function is denoted as: $floor(x) = ⌊x⌋$
*** The Ceiling Function
- The /*ceiling function*/ rounds a real number to the nearest integer in the upwards direction
- The ceiling function is denoted as: $ceiling(x) = ⌈x⌉$
*** Properties of Functions
- A function $f: X → Y$ is /*one-to-one*/ or /*injective*/ if $x_1 ≠ x_2$ implies that
$f(x_1) ≠ f(x_2)$. That is, $f$ maps different elements in $X$ to different elements in $Y$.
- A function $f: X → Y$ is /*onto*/ or /*surjective*/ if the range of $f$ is equal to the target
$Y$. That is, for every $y ∈ Y$, there is an $x ∈ X$ such that $f(x) = y$.
- A function is /*bijective*/ if it is both one-to-one and onto. A bijective function is called a
/*bijection*/. A bijection is also called a /*one-to-one correspondence*/.
*** Composition of Functions
- The process of applying a function to the result of another function is called
- Definition of /*function composition*/
#+begin_src typst
$f$ and $g$ are two function, where $f: X → Y$ and $g: Y → Z$. The composition of $g$ with
$f$, denoted $g ○ f$, is the function ($g ○ f): X → Z$, such that for all
$x ∈ X, (g ○ f)(x) = g(f(x))$
- Composition is /associative/
- The /*identity function*/ always maps a set onto itself and maps every element onto itself.
- The identity function on $A$, denoted $I_A: A → A$, is defined as $I_A(a) = a$, for all
$a ∈ A$
- If a function $f$ from $A$ to $B$ has an inverse, then $f$ composed with its inverse is the
indentity function. If $f(a) = b$, then $f^-1(b) = a$, and
$(f^-1 ○ f)(a) = f^-1(f(a)) = f^-1(b) = a$.
- Let $f: A → B$ be a bijection. Then $f^-1 ○ f = I_A$ and $f ○ f^-1 = I_B$
** Computation
*** Introduction to Algorithms
- An /*algorithm*/ is a step-by-step method for solving a problem. A description of an algorithm
specifies the input to the problem, the output to the problem, and the sequence of steps to be
followed to obtain the output from the input.
- A description of an algorithm usually includes
- A name for the algorithm
- A brief description of the task performed by the algorithm
- A description of the input
- A description of the output
- A sequence of steps to follow
- Algorithms are often described in /*pseudocode*/, which is a language between written English
and a computer language
- An important type of step in an algorithm is an /*assignment*/, in which a variable is given a
variable. The assignment operated is denoted by $:=$, for example to assign $x$ to $y$ you
would write it as: $x := y$.
- The output of an algorithm is specified by a /*return*/ statement.
- For example, the statement $Return(x)$ would return the value of $x$ as the output of the
- A return statement in the middle of an algorithm causes the execution of the algorithm to
stop at that point and return the indicated value
**** The if-statement and the if-else-statement
- An /*if-statement*/ tests a condition, and executes one or more instructions if the condition
evaluates to true. In a single line if-statement, a conditon and instruction appear on the
same line.
- An /*if-else-statement*/ tests a condition, executes one or more instructions if the condition
evaluates to true, and executes a different set of instructions in the condition evaluates to
**** The for-loop
- In a /*for-loop*/, a block of instructions is executed a fixed number of times as specified in
the first line of the for-loop, which defines an /*index*/, a starting value for the index,
and a final value for the index.
- Each repetition of the block of instructions inside the for-loop is called an
- The index is initially assigned a value equal to the starting value, and is incremented just
before the next iteration begins.
- The final iteration of the for-loop happens when the index reaches the final value.
**** The while-loop
- A /*while-loop*/ iterates an unknown number of times, ending when a certain condition becomes
*** Asymptotic Growth of Functions
- The /*asymptotic growth*/ of the function $f$ is a measure of how fast the output $f(n)$ grows
as the input $n$ grows.
- Classification of functions using Oh, $Ω$, and $Θ$ notation (called /*asymptotic notation*/)
provides a way to concisely characterize the asymptotic growth of a function.
**** O-notation
- The notation $f = O(g)$ is read "$f$ is /*Oh of*/ $g$". $f = O(g)$ essentially means that the
function $f(n)$ is less than or equal to $g(n)$, if constant factors are omitted and small
values for $n$ are ignored.
- The $O$ notation serves as a rough upper bound for functions (disregarding constants and
small input values)
- In the expressions $7n^3$ and $5n^2$, the $7$ and the $5$ are called /*constant factors*/
because the values of $7$ and $5$ do not depend on the variable $n$.
- If $f$ is $O(g)$, then there is a positive number $c$ such that when $f(n)$ and $c × g(n)$ are
graphed, the graph of $c × g(n)$ will eventually cross $f(n)$ and remain higher than $f(n)$
as $n$ gets large.
- Definition: /Oh notation/
#+begin_src typst
Let $f$ and $g$ be functions from $^+$ to $^>=$. Then $f = O(g)$ if there are positive real
numbers $c$ and $n_0$ such that for any $n ∈ ^+$ such that $n >= n_0$: $f(n) <= c × g(n)$.
- The constants $c$ and $n_0$ in the definition of Oh-notation are said to be a /*witness*/ to
the fact that $f = O(g)$.
**** Ω Notation
- The $Ω$ notation provides a lower bound on the growth of a function
- $Ω$ notation definition:
#+begin_src typst
Let $f$ and $g$ be functions from $^+$ to $^>=$. Then $f = Ω(g)$ if there are positive real
numbers $c$ and $n_0$ such that for any $n ∈ ^+$ such that for $n >= n_0$,
$f(n) >= c × g(n)$
The notation $f = Ω(g)$ is read "$f$ is _*Omega*_ of $g$".
- Relationship between Oh-notation and $Ω$-notation:
#+begin_src typst
Let $f$ and $g$ be functions from $^+$ to $^>=$. Then $f = Ω(g)$ if and only if $g = O(f)$
**** 𝛩 notation and polynomials
- The $𝛩$ notation indicates that two functions have the same rate of growth
- $𝛩$-notation definition:
#+begin_src typst
Let $f$ and $g$ be functions from $^+$ to $^>=$.
$f = 𝛩(g)$ if $f = O(g)$ and $f = Ω(g)$
The notation $f = 𝛩(g)$ is read "$f$ is *_Theta of_* $g(n)$"
- If $f = 𝛩(g)$, then $f$ is said to be /*order of*/ $g$.
- /*Lower order*/ terms are those that can be removed from $f$ that does not change the /order/
of $f$.
**** Asymptotic growth of polynomials
#+begin_src typst
Let $p(n)$ be a degree-$k$ polynomial of the form:
$p(n) = a_kn^k + ... + a_1n + a_0$
in which $a_k > 0$. Then $p(n)$ is $𝛩(n^k)$
**** Asymptotic growth of logarithm functions with different bases
Let $a$ and $b$ be two real numbers greater than $1$, then $log_a(n) = 𝛩(log_b(n))$
**** Growth rate of common functions in analysis of algorithms
- A function that does not depend on $n$ at all is called a /*constant function*/. $f(n) = 17$
is an example of a constant function.
- Any constant function is $𝛩(1)$.
- If a function $f(n)$ is $𝛩(n)$, we say that $f(n)$ is a =linear= function.
- A function $f(n)$ is said to be /*polynomial*/ if $f(n)$ is $𝛩(n^k)$ for some positive real
number $k$.
**** Common functions in algorithmic complexity.
The following table of functions are given in increasing order of complexity, with the $m$
in the third from the bottom being any $m > 3$:
[[./assets/common-funcs-algo-complexity.png][Table here]]
**** Rules about asymptotic growth
[[./assets/rules-asymptotic-growth-of-functions.png][See here]]
*** Analysis of algorithms
- The amount of resources used by an algorithm is referred to as the algorithm's
/*computational complexity*/.
- The primary resources to optimize are the time the algorithm requires to run
(/*time complexity*/) and the amount of memory used (/*space complexity*/).
- The /*time complexity*/ of an algorithm is defined by a function $f: ^+ → ^+$ such that $f(n)$
is the maximum number of atomic operations performed by the algorithm on any input of
size $n$. $^+$ is the set of positive integers.
- The /*asymptotic time complexity*/ of an algorithm is the rate of asymptotic growth of the
algorithm's time complexity function $f(n)$.
**** Worst-case complexity
- The /*worst-case analysis*/ of an algorithm evaluates the time complexity of the algorithm on
the input of a particular size that takes the longest time.
- The /*worst-case*/ time complexity function $f(n)$ is defined to be the maximum number of
atomic operations the algorithm requires, where the maximum is taken over all inputs of size
- When proving an /*upper bound*/ on the worst-case complexity of an algorithm (using
$O$-notation), the upper bound must apply for every input of size $n$.
- When proving a /*lower bound*/ for the worst-case complexity of an algorithm (using
$Ω$-notation), the lower bound need only apply for at least one possible input of size $n$.
- /*Average-case analysis*/ evaluates the time complexity of an algorithm by determining the
average running time of the algorithm on a random input.