cs-3113: add group project audit checklist
Normal file
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[Do you maintain an updated inventory of IT assets?],
[Are guests properly identified when visiting a business location?],
[Do you conduct background checks for new staff and external contractors?],
[Do you require individual accounts for each employee?],
[Are employees familiar with company policies on information security?],
[Have you evaluated which users require access to an administrator account on their computer?],
[Do you utilize session locks when a user is away from their computer?],
[Do you use a badge-in system to restrict access to the physical business and other business locations?],
[Do you conduct cybersecurity awareness training for employees?],
[Do you regularly patch/update operating systems and software?],
[Do you require two factor or multi factor authentication (2FA/MFA) for all logins?],
[Do you employ full disk encryption on your systems?],
[When you dispose of a system, do you ensure the data is securely wiped?],
[Do you use a virtual private network (VPN) for out of office connections?],
[Do you have firewalls in place to secure business networks?],
[Do you change the default password for WiFI and/or other networks?],
[Do you utilize anti-virus/anti-malware on your systems?],
[Do you enforce a minimum password complexity?],
[Do you employ an Intrusion Detection System (IDS)?],
[Are all personal devices used for work protected with security software and encryption?],
[Are you running regular vulnerability scans? (E.g. using Nessus)],
[How often do you audit existing user accounts? (Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Other) \ #box(fill: luma(220), height: 2em, width: 100%)[]],
[Do you collect any logs?],
[If you do collect logs, do you monitor them?],
[If you do collect logs, how long do you retain them?\ #box(fill: luma(220), height: 2em, width: 100%)[]],
[Are physical devices and sensitive physical areas monitored?],
[Do you conduct any audits for unusual employee behaviors? (e.g. checking for employees regularly logging in outside of business hours)],
[Do you have dedicated cyber security staff?],
[Do you have a internal process for raising concerns about potential cyber incidents?],
[Are you able to quickly lock down physical locations during a crisis?],
[Have you determined when it may be necessary to include law enforcement in your disaster response?],
[Are you able to alert users if you suspect their information may have been stolen?],
[Are you prepared to respond to an environmental crisis that may impact your ability to continue normal business operations?],
[Are you able to quickly quarantine any computer that is identified as compromised?],
[Are employees aware of their responsibilities in the event of a security incident],
[Do you create full backups?],
[If you do create backups, do you encrypt them?],
[If you do create backups, how often do you test restoring from them? (Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Other)\ #box(fill: luma(220), height: 2em, width: 100%)[]],
[If you do create backups, do you keep at least 3 copies, on at least 2 different media types (e.g. a hard drive and a tape drive), and have at least 1 copy stored offsite (outside of your business)?],
[Do you have a formal method or process for improving cybersecurity regularly?],
[In the event of hardware failure, do you have a way to restore function? E.g. router failure.],
[Are you currently enrolled in a Cyber Insurance program?],
[Do you know how long it would take to carry out your recovery plan after an incident?],
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504 176 533 177 8 0 -28 -20 -81 -44z m-1545 -466 c16 -25 40 -57 54 -72 l25
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872 1636 1164 l150 72 15 -41 c9 -23 29 -62 44 -87z m169 -196 c34 -31 90 -74
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239 155 246 156 2 1 32 -24 65 -55z m4582 -162 c511 -318 986 -720 1362 -1154
89 -102 227 -273 271 -336 l24 -32 -89 -41 c-276 -128 -673 -261 -1054 -352
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-46 47 -84 88 -84 91 0 3 19 12 43 18 59 18 235 94 337 145 l85 43 45 -25 c25
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491 253 473 527 850 880 1212 l148 151 112 -53 c62 -29 158 -69 215 -89z
m3388 -48 c295 -300 602 -742 834 -1199 110 -217 246 -527 235 -537 -15 -15
-458 -99 -750 -141 -253 -37 -575 -74 -582 -67 -3 2 -20 78 -39 168 -125 600
-310 1190 -508 1621 -19 42 -32 77 -28 77 63 0 532 105 667 149 33 11 65 20
70 20 6 1 51 -41 101 -91z m-2793 -93 c162 -26 367 -44 628 -55 139 -6 255
-12 256 -14 6 -6 21 -1852 15 -1858 -9 -8 -769 8 -1002 22 -387 22 -550 38
-550 54 0 6 7 45 15 86 116 600 278 1170 455 1601 28 68 56 136 62 152 12 32
4 31 121 12z m1933 -72 c121 -261 282 -717 379 -1073 52 -194 150 -621 157
-685 l3 -30 -70 -7 c-278 -28 -891 -57 -1212 -59 l-232 0 -6 378 c-2 208 -7
626 -11 929 l-6 552 104 6 c57 3 200 10 318 16 118 7 280 20 360 29 80 10 153
19 162 20 12 1 28 -21 54 -76z m-5328 -710 c33 -90 117 -209 218 -309 l93 -91
-43 -64 c-249 -372 -491 -878 -648 -1356 -35 -106 -67 -193 -72 -193 -16 0
-181 135 -275 225 -103 100 -205 228 -252 320 l-32 60 53 105 c164 327 407
710 646 1016 77 99 282 344 288 344 2 0 13 -26 24 -57z m9296 -225 c273 -339
519 -724 725 -1136 l81 -162 -102 -103 c-106 -105 -272 -235 -413 -324 -109
-69 -226 -136 -229 -131 -2 1 -16 41 -31 88 -160 488 -386 951 -678 1388 -49
74 -87 135 -85 136 2 2 35 20 73 41 93 51 195 117 275 177 73 55 196 172 212
203 13 22 6 30 172 -177z m-8839 -273 c165 -109 534 -283 654 -310 17 -4 31
-8 31 -10 0 -2 -24 -65 -54 -142 -125 -321 -243 -718 -326 -1093 -25 -111 -75
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323 -692 365 -6 17 118 387 190 564 108 266 223 502 358 737 65 113 192 313
199 313 4 0 51 -29 105 -65z m8154 -138 c235 -354 421 -713 573 -1107 45 -116
129 -362 125 -366 -1 -1 -48 -25 -103 -52 -231 -116 -576 -250 -879 -342 -197
-60 -555 -153 -561 -147 -3 3 -16 78 -30 168 -74 495 -189 963 -347 1422 -36
103 -51 160 -43 162 6 2 74 20 151 40 339 88 699 213 930 324 44 21 84 36 88
34 4 -3 47 -64 96 -136z m-7054 -302 c294 -72 617 -129 978 -172 123 -14 146
-19 142 -32 -2 -9 -20 -115 -40 -236 -62 -394 -115 -848 -151 -1310 -9 -115
-18 -212 -20 -214 -7 -7 -434 50 -671 89 -280 47 -549 105 -775 165 -272 72
-306 84 -302 103 2 9 15 82 29 162 90 509 262 1115 429 1511 l15 37 93 -30
c51 -16 174 -49 273 -73z m5772 -100 c86 -237 198 -629 258 -910 63 -292 131
-703 118 -716 -12 -11 -365 -82 -609 -123 -305 -51 -428 -67 -906 -121 -35 -4
-48 -2 -48 7 0 40 -43 552 -61 718 -33 320 -106 843 -140 1002 -6 27 -9 51 -7
53 2 3 87 14 189 25 345 39 661 89 954 150 99 21 186 37 194 36 9 0 32 -48 58
-121z m-4337 -115 c222 -18 513 -30 1103 -46 l207 -6 0 -896 0 -895 -402 6
c-222 4 -520 14 -663 22 -288 17 -705 52 -713 60 -19 18 88 1050 149 1435 53
337 53 340 66 340 4 0 118 -9 253 -20z m2893 -2 c15 -61 80 -480 106 -688 52
-410 109 -1057 94 -1071 -8 -7 -468 -42 -789 -59 -105 -5 -362 -13 -570 -17
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62 4 51 0 57 -2 62 -22z m-6892 -366 c77 -139 264 -338 450 -480 l96 -73 -28
-102 c-111 -394 -202 -943 -234 -1412 -9 -126 -19 -261 -23 -298 l-7 -68 -165
83 c-306 155 -512 302 -658 471 l-33 37 26 153 c83 488 203 926 374 1357 58
147 163 380 170 380 3 0 18 -22 32 -48z m11197 -205 c202 -481 340 -961 426
-1482 37 -224 39 -248 27 -240 -6 3 -35 -14 -63 -40 -92 -82 -268 -197 -448
-292 -134 -70 -456 -210 -464 -202 -2 2 -9 92 -15 199 -32 552 -117 1080 -246
1527 -25 88 -31 120 -22 126 7 4 74 45 150 90 187 112 360 242 481 362 56 55
104 99 108 98 3 -2 33 -67 66 -146z m-10463 -464 c216 -129 515 -264 791 -359
76 -26 140 -48 140 -48 1 -1 -2 -26 -7 -56 -58 -359 -104 -917 -115 -1415 -4
-157 -10 -285 -14 -285 -17 0 -388 95 -515 131 -235 68 -512 164 -658 228
l-48 21 6 107 c34 638 128 1252 261 1711 l16 53 26 -17 c15 -10 68 -42 117
-71z m9635 -90 c132 -481 208 -952 240 -1488 5 -93 10 -186 10 -206 l0 -36
-212 -71 c-418 -140 -794 -234 -1327 -332 -117 -22 -215 -40 -216 -40 -1 0 -5
215 -8 478 -6 509 -22 772 -74 1218 l-5 51 128 32 c491 122 940 279 1304 455
63 30 118 56 121 56 4 0 21 -53 39 -117z m-8554 -362 c463 -136 885 -217 1604
-309 l55 -7 -2 -35 c-23 -346 -43 -984 -43 -1369 l0 -264 -82 7 c-539 45
-1140 128 -1594 219 l-159 32 3 285 c3 408 35 864 87 1250 8 63 18 139 21 168
4 28 8 52 9 52 1 0 47 -13 101 -29z m6922 -168 c13 -102 37 -357 53 -558 5
-77 13 -354 16 -616 l6 -476 -139 -21 c-395 -61 -953 -122 -1329 -147 -49 -3
-108 -9 -129 -12 l-39 -5 6 178 c6 209 -8 1107 -22 1339 -6 88 -9 160 -8 162
2 1 104 14 227 28 266 30 520 65 757 106 193 32 525 98 532 105 2 2 16 4 31 4
27 0 28 -2 38 -87z m-4858 -182 c387 -30 649 -43 1053 -50 l367 -6 0 -819 c0
-450 -2 -821 -4 -825 -11 -18 -1072 13 -1550 44 -121 8 -230 15 -243 15 l-23
0 0 288 c0 316 13 764 32 1141 l12 243 50 -6 c28 -3 166 -14 306 -25z m3239
-351 c12 -316 18 -1286 8 -1296 -16 -16 -858 -49 -1485 -58 l-292 -4 2 827 3
826 350 7 c456 8 930 32 1315 66 l75 7 6 -35 c4 -19 12 -172 18 -340z m-7480
-316 c121 -89 319 -205 478 -281 l143 -68 0 -295 c0 -405 24 -766 74 -1110 13
-85 22 -157 20 -159 -5 -6 -252 128 -364 197 -218 135 -443 326 -536 457 -31
43 -44 54 -60 50 -27 -6 -29 10 -45 295 -17 306 0 807 37 1091 l6 45 83 -81
c46 -45 120 -108 164 -141z m12040 39 c47 -521 37 -1031 -30 -1513 -142 -1024
-520 -1994 -1100 -2822 -116 -164 -218 -255 -442 -394 -263 -163 -725 -356
-1097 -459 -28 -8 -36 -18 103 133 327 355 649 825 877 1282 l73 145 149 59
c388 153 776 382 972 572 67 65 68 66 47 81 -21 14 -25 12 -79 -42 -152 -151
-476 -355 -772 -486 -126 -55 -283 -120 -285 -117 -1 2 29 76 67 166 153 365
287 815 363 1217 15 77 30 146 34 153 3 7 60 37 126 66 360 159 690 363 889
550 68 63 70 66 52 85 -18 19 -19 19 -74 -36 -122 -120 -293 -242 -517 -368
-139 -79 -453 -230 -461 -222 -2 2 4 64 15 138 52 359 72 615 80 1037 l6 354
95 38 c327 129 687 329 835 464 28 25 53 45 56 46 3 0 11 -57 18 -127z
m-11237 -462 c252 -100 617 -212 936 -287 l162 -38 0 -56 c0 -121 21 -556 35
-730 20 -240 39 -413 71 -633 14 -98 24 -181 21 -183 -16 -16 -629 162 -886
258 -117 43 -360 143 -368 151 -1 2 -13 81 -27 177 -53 377 -76 714 -76 1121
0 148 2 269 5 269 2 0 60 -22 127 -49z m10175 -333 c-7 -399 -35 -747 -88
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-48 -249 -51 -22 -6 -23 -4 -17 27 55 298 115 886 136 1347 5 118 11 216 13
217 2 2 78 17 168 34 570 103 1128 244 1494 378 44 16 84 30 89 31 5 0 6 -146
3 -351z m-8877 -33 c463 -93 1076 -177 1606 -221 l82 -6 6 -257 c9 -338 31
-775 57 -1095 11 -142 19 -260 16 -262 -9 -9 -539 49 -847 92 -301 42 -914
154 -929 170 -6 6 -35 193 -61 394 -38 298 -62 626 -76 1023 -5 154 -4 187 7
187 8 0 70 -12 139 -25z m7066 -147 c-3 -46 -8 -144 -11 -218 -15 -342 -56
-757 -110 -1118 -14 -89 -25 -166 -25 -171 0 -25 -863 -140 -1350 -181 -69 -6
-146 -13 -172 -16 l-48 -6 5 29 c18 102 60 794 76 1248 6 182 13 332 14 333 2
2 111 12 242 23 423 33 945 92 1233 138 169 28 153 35 146 -61z m-5061 -103
c385 -25 688 -37 1125 -44 l425 -6 3 -809 2 -809 -402 6 c-222 4 -491 11 -598
17 -331 16 -725 42 -732 49 -18 16 -71 883 -84 1354 l-6 257 23 0 c13 0 123
-7 244 -15z m3385 -57 c0 -206 -33 -862 -60 -1215 -11 -139 -20 -265 -20 -280
0 -49 -9 -53 -136 -63 -247 -20 -753 -40 -1151 -47 l-413 -6 0 809 0 809 323
3 c487 4 911 19 1435 51 21 1 22 -3 22 -61z m-7707 -207 c15 -20 69 -78 120
-130 170 -172 436 -353 738 -502 l86 -42 12 -66 c87 -477 251 -1025 425 -1415
14 -33 24 -61 22 -63 -12 -13 -389 175 -538 268 -195 122 -384 282 -480 406
-33 44 -43 51 -58 43 -22 -12 -32 12 -109 259 -113 361 -193 718 -241 1081
-32 243 -31 238 -17 216 7 -10 25 -35 40 -55z m1161 -766 c275 -112 589 -214
925 -299 l174 -44 42 -208 c86 -422 205 -838 339 -1183 20 -52 34 -96 32 -98
-7 -7 -97 13 -336 72 -250 62 -493 135 -670 200 -69 26 -138 51 -153 57 -34
12 -59 61 -146 276 -147 365 -268 777 -346 1175 -14 77 -18 117 -11 114 6 -3
74 -31 150 -62z m9916 57 c0 -24 -63 -316 -99 -458 -84 -333 -179 -618 -313
-932 -71 -167 -44 -147 -298 -230 -416 -136 -828 -236 -1340 -326 -74 -13
-136 -22 -138 -21 -2 2 28 97 67 212 120 357 214 713 285 1082 20 102 37 186
39 187 1 1 117 25 257 54 523 105 1085 264 1450 409 83 33 90 35 90 23z
m-8520 -461 c411 -83 881 -150 1415 -201 66 -7 121 -13 122 -14 1 -1 9 -65 18
-142 38 -343 115 -832 179 -1139 19 -88 33 -161 32 -162 -3 -4 -420 35 -571
53 -307 36 -619 83 -901 135 l-110 21 -56 146 c-108 283 -195 565 -268 866
-37 150 -100 454 -100 478 0 6 9 8 23 4 12 -3 110 -24 217 -45z m6662 -58
c-70 -405 -206 -928 -339 -1303 l-55 -157 -112 -17 c-187 -28 -480 -64 -701
-86 -198 -19 -548 -49 -552 -46 -1 1 14 87 33 191 62 336 115 712 153 1073 11
95 21 175 24 178 2 3 101 13 218 24 257 22 460 44 669 71 200 25 624 89 629
95 2 2 12 4 21 4 13 0 16 -6 12 -27z m-4862 -173 c262 -21 730 -40 1118 -47
l402 -6 0 -591 c0 -325 3 -648 7 -718 l6 -127 -274 5 c-458 8 -1112 35 -1206
50 -31 5 -32 6 -52 97 -69 303 -158 851 -191 1172 -6 55 -13 117 -16 138 l-6
37 44 0 c23 0 99 -5 168 -10z m3253 -37 c-38 -400 -131 -1047 -189 -1324 l-16
-77 -77 -6 c-240 -20 -1378 -53 -1391 -40 -3 3 -7 326 -8 718 l-4 713 418 7
c443 7 998 31 1255 55 14 1 16 -7 12 -46z m-7127 -284 c191 -184 557 -408 880
-539 l81 -33 72 -146 c235 -472 550 -926 907 -1309 58 -61 104 -112 101 -112
-2 0 -69 22 -148 49 -525 177 -955 423 -1160 662 -30 35 -68 77 -85 94 -93 91
-362 531 -527 862 -112 222 -277 602 -277 636 0 5 17 -13 39 -40 21 -26 74
-82 117 -124z m10033 -700 c-235 -470 -542 -910 -923 -1321 -100 -109 -134
-139 -164 -147 -313 -85 -778 -176 -1142 -226 -63 -8 -130 -18 -147 -21 -18
-3 -33 -2 -33 1 0 3 35 56 78 118 225 323 415 669 585 1067 41 96 77 184 81
196 6 18 21 24 114 38 174 28 589 112 768 156 213 51 544 147 704 202 69 24
126 43 128 42 2 -1 -20 -48 -49 -105z m-8764 14 c260 -87 659 -196 896 -243
l56 -11 54 -122 c189 -434 505 -957 757 -1256 l46 -54 -54 7 c-99 12 -502 96
-685 142 l-180 46 -63 61 c-269 262 -583 666 -807 1037 -79 130 -255 457 -255
473 0 3 17 -1 38 -10 20 -9 109 -40 197 -70z m1615 -367 c257 -37 498 -65 790
-91 96 -9 178 -19 182 -21 4 -3 8 -13 8 -22 0 -34 120 -470 180 -656 64 -197
153 -434 214 -573 20 -45 36 -84 36 -87 0 -6 -22 -4 -360 25 -245 21 -386 36
-630 69 l-145 20 -39 42 c-118 130 -364 484 -506 728 -100 172 -330 635 -330
664 0 1 80 -13 178 -31 97 -17 287 -48 422 -67z m5430 24 c0 -22 -154 -368
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