Application Programming Hend Alkittawi Java Basics Introduction to Java Concepts and User-defined Java Classes CONCEPTS JAVA OBJECT - Released in early 1990s - Defined by a class - Object-oriented - A class is a reusable - Java SE, Java EE, Java ME software components - Non-primitive data type CONCEPTS JAVA APIs - Application Programming Interfaces - Collections of existing classes and methods in the Java class libraries JDK - Java Development Kit - Includes compiler, loader, debugger, JRE, and other tools for Java development CONCEPTS JVM - Java Virtual Machine - A part of the JRE that IDE - Integrated Development Environment executes bytecodes. - A software that provides - Bytecodes are platform comprehensive facilities independent (portable) for software development. WHY DO WE USE OBJECTS? ● Let us discuss the difference between ○ Write a program to read n number of values in an array and display them in reverse order. ○ Write a program to calculate x raised to the power n (xn). ○ Write a program to swap two numbers. and ○ Small Scale Applications OBJECT ANALOGY BLUEPRINTS My Car color, … accelerate, … Your Car Some Car color, … accelerate, … color, … accelerate, … JAVA OBJECTS public class Car { Class Declaration private int colorID; private double speed; public void setSpeed(int s){ speed = s; } public void accelerate(){ speed = speed + 70; } Attributes / Instance Variable(s) Behaviors / Method(s) public static void main(String[] args){ Car myCar = new Car(); myCar.setSpeed(50); } } Instantiation (building a Car object) OBJECT ANALOGY BIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION My Dog breed, … bark, … Your Dog breed, … bark, … Some Dog breed, … bark, … JAVA OBJECTS public class Dog { Class Declaration private int breedID; Attributes / Instance Variable(s) public void bark(){ System.out.println("Woof"); } Behaviors / Method(s) public static void main(String[] args){ Dog myDog = new Dog(); Instantiation (building a Dog obj) myDog.bark(); } } THE String CLASS - The char primitive type stores one character of the Unicode character set. - - A string is a sequences of characters. - can be 0 or more characters long - "" is the empty string The String class facilitates handling multiple characters at once. - A String object can be declared in order to work with strings String someStringObject = new String(); someStringObject = "HI"; THE String CLASS - Many String manipulation methods are available, here are some: - split() method to get an array of Strings from a String, based on a delimiter. This object method takes a delimiter as a parameter. - trim() method to clear off any additional space from the text. This object method takes no parameters. - charAt() method to get the character at an index in the string [starting with index 0]. This object method takes an index as a parameter. - equals() method to check if two Strings contain the same text. This object method takes a String object as a parameter. THE String CLASS - Java also treats string literals as objects - - A string literal is a quoted string: "Sam I am", "Hi", …, etc. Examples: String strObj = "This is \"a\" String"; strObj.charAt(0); "HI ".trim(); escape sequence "Hello".equals(strObj); ● Note how we can create/work with string literals as String objects. JAVA OBJECTS public class Dog { private int breedID; private String name; public void bark(String dogBark){ System.out.println(dogBark); } } public static void main(String[] args){ Dog myDog = new Dog(); myDog.bark("Woof"); } Class Activity public class SimpleLocation { private double latitude; private double longitude; public void setLocation(double lat, double lon){ latitude = lat; longitude = lon; } } public static void main(String[] args){ SimpleLocation utsa = new SimpleLocation(); utsa.setLocation(32.9, -117.2); } What is the value of longitude ? DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? THANK YOU! @ By Appointment Online