Application Programming Hend Alkittawi Basic Java Data Structures Arrays and ArrayLists, Wrapper Classes and Static Methods JAVA ARRAYS - Arrays in Java are objects which can be declared - by size int[] myNumbers = new int[4]; Employee[] employees = new Employee[10]; - by values directly (using an array initializer) double[] myNumbers = {10.5, 20.34, 30.8, 40.12}; Account[] accounts = {accountOne, accountTwo}; - Access values in an array by providing an index double x = myNumbers[0]; - Overwrite values at an index by using assignment x = x + 5; myNumbers[1] = x; - Loop over array elements to fill array, modify elements,… etc. for (int i = 0; i < myNumbers.length; i++){ myNumbers[i] = i * 10; System.out.println(myNumbers[i]); } JAVA ARRAYS - Recall the String manipulation methods String stringA = "I’m out of candy corn, send help!"; for( int i = 0; i < stringA.length(); i++ ){ char c = stringA.charAt(i); System.out.print( c ); } String[] sentences = stringA.split( "," ); System.out.println( sentences.length ); System.out.println( sentences[1].trim() ); JAVA ARRAYLISTS - An ArrayList object is an array that can grow or shrink as needed! Use an ArrayList when you don’t know how many of something you need. - To create an ArrayList: ArrayList grades = new ArrayList(); ArrayList letters = new ArrayList(); ArrayList employees = new ArrayList(); ArrayList accounts = new ArrayList(); More on generics later! JAVA ARRAYLISTS - Some useful methods for working with ArrayLists: - add() to add an object to the ArrayList - get(int index) to get an object from the ArrayList - contains() to check if an element is in the ArrayList - size() to get the number of elements currently in the ArrayList - remove(int index) to remove an object from an index in the ArrayList ArrayList grades = new ArrayList(); grades.add(5); boolean present = grades.contains(7); ArrayList letters = new ArrayList(); letters.add("CS3443"); WRAPPER CLASSES - Each primitive data type has a corresponding wrapper class, which enables you to manipulate primitive type values as objects. For example: - double has Double - int has Integer - char has Character - boolean has Boolean WRAPPER CLASSES - The conversion between the primitive data type and wrapper class type is mostly automatic - converting a primitive type to wrapper class is called autoboxing. - converting a wrapper class object to primitive type is called unboxing. Double dbox = Math.sqrt(2); double d = 1.0 / dbox; // autoboxing // unboxing WRAPPER CLASSES - Wrapper classes provide several methods for manipulating data. - Some of the methods provided by these classes: - Double.parseDouble() to translate a String into a double value - Integer.parseInt() to translate a String into a int value - Character.getNumericValue() to translate a specified Unicode character into the int value that it represents. - Note that there is no object associated with these methods STATIC METHODS - Methods we have seen so far execute in response to method calls on specific objects. - Sometimes a method performs a task that does not depend on an object. These methods are called static/class methods. - To declare a method as static, place the static keyword before the return type in the method’s declaration. public static void myMethod( arguments ) { method body } - To call a class’s static method, specify the class name followed by a dot (.), and the method name. ClassName.methodName(arguments); STATIC METHODS - Some of the static methods in the String class: - String.valueOf() to get the String value of a given variable of a primitive type String s = String.valueOf( 350.4 ); System.out.println( s.charAt(3) ); - String.format() to format a string, similar to sprintf in C. String.format("Account object: name = %s, balance = $%.2f", name, balance); STATIC METHODS - The class Math contains static methods for performing basic numeric operations such as the elementary exponential, logarithm, square root, and trigonometric functions - Here are a few class methods to try: double absValPos = Math.abs(13) double absValNeg = Math.abs(-13) double minVal = Math.min(3, 4) OBJECT VS. STATIC METHODS - There are two types of methods in Java - - ● Object methods - Associated with an object - Sent as a message to an object - Implicitly passed to the current object - Keyword: this Class/Static methods - Not associated with a particular object - Sent as a message to a class - Keyword: static When to use static methods - Stack Overflow CLASS ACTIVITY - Given the strings below, which of the following lines contain an object method? String greeting = "HI"; String obvious = "This is a string"; String strWithSpace = " 1. greeting.toLowerCase(); 2. String.valueOf(55); 3. obvious.indexOf( "is"); 4. String.valueOf(17.8); 5. strWithSpace.trim(); This is a string. "; CLASS ACTIVITY - Given the strings below, which of the following lines contain an object method? String greeting = "HI"; String obvious = "This is a string"; String strWithSpace =᳚ " 1. greeting.toLowerCase(); 2. String.valueOf(55); 3. obvious.indexOf("is"); 4. String.valueOf(17.8); 5. strWithSpace.trim(); This is a string. "; ARRAYS AND ARRAYLISTS IN A JAVA CLASS - In the case where a class variable contains a data structure, multiple setter methods should be created. - Setter to set the value of the entire data structure - Setter/Adder to add just one value to the data structure public class HelloWorld{ private String[] messages; public void setMessages(String[] texts){ this.messages = texts; } public void addMessage (String text){ This.messages[0] = text; } public void addMessage (String text, int index){ // code to add the value of text to the array } } Method Overloading ENHANCED for STATEMENT - The enhanced for statement iterates through the elements of an array/arraylist without using a counter! - for (paramType parameter : arrayName){ /* statements that read/obtain array elements, cannot modify elements with the enhanced for statement */ } parameter has a type and an identifier. - the type of the parameter must be consistent with the the type of elements in the array for (int x : myNumbers){ sum = sum + x; } JAVA PACKAGES - Related classes are typically grouped into packages so that they can be imported into programs and reused. - The ArrayList class is part of the java.util package, so the package need to be imported to your class to be able to use the ArrayList class. import java.util.ArrayList; - The package java.lang is implicitly imported by the compiler, so it is not necessary to import classes in that package to use them. - String and Math are examples of classes in java.lang package CODE DEMO - Create class(es) to demo the use of arrays and arraylists! Create a class to demo static methods and variables. DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? THANK YOU! @ By Appointment Online