Application Programming Hend Alkittawi OOP Concepts Introduction to Java Interfaces INTERFACES - Java interfaces are particularly useful for assigning common functionality to possibly unrelated classes - Java interfaces offer a capability requiring that unrelated classes implement a set of common methods - A Java interface describes a set of methods that can be called on an object to tell it to perform some tasks or return some piece of information - An interface should be used in place of an abstract class when there is no default implementation to inherit, that is, no fields and no concrete methods implementations - this allows objects of unrelated classes to be processed polymorphically INTERFACES - An interface declaration begins with the keywords interface and contains only constants and abstract methods - all methods declared in an interface are implicitly public abstract methods - all fields are implicitly public, static, and final public interface InterfaceName { public static final dataType varName; public abstract returnType interfaceMethod(); } INTERFACES - To use an interface, a concrete class must specify that it implements the interface and must declare each method in the interface with the signature specified in the interface declaration - Java does not allow subclasses to inherit from more than one superclass, but it allows a class to inherit from one superclass and implement as many interfaces as it needs public class ClassName implements InterfaceName or public class ClassName extends SuperClass implements InterfaceName where InterfaceName maybe a comma-separated list of interface names public interface Drawable { public void draw(); } public class InterfaceDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { // Creating objects of different // classes that implement Drawable Drawable rectangle = new Rectangle(2.5, 7.2); Drawable tree = new Tree("Oak", 5.5); Drawable person = new Person("John", 30); public class Tree implements Drawable { private String type; private double height; public Tree(String type, double height) { this.type = type; this.height = height; } // Array of Drawable objects Drawable[] drawables = {rectangle, tree, person}; // getters and setters are omitted // Drawing all drawable objects for (Drawable drawable : drawables) { drawable.draw(); } @Override public void draw() { System.out.println("Drawing a tree with height " + getHeight() + " meters"); } } } } public class Rectangle implements Drawable{ private double length; private double width; public Rectangle(double length, double width) { this.length = length; this.width = width; } // getters and setters are omitted public void draw() { System.out.println("Drawing a rectangle with length " + length + " and width " + width); } } CODE DEMO - Create classes to demo interfaces concepts! DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? THANK YOU! @ By Appointment Online