Application Programming Hend Alkittawi MVC Architectural Pattern Model-View-Controller Architectural Pattern CODE DEMO - Discuss the design of a bank management app MODEL-VIEW-CONTROLLER Welcome to UTSA Bank Management System What would you like to do? 1. Display Accounts 2. Add Account 3. Remove Account 4. Exit 1 Name: UTSA Bank Account - name: Ash type: checking Account - name: Sam type: saving Account - name: Jen type: checking Account - name: Mia type: saving What would you like to do? 1. Display Accounts 2. Add Account 3. Remove Account 4. Exit 3 Enter account name: Mia What would you like to do? 1. Display Accounts 2. Add Account 3. Remove Account 4. Exit 2 Enter name and type: Jim checking What would you like to do? 1. Display Accounts 2. Add Account 3. Remove Account 4. Exit 1 Name: UTSA Bank Account - name: Ash type: checking Account - name: Sam type: saving Account - name: Jen type: checking Account - name: Jim type: checking What would you like to do? 1. Display Accounts 2. Add Account 3. Remove Account 4. Exit 4 MODEL-VIEW-CONTROLLER Welcome to UTSA Bank Management System What would you like to do? View Accounts Welcome to UTSA Bank Management System Welcome to UTSA Bank Management System Welcome to UTSA Bank Management System Here is a list of accounts … Enter Account Name Enter Account Name Select Account type Add Account Remove an Account Add Account Remove Account Welcome to UTSA BankManagement System What would you like to do? 1. Display Accounts 2. Add Account 3. Remove Account 4. Exit 1 Name: UTSA Bank Account - name: Ash type: checking Account - name: Sam type: saving Account - name: Jen type: checking Account - name: Mia type: saving What would you like to do? 1. Display Accounts 2. Add Account 3. Remove Account 4. Exit 3 Enter account name: Mia What would you like to do? 1. Display Accounts 2. Add Account 3. Remove Account 4. Exit 2 Enter name and type: Jim checking Welcome to UTSA Bank Management System What would you like to do? View Accounts Add Account Remove an Account Welcome to UTSA Bank Management System Here is a list of accounts … Welcome to UTSA Bank Management System Welcome to UTSA Bank Management System What would you like to do? Enter Account Name View Accounts Select Account type Add Account Remove an Account Add Account Welcome to UTSA Bank Management System What would you like to do? Welcome to UTSA Bank Management System Enter Account Name View Accounts Add Account Remove an Account Remove Account MODEL-VIEW-CONTROLLER - An architectural pattern captures the design structures of various systems and elements of software so that they can be reused. - Android applications can be designed around an architecture called model-view-controller or MVC. - In MVC, all objects in your application must be a model object, a view object, or a controller object. - MVC helps you design and understand an application, and makes classes easier to reuse. MODEL-VIEW-CONTROLLER - MVC is an architectural pattern which helps separate - the application logic from the user interface - the control between the user interface and the application logic model data storage, integrity, consistency, queries & mutations controller view receive, interpret & validate input, create & update views, query and modify models presentation assets & code user MODEL - The model represents the data and the rules that govern access to and updates of this data, and the business logic - A model often serves as a software approximation of a real-world process - Designed and implemented as one or more classes - typically model the things your app is concerned with such as a user, a product, a photo, at television show, … etc. - Model objects have no knowledge of the UI; its purpose is holding and managing data. VIEW - View objects know how to draw themselves on the screen - The view renders the contents of a model - The view specifies exactly how the model data should be presented - If the model data changes, the view must update its presentation as needed - Android provides a wealth of configurable view classes. You can also create custom view classes. CONTROLLER - Controller objects tie the View and Model objects together. They contain application logic. - Controllers are designed to respond to various events triggered by view objects and to manage the flow of data between the model layer and the view layer. - The controller translates the user's interactions with the view into actions that the model will perform - In Android, a controller is typically a subclass of Activity, Fragment, or Service. - Implemented as one or more classes DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? THANK YOU! @ By Appointment Online