Application Programming Hend Alkittawi Android Development Building An Application That Utilizes Data ROWDY QUIZ APP - We created the Rowdy Quiz app, with hard-coded questions - Now, it is time to load the questions from a data file - We will also add a logo to our screen WORKING WITH DATA Reader Writer InputStream OutputStream InputStreamReader PrintWriter FileInputStream FileOutputStream FileReader OutputStreamWriter ObjectInputStream ObjectOutputStream FileWriter PrintStream WORKING WITH DATA - Classes utilized for reading and writing data in Android - Activity - AssetManager - InputStream - OutputStream READING DATA FROM A FILE - To read data from a file: - place the file in the Assets folder - app > New > Folder > Assets Folder (do not change the folder location) READING DATA FROM A FILE - Under the model package, modify - Modify the loadQuestions() method to create the questions from a data (*.csv) file - the method uses the Activity, AssetManger and InputStream classes to read the data from the file public void loadQuestions(MainActivity activity){ AssetManager manager = activity.getAssets(); Scanner scan = null; String filename = "test.csv"; try { InputStream file =; scan = new Scanner(file); // do something with the file data } catch (IOException e) { // handle exception } } READING DATA FROM A FILE - For the controller, modify - onCreate() calls the createQuizBank() method to load the questions in the quiz bank - createQuizBank() calls the loadQuestions() method which requires an AssetManager to load the data from the *.csv file in the Assets folder - Get an AssetManager object from MainActivity using activity.getAssets() private void createQuizBank(){ quizBank = new QuizBank(); quizBank.loadQuestions(this); } READING DATA FROM A FILE - In public void loadQuestions(MainActivity activity){ AssetManager manager = activity.getAssets(); Scanner scan = null; try { InputStream file ="test.csv"); scan = new Scanner(file); // do something with the file data } catch (IOException e) { // handle exception } } - In private void createQuizBank(){ quizBank = new QuizBank(); quizBank.loadQuestions(this); } ROWDY QUIZ APP UML WRITING DATA TO A FILE - The Assets folder is read-only, we cannot write data to the files in the Assets folder - To write data to a file, create a file in the AVD memory. - Once created, the file can be located in the AVD memory by navigating to View > Tool Windows > Device Explorer then data > user > 0 > edu.utsa.cs3443.projectName > files WRITING DATA TO A FILE - Under the model package, modify - add the saveData() method to save data to a (*.txt) file - the method uses the Activity and OutputStream classes to read the data from the file public void saveData(MainActivity activity){ try { OutputStream out = activity.openFileOutput(filename, Context.MODE_PRIVATE ); out.write("test writing to a file".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Failed to write data"); } } WRITING DATA TO A FILE - For the controller, modify - onCreate() calls the createQuizBank() method to load the questions in the quiz bank - saveData() method requires an Activity to access the AVD memory quizBank.loadQuestions(this); quizBank.saveData(this); // call it wherever your code needs to save data READING DATA FROM A FILE - In public void saveData(MainActivity activity){ try { OutputStream out = activity.openFileOutput(filename, Context.MODE_PRIVATE ); out.write("test writing to a file".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Failed to write data"); } } - In quizBank.saveData(this); WORKING WITH DATA - What if we would like to update data in a file from the Assets folder? - The Assets folder is read-only, we cannot write data to the files in the Assets folder - A work around this is to create a copy of the file from the Assets to the AVD memory, then use the “copy file” for reading and writing data. ADDING IMAGEVIEWS TO THE LAYOUT - Use an ImageView in the layout file to display an image on the screen - ImageViews can display images from the drawable folder - - Place the image file under res > drawable The ImageView’s src attribute specifies the image that the ImageView will display CODE DEMO - Walk through the Android App in Android Studio DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? THANK YOU! @ By Appointment Online