Application Programming Hend Alkittawi Java Generics Working With Generic Data Types INTRODUCTION - An arraylist of Strings can be created with generics, as in ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("hello"); // Add a String object to the list - In order to retrieve a String object from the list, we do not need to cast it to a String type String s = list.get(0); - When an arraylist of String objects is created with generics, the following statements are not valid statements // Adding an Integer to the String list produces a compilation error list.add(0); INTRODUCTION - An arraylist of Strings can be created without generics, as in ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add("hello"); // Add a String object to the list - In order to retrieve a String object from the list, we must cast it to a String type String s = (String) list.get(0); - When an arraylist of String objects is created without generics, the following statements are valid statements list.add(0); // Add an Integer to the list Integer s = (Integer) list.get(1); JAVA GENERICS - In a nutshell, generics enable types (classes and interfaces) to be parameters when defining classes, interfaces and methods - Advantages to using generics in your code - Enables programmers to implement generic algorithms - focus is on creating more elegant algorithms, rather than syntax - still generates clean, type-safe, customizable code - Eliminates casting - Stronger type checks are performed at compile time - if a problem exists, it’s better to find it at compile time than at run time! GENERIC METHODS - Creating generic methods enables code reuse and simplifies your code. - For example: - A method which takes in an array of numbers, and returns a random element in the array: public Integer getRandomElement(Integer[] array) { Random random = new Random(); int index = random.nextInt(array.length); Integer result = array[index]; return result; } - A method which takes in an array of Strings, and returns a random element in the array: public String getRandomElement(String[] array) { Random random = new Random(); int index = random.nextInt(array.length); String result = array[index]; return result; } GENERIC METHODS - From the previous example, a generic method that enables code reuse and simplifies the code can be created public T getRandomElement(T[] array) { Random random = new Random(); int index = random.nextInt(array.length); T result = array[index]; return result; } - indicates that the method will be a generic method - T indicates the type of the generic variable in the method - defined when the method is called! GENERIC METHODS - A generic method that enables code reuse and simplifies your code! public T getRandomElement(T[] array) { Random random = new Random(); int index = random.nextInt(array.length); T result = array[index]; return result; } - We can call this method as follows Integer[] intArray = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 }; String[] stringArray = { "xx", "yy", "zz", "aa", "bb", "cc" }; Integer rint = getRandomElement(intArray); String rstring = getRandomElement(stringArray); GENERIC CLASSES - A generic class is a class that is parameterized over types. - One of the key concepts of Java generics is that only the compiler processes the generic parameters. - The Java compiler uses generics to ensure type-safety. - There is no generic type-checking in the runtime code. - Essentially, generic classes avoid the same issues faced in our previous example for generic methods. - Think about a generic Stack class! /** * A PairOfIntegers object stores a pair * of Integers. * * @author Tom Bylander */ public class PairOfIntegers { /** * A PairOfStrings object stores a pair of strings. * * @author Tom Bylander */ public class PairOfStrings { private Integer first, second; private String first, second; public PairOfIntegers(Integer integer1, Integer integer2){ first = integer1; second = integer2; } public PairOfStrings(String string1, String string2){ first = string1; second = string2; } public Integer getFirst() { return first; } public String getFirst() { return first; } public Integer getSecond() { return second; } public String getSecond() { return second; } } /** * A PairOfIntegerAndDouble object stores an Integer and a Double. * * @author Tom Bylander */ public class PairOfIntegerAndDouble { private Integer first; private Double second; public PairOfIntegerAndDouble( Integer first, Double second){ this.first = first; this.second = second; } public Integer getFirst() { return first; } public Double getSecond() { return second; } } } /** * A PairOfObjects object stores a pair * of objects. * * @author Tom Bylander */ /** * A PairOfSameType object stores a pair * of objects generic type T. * T is specified when * declaring the PairOfSameType variable. * * @author Tom Bylander */ public class PairOfObjects { public class PairOfSameType { // Note the use of the generic // parameter T. private T first, second; Private ArrayList myList; private Object first, second; public PairOfObjects(Object object1, Object object2){ first = object1; second = object2; } /** * A PairOfDifferentTypes object stores a * pair of objects. * The type parameter S is for the first * object. * The type parameter T is for the second * object. * @author Tom Bylander */ public class PairOfDifferentTypes { // Note the use of S and T. private S first; private T second; public PairOfDifferentTypes( S object1, T object2){ first = object1; second = object2; } public PairOfSameType(T object1, T object2){ first = object1; second = object2; } public Object getFirst() { return first; } public S getFirst() { return first; } public T getFirst() { return first; } public Object getSecond() { return second; } public T getSecond() { return second; } } public T getSecond() { return second; } } } PairOfObjects pair7 = new PairOfObjects(123, 0.456); PairOfSameType pair5 = new PairOfSameType(123,456); PairOfDifferentTypes pair9 = new PairOfDifferentTypes (123, 0.456); DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? 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