Application Programming Hend Alkittawi 03 Java Collections Collections are Java’s Data Structures JAVA COLLECTIONS - In Java, Collection is an interface. It is the root interface in the collection hierarchy. A collection represents a group of objects, known as its elements. - Some collections allow duplicate elements and others do not. Some are ordered and others unordered. - The java.util package contains many Java collections, a few of the most common are - List - Set - Map JAVA COLLECTIONS - The Collection interface defines the behaviors of a collection, including typical operations such as - add elements to the collection .add() - access elements of the collection .get() - loop over the elements in the collection iterator - access an element by its index, if applicable iterator - test whether an element is contained in the collection .contains() - find out the size of the collection .size() - remove elements from the collection .remove() JAVA COLLECTIONS HISTORY - JDK 1.0: Vector, Dictionary, Hashtable, Stack, Enumeration - JDK 1.2: Collection, Iterator, List, Set, Map, ArrayList, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, WeakHashMap - JDK 1.4: RandomAccess, IdentityHashMap, LinkedHashMap, LinkedHashSet - JDK 1.5: Queue, … - JDK 1.6: Deque, ConcurrentSkipListSet/Map, … - JDK 1.7: TransferQueue, LinkedTransferQueue JAVA COLLECTIONS AND GENERICS - Leveraging generics when initializing a collection is a common practice. - Typically, a collection is declared by including the type of elements it contains within <...>, which is using Java's generics notation. - For example // declare list to be a collection of Strings Collection list; // initialize list to a concrete class that implements Collection list = new ArrayList(); JAVA LISTS - The List interface represents an ordered collection (also known as a sequence). - Some of the classes that implement the List interface are - ArrayList which is a resizable-array implementation of the List interface. - LinkedList which is a doubly-linked list implementation of the List and Deque interfaces. JAVA LISTS - An example for using a LinkedList List colorList = new LinkedList(); colorList.add("red"); colorList.add("yellow"); colorList.add("blue"); JAVA SETS - The Set interface represents a collection that contains no duplicate elements. - Some of the classes that implement the List interface are - HashSet - TreeSet JAVA SETS - An example for using a HashSet String[] colors = {"red","white","blue","green","gray","orange","tan","white","cyan","peach","gray","orange"}; List list = Arrays.asList(colors); System.out.printf("List: %s%n", list); prints … This Arrays class contains various methods for manipulating arrays (such as sorting and searching). This class also contains a static factory that allows arrays to be viewed as lists. List: [red, white, blue, green, gray, orange, tan, white, cyan, peach, gray, orange] String[] colors = {"red","white","blue","green","gray","orange","tan","white","cyan","peach","gray","orange"}; List list = Arrays.asList(colors); Set set = new HashSet(list); System.out.printf("Set: %s%n", set); prints … Set: [tan, green, peach, cyan, red, orange, gray, white, blue] JAVA MAPS - The Map interface represents an object that maps keys to values. A map cannot contain duplicate keys; each key can map to at most one value. - Some of the classes that implement the List interface are - HashMap - TreeMap JAVA MAPS - An example for using a HashMap // Not using maps, maintain two arrays, one for names and one for IDs String[] studentNames = {"Alice", "Bob", "Carlos", "Diane"}; String[] studentIDs = {"atf123", "ght456", "liw789", "pwt012"}; // then to print out Alice, we need to know she is at index 0 System.out.println( studentIDs[0] ); // Instead, use a map! Map classMap = new HashMap(); classMap.put("atf123", "Alice"); //As students register for the class, classMap.put("ght456", "Bob"); // you can add them to the map. Then to classMap.put("liw789", "Carlos"); // retrieve them, you only need their ID. classMap.put("pwt012", "Diane"); System.out.println( classMap.get("atf123") ); JAVA MAPS - Another example for using a HashMap // Phone book implementation Map phoneBook = new HashMap(); phoneBook.put("Alice", new PhoneNumber("210-555-1234")); phoneBook.put("Bob", new PhoneNumber("210-555-4321")); phoneBook.put("Carlos", new PhoneNumber("210-555-4444")); phoneBook.put("Diane", new PhoneNumber("210-555-1111")); System.out.println( phoneBook ); public class PhoneNumber{ private String number; public PhoneNumber( String phoneNumber ){ this.number = phoneNumber; } prints … } @Override public String toString() { return "PhoneNumber [number=" + number + "]"; } {Bob=PhoneNumber [number=210-555-4321], Alice=PhoneNumber [number=210-555-1234], Diane=PhoneNumber [number=210-555-1111], Carlos=PhoneNumber [number=210-555-4444]} JAVA MAPS - Another example for using a HashMap Map> states = new HashMap>(); ArrayList tx = new ArrayList(); tx.add( "San Antonio" ); tx.addAll( Arrays.asList("Austin", "Dallas", "Corpus Christi", "El Paso") ); states.put("Texas", tx ); ArrayList ny = new ArrayList(); ny.addAll( Arrays.asList("NYC", "Albany", "Niagara", "Long Island") ); states.put("New York", ny ); System.out.println( states ); prints … {New York=[NYC, Albany, Niagara, Long Island], Texas=[San Antonio, Austin, Dallas, Corpus Christi, El Paso]} CLASS ACTIVITY - What collection types would you use in the following examples? - A phone book (name, phone number) - Storing user interaction history (clicks, actions, choices, etc) - An address book (name, phone number, address, etc) - User choices for character attributes in a game (hair color, shoes, etc) - Ordered task manager CLASS ACTIVITY - What collection types would you use in the following examples? - A phone book (name, phone number) - - Storing user interaction history (clicks, actions, choices, etc) - - List An address book (name, phone number, address, etc) - - Map Map User choices for character attributes in a game (hair color, shoes, etc) - - Set Ordered task manager - List CLASS ACTIVITY - Come up with 3 distinct applications that - Require a List - Require a Set - Require a Map CLASS ACTIVITY - Come up with 3 distinct applications that - Require a List - Groceries list/High scores/List of images/To do list/Assignments/Labs - Require a Set - Enrollment UTSA/Census/UTSA IDs/Grocery list!/Medical files/Word count - Require a Map - Login info/UTSA schedule/Dictionary/Word count/parking spots DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? 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