#let gold = rgb("#ffc500") #set text(font: "Calibri") #let gradient_fill = ( color.hsl(230deg, 60%, 20%), color.hsl(225deg, 60%, 15%), color.hsl(220deg, 60%, 15%), color.hsl(220deg, 60%, 15%), color.hsl(220deg, 60%, 15%), color.hsl(220deg, 60%, 15%), color.hsl(210deg, 60%, 15%), color.hsl(210deg, 80%, 20%), ) #let shieldnet_font = "IBM Plex Sans" #set page( margin: (x: 2cm, top: 3cm, bottom: 1cm), header: context if here().page() > 1 { align( center + horizon, box( width: page.width, height: 100%, fill: gradient.linear(..gradient_fill), [ #place(left + horizon, dx: +page.margin.left)[ #text( size: 1.1em, fill: gold, font: shieldnet_font, weight: "black", )[SHIELDNET CYBERSECURITY], #text(size: 1.1em, fill: white)[Cybersecurity Audit Checklist], ] #let icon_size = 45% #place( right + horizon, dx: -page.margin.right, box( baseline: icon_size, image( "./assets/shieldnet-logo-7.svg", height: icon_size, fit: "contain", ), ), ) ], ), ) }, footer: context if here().page() > 1 { text( size: 0.8em, fill: color.luma(35%), [ ShieldNet Cybersecurity #h(1fr) #{ here().page() - 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(E.g. using Nessus)], [], [How often do you audit existing user accounts? (Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Other) \ #box(fill: luma(220), height: 2em, width: 100%)[]], [☐], [Do you collect any logs?], [☐], [If you do collect logs, do you monitor them?], [], [If you do collect logs, how long do you retain them?\ #box(fill: luma(220), height: 2em, width: 100%)[]], [☐], [Are physical devices and sensitive physical areas monitored?], [☐], [Do you conduct any audits for unusual employee behaviors? (e.g. checking for employees regularly logging in outside of business hours)], ) \ #sec( "RESPOND", "RESPONSE PLANNING, DISASTER MITIGATION, COMMUNICATION", [☐], [Do you have dedicated cyber security staff?], [☐], [Do you have a internal process for raising concerns about potential cyber incidents?], [☐], [Are you able to quickly lock down physical locations during a crisis?], [☐], [Have you determined when it may be necessary to include law enforcement in your disaster response?], [☐], [Are you able to alert users if you suspect their information may have been stolen?], [☐], [Are you prepared to respond to an environmental crisis that may impact your ability to continue normal business operations?], [☐], [Are you able to quickly quarantine any computer that is identified as compromised?], [☐], [Are employees aware of their responsibilities in the event of a security incident?], ) \ #sec( "RECOVER", "RECOVERY PLANS, CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENTS", [☐], [Do you create full backups?], [☐], [If you do create backups, do you encrypt them?], [], [If you do create backups, how often do you test restoring from them? (Never, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Other)\ #box(fill: luma(220), height: 2em, width: 100%)[]], [☐], [If you do create backups, do you keep at least 3 copies, on at least 2 different media types (e.g. a hard drive and a tape drive), and have at least 1 copy stored offsite (outside of your business)?], [☐], [Do you have a formal method or process for improving cybersecurity regularly?], [☐], [In the event of hardware failure, do you have a way to restore function? E.g. router failure.], [☐], [Are you currently enrolled in a Cyber Insurance program?], [☐], [Do you know how long it would take to carry out your recovery plan after an incident?], )