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CS-3113 Principles of Cyber Security
2: Perception Management
Points: 50 points
#note()[#underline[Price Hiller] *|* #underline[zfp106]]
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= Perception Management
== Purpose
Explore the concept of Perception Management and "Softwar" and how the Internet, television, social media, and other sources are used for influencing people.
== Assignment
For several years, there has been an increase in the accusations that newspapers, network and cable news channels, and social media platforms haveb ecome less concerned about presenting unbiased facts and more concerned about pushing their own societal and political agendas.
Is this idea new? How does the Internet affect the potential for manipulation? Is this a U.S. phenomenon, or a global issue?
*This assignment should be individual effort. You may discuss the assignment with other students or individuals, but all answers must be your own work — or based on your own research/studying.*
== Deliverables
A report using reasonable document settings for font, margins, etc. that contains answers/responses to the questions below.
Include appropriate references as footnotes, endnotes, or a references section.
= Questions
==== *(20 points)* One of the things "known" about Napoleon Bonaparte is that he was a short/small individual.
numbering: "a)",
*(5 points)* Approximately, how tall was Napoleon? (In feet/inches)
Napoleon was approximately 5'2" in French inch units, or in imperial units, about 5'6". @napoleon-height-history-com @napoleon-height-britannica @napoleon-height-wpost
*(5 points)* How tall was the average French male during Napoleon's lifetime? (In feet/inches)
#solve[The average French male during Napoleon's lifetime was around 5'5" in imperial units.
@napoleon-height-wpost @napoleon-height-britannica @napoleon-height-history-com
*(5 points)* How tall was Napoleon's Guard (The Old Guard)? (In feet/inches)
The Old Guard had height requirements of 5'10" for grenadiers and 5'8" for chasseurs. @napoleon-old-guard.
#note[It seems there's a distinct lack of research on this actually, there doesn't appear to a definitive source. Everyone is looking over at Wikipedia which points to my source. My source has a lack of sourcing specific pages and when searching for height, I am having trouble finding his guard height requirements that don't contradict other sources. For instance, when scouring "The Anatomy of Glory; Napoleon And His Guard, A Study in Leadership" by Commandant Henri Lachouque he mentions requirements being 5'6"" for grenadiers and 5'3" for chasseurs. I'm going to roll with the other numbers above as they seem more commonly agreed upon, but I can't find any actual primary sources for those numbers and the one primary source I can find contradicts those numbers!]
*(5 points)* In 2-3 sentences, describe how being in a group with certain characteristics may skew perceptions. (You can use any kind of specialized group for this discussion Olympic athletes, basketball players, etc. For example, look at a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger with Shaquille O'Neal does this mean Arnold is short?)
I have an example from my own experiences for this, I bike ride with someone who is absurdly, absurdly strong relatively speaking and I thought until more recently, that I was _insanely_ weak on a bike compared to the average cyclist. Turns out being around physical freakshows with some folks prepping for competition gave me the false perception that their level of strength was normal. As a result, my perception of what is and isn't strong when it comes to cycling was massively skewed for the past several months.
==== *(20 Points*) Explore the various definitions of Software — particularly how it relates to mass media like television. (*_Note_*: Review Killing Al Q'aida by Chuck de Caro for this question http://www.dodccrp.org/events/12th_ICCRTS/CD/html/presentations/031.pdf)
numbering: "a)",
*(10 points)* In 1 sentence, clearly state if you think the global reach of mass media (television, social media, etc.) can provide intelligence information and influence behavior on a national scale.
I wholeheartedly believe that the global reach of mass media can provide intelligence information and influence behavior on a national scale (and frankly beyond).
*(10 points)* In 3-4 sentences, provide your reasoning behind your choice in part a.
In the "Killing Al Q'aida" slides @killing-al-qaida-slides there is a quote from Osama bin Laden quite literally stating that "...90% of the total preparation for battles [is the media war]..."; furthermore, Caro points out that "Global TV provides... real-time intelligence on most U.S. Government operations". I'd be a fool to disregard the President of SAGE and _Bin Laden_ of all people on whether or not media is effective for influencing behavior and gathering intelligence. Beyond that, political attack ads were extremely common leading up to the recent elections, Harris and Trump wouldn't run ads if they didn't believe it could impact the outcomes of the U.S. Presidential election. Those two points alone make it readily apparent that mass media absolutely influences national audiences and absolutely can be used to gather information on a national level.
==== *(10 Points*) In the last few years, there has a been a development in digital images and video known as a "deepfake".
numbering: "a)",
*(10 points)* You will use online tools to quickly generate a Sock Puppet account.
numbering: "i.",
[Utilize the AI tool provided by This Person Does Not Exist to generate a "human likeness" of someone that doesn't exist. This can be found here: https://this-person-does-not-exist.com/en],
[Go to the Fake Identity Generator provided by DataFakeGenerator. This can be found here: https://datafakegenerator.com/generador.php],
[Avoid clicking on all the ads and fill out the parameters for generating a fake ID (Country, Gender, Age) that, when paired with the image you selected from (part i) you feel would be very deceptive and/or not raise an suspicions.],
[For points over and above the regular score, add a comment to the assignment beginning "Fake Student" and write 3-4 sentences pretending you are the person you created. The earlier you send it, the more points you get up to five. No points within forty-eight hours of the due date. You must post your comment at least 48 hours before the assignment due date. You only need to post the comment early to get the points, not the entire assignment.],
[Copy the image and fake identity information into your assignment. Even if you sent the email in part iv you still have to do this.
height: 40%,
) <fig-fake-person-sockpuppet>
columns: 2,
[Name], [Emilie Luzovec],
[Gender], [Female],
[Age], [26],
[Date of Birth], [March 4,1998],
[Occupation], [Audiovisual Accountant],
[Address], [197 Webster Street],
[Postal Code], [26986],
[State/Province], [Bavaria],
[Country], [Germany],
[Email], "bvemilie21@yopmail.com",
[Password], [v290104b1v],
[Phone], [+49(454)-0255092],
[Credit Card Number], [5550125260569049],
[Code], [266],
[Date], [Nov(11) - 2026],
[PIN Code], [5606],
[Height], [5.58 ft],
[Weight], [143.30 lb],
[Blood Type], [B+],
[Marital Status], [Married],
[Car Brand], [Chrysler],
[Car Model], [Crossfire],
[Car Year], [2012],
[Car VIN], [E1GGB054968],
[Zodiac Sign], [Aries],
[Religion], [Eastern Catholic],