diff --git a/dots/.config/wezterm/config/tabbar.lua b/dots/.config/wezterm/config/tabbar.lua index be84c1db..570f51c4 100644 --- a/dots/.config/wezterm/config/tabbar.lua +++ b/dots/.config/wezterm/config/tabbar.lua @@ -70,7 +70,9 @@ wezterm.on("update-right-status", function(window, pane) if type(cwd_uri) == "userdata" then -- Running on a newer version of wezterm and we have -- a URL object here, making this simple! + ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field cwd = cwd_uri.file_path + ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field hostname = cwd_uri.host or wezterm.hostname() else -- an older version of wezterm, 20230712-072601-f4abf8fd or earlier,