refactor(nvim): remove unused cf3
All checks were successful
Check Formatting of Files / Check-Formatting (push) Successful in 1m2s
All checks were successful
Check Formatting of Files / Check-Formatting (push) Successful in 1m2s
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
au BufRead,BufNewFile *.cf set ft=cf3
@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
" Vim file plugin
" This is my first attempt at a ftplugin file. Feel free to send me
" corrections or improvements. I'll give you a credit.
" There is already a vim file that uses 'cf' as a file extension. You can use
" cf3 for your cf3 file extensions or identify via your vimrc file:
" au BufRead,BufNewFile *.cf set ft=cf3
" Check to see if DisableCF3Ftplugin is defined
" If you only want the syntax plugin add "let g:DisableCF3Ftplugin=1" in
" ~/.vimrc
if exists("g:DisableCF3Ftplugin")
" Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
if exists("b:loaded_CFE3Ftplugin")
let b:loaded_CFE3Ftplugin = 1
let s:install_dir = expand('<sfile>:p:h:h')
" =============== Keyword Abbreviations ===============
" enable keyword abbreviations with by adding
" "let g:EnableCFE3KeywordAbbreviations=1" to your vimrc
" Convenience function ToggleCFE3KeywordAbbreviations
" mapped to ,i by default to toggle abbreviations on or off
function! EnableCFE3KeywordAbbreviations()
iab <buffer> = =>
iab <buffer> ba bundle agent
iab <buffer> bc bundle common
iab <buffer> bu bundle
iab <buffer> cano canonify( "<C-R>=Eatchar('\s')<CR>
iab <buffer> cla classes:
iab <buffer> comma commands:
iab <buffer> comme comment => "<C-R>=Eatchar('\s')<CR>
iab <buffer> exp expression => <C-R>=Eatchar('\s')<CR>
iab <buffer> fil files:
iab <buffer> han handle => "<C-R>=Eatchar('\s')<CR>
iab <buffer> ifv ifvarclass => <C-R>=Eatchar('\s')<CR>
iab <buffer> met methods:
iab <buffer> pro processes:
iab <buffer> rep reports:
iab <buffer> sli slist => {
iab <buffer> str string => "<C-R>=Eatchar('\s')<CR>
iab <buffer> sysw ${sys.workdir}
iab <buffer> ub usebundle =>
iab <buffer> var vars:
function! DisableCFE3KeywordAbbreviations()
iunab <buffer> =
iunab <buffer> ba
iunab <buffer> bc
iunab <buffer> bu
iunab <buffer> cano
iunab <buffer> cla
iunab <buffer> comma
iunab <buffer> comme
iunab <buffer> exp
iunab <buffer> fil
iunab <buffer> han
iunab <buffer> ifv
iunab <buffer> met
iunab <buffer> pro
iunab <buffer> rep
iunab <buffer> sli
iunab <buffer> str
iunab <buffer> sysw
iunab <buffer> ub
iunab <buffer> var
" Default abbreviations off
" to disable let g:EnableCFE3KeywordAbbreviations=1 in ~/.vimrc
if exists('g:EnableCFE3KeywordAbbreviations')
call EnableCFE3KeywordAbbreviations()
function! ToggleCFE3KeywordAbbreviations()
if !exists('b:EnableCFE3KeywordAbbreviations')
let b:EnableCFE3KeywordAbbreviations=1
call EnableCFE3KeywordAbbreviations()
unlet b:EnableCFE3KeywordAbbreviations
call DisableCFE3KeywordAbbreviations()
function! EnableCFE3PermissionFix()
" On Save set the permissions of the edited file so others can't access
:autocmd BufWritePost *.cf silent !chmod g-w,o-rwx %
" Default permission fix off
" To enable permission fixing in your main .vimrc
" let g:EnableCFE3PermissionFix=1
if exists('g:EnableCFE3PermissionFix')
call EnableCFE3PermissionFix()
" maps
" Toggle KeywordAbbreviations
nnoremap <buffer> ,i :call ToggleCFE3KeywordAbbreviations()<CR>
" Wrap WORD in double quotes
nnoremap <buffer> ,q dE<ESC>i"<ESC>pa"<ESC>
" Insert blank promise
nnoremap <buffer> ,p o""<CR><TAB>handle => "",<CR>comment => ""<ESC>
" quote list items
vnoremap <buffer> ,q :s/^\s*\(.*\)\s*$/"\1",/g<CR>
" Function to align groups of => assignment lines.
" Credit to 'Scripting the Vim editor, Part 2: User-defined functions'
" by Damian Conway
if !exists("*CF3AlignAssignments")
function CF3AlignAssignments (AOP)
"Patterns needed to locate assignment operators...
if a:AOP == 'vars'
let ASSIGN_OP = '\(string\|int\|real\|data\|slist\|ilist\|rlist\|expression\|and\|or\|not\|volume\)*\s\+=>'
let ASSIGN_OP = '=>'
let ASSIGN_LINE = '^\(.\{-}\)\s*\(' . ASSIGN_OP . '\)'
"Locate block of code to be considered (same indentation, no blanks)
let indent_pat = '^' . matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*') . '\S'
let firstline = search('^\%('. indent_pat . '\)\@!','bnW') + 1
let lastline = search('^\%('. indent_pat . '\)\@!', 'nW') - 1
if lastline < 0
let lastline = line('$')
"Find the column at which the operators should be aligned...
let max_align_col = 0
let max_op_width = 0
for linetext in getline(firstline, lastline)
"Does this line have an assignment in it?
let left_width = match(linetext, '\s*' . ASSIGN_OP)
"If so, track the maximal assignment column and operator width...
if left_width >= 0
let max_align_col = max([max_align_col, left_width])
let op_width = strlen(matchstr(linetext, ASSIGN_OP))
let max_op_width = max([max_op_width, op_width+1])
"Code needed to reformat lines so as to align operators...
let FORMATTER = '\=printf("%-*s%*s", max_align_col, submatch(1),
\ max_op_width, submatch(2))'
" Reformat lines with operators aligned in the appropriate column...
for linenum in range(firstline, lastline)
let oldline = getline(linenum)
let newline = substitute(oldline, ASSIGN_LINE, FORMATTER, "")
call setline(linenum, newline)
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> ,= :call CF3AlignAssignments("null")<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <ESC>= :call CF3AlignAssignments("vars")<CR>
" For pasting code snippets
function! Pastefile( FILE )
let arg_file = s:install_dir."/snippets/".a:FILE
let @" = join( readfile( arg_file ), "\n" )
return ""
nnoremap <buffer> ,k :call Pastefile("")<CR>kdd
nnoremap <buffer> ,s :call Pastefile("")<CR>kdd
" Indents
" Neil Watson <>
" Other Cfengine information:
" Wednesday January 09 2013
" Operator alignment now works for just '=>' with ',=' or 'string, stlist ,etc
" and => ' with '<ESC>='
" Wednesday October 05 2011
" - Added comment and handle abbs. Assumes you have the Eatchar and Getchar
" functions.
" - Can now wrap words and lists in quotes.
" - Insert blank promises (,p)
" - Insert blank testing skeleton (,k)
" Monday November 21 2011
" - IAB's for string, slist and usebundle.
" Fri Apr 27 2012
" Added function to align assigment operators
" vim_cf3 files (
" Copyright (C) 2011 Neil H. Watson <>
" This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
" the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
" Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
" version.
" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
" WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
" PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
" this program. If not, see <>.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user