{ ... }: { programs.git = { enable = true; userName = "Price Hiller"; userEmail = "price@price-hiller.com"; aliases = { unstage = "reset HEAD --"; }; extraConfig = { init.defaultBranch = "main"; merge.conflictstyle = "zdiff3"; branch.autosetupmerge = "always"; remote.pushDefault = "origin"; am.threeWay = true; apply.ignoreWhitespace = "change"; # SEC: Integrate https://github.com/git-ecosystem/git-credential-manager with GPG to improve # security stance around the credential store credential.helper = "store"; pull.rebase = true; commit.gpgsign = true; transfer.fsckObjects = true; receive.fsckObjects = true; status.submoduleSummary = true; submodule.recurse = true; fetch = { fsckObjects = true; prune = true; prunetags = true; }; rebase = { autosquash = true; autostash = true; updateRefs = true; }; log = { abbrevCommit = true; decorate = "short"; date = "iso"; }; rerere = { enabled = true; autoUpdate = true; }; core = { ignorecase = false; quotePath = false; }; diff = { colorMoved = "default"; submodule = "log"; tool = "nvimdiff"; }; push = { autoSetupRemote = true; default = "current"; }; }; signing = { signByDefault = true; key = null; }; delta = { enable = true; options = { navigate = true; features = "interactive decorations"; interactive = { keep-plus-minus-markers = false; }; decorations = { commit-decoration-style = "bold box ul"; dark = true; file-style = "omit"; hunk-header-decoration-style = ''"#022b45" box ul''; hunk-header-file-style = ''"#999999"''; hunk-header-style = "file line-number syntax"; line-numbers = true; line-numbers-left-style = ''"#022b45"''; minus-emph-style = ''normal "#80002a"''; minus-style = ''normal "#330011"''; plus-emph-style = ''syntax "#003300"''; plus-style = ''syntax "#001a00"''; syntax-theme = "Solarized (dark)"; }; }; }; }; }