#!/usr/bin/env -S nix shell nixpkgs#bash nixpkgs#stylua nixpkgs#gnugrep nixpkgs#nixfmt nixpkgs#nodePackages.prettier nixpkgs#shfmt --command bash # vim: ft=sh set -euo pipefail fmt() { local check_mode="${1:?Format Check mode not specified!}" local fail_fast="${2:?Fail Fast mode not specified!}" shift 2 local badly_formatted_files=() for file in "${@}"; do local ret=0 if ((check_mode == 1)); then printf ">>> Checking Formatting of file: %s\n" "${file}" else printf ">>> Formatting file: %s\n" "${file}" fi if [[ ! -r "${file}" ]]; then printf "Could not read/file does not exist at: %s\n" "${file}" ret=1 fi case "${file}" in # Excluded files/dirs *.config/zsh/config/omz* | *.config/zsh/config/plugins* | *lazy-lock.json) ;; *.lua) if ((check_mode == 1)); then stylua --check "${file}" || ret="${?}" else stylua "${file}" || ret="${?}" fi ;; *.sh | *.bash) if ((check_mode == 1)); then ret="$(shfmt -l "${file}" || printf "\n" | wc -l)" else shfmt -w "${file}" || ret="${?}" fi ;; *.nix) if ((check_mode == 1)); then nixfmt --check "${file}" || ret="${?}" else nixfmt "${file}" || ret="${?}" fi ;; *.json) if ((check_mode == 1)); then prettier --check "${file}" || ret="${?}" else prettier --write "${file}" || ret="${?}" fi ;; esac if ((ret > 0)); then if ((fail_fast == 1)); then printf "Fail Fast Specified, returning!\n" return "${ret}" fi badly_formatted_files+=("${file}") fi done if (("${#badly_formatted_files[@]}" > 0)); then if ((check_mode == 1)); then printf "\n====== Incorrectly Formatted Files ======\n" else printf "\n====== Failed to Format Files ======\n" fi for badly_formatted_file in "${badly_formatted_files[@]}"; do printf "%s\n" "${badly_formatted_file}" done return 1 fi } usage() { local base base="$(basename "${0}")" cat <<-__EOS__ Usage: ${base} "path-to-a-file-to-format" "another-file-to-format" "and-another-file" -f | --fmt Enables format mode. By default this script only checks if the formatting of files is correct. Example: ${base} --fmt -- "file-to-format" -F | --fail-fast Fails on the first format error instead of gathering all errors. Example: ${base} --fail-fast -- "file-to-format" __EOS__ } parse_args() { local check_mode=1 local fail_fast=0 if ((${#@} == 0)); then usage exit 1 fi while :; do case "${1}" in -h | -\? | --help) usage # Display a usage synopsis. exit ;; --) # End of all options. shift break ;; -F | --fail-fast) fail_fast=1 ;; -f | --fmt) check_mode=0 ;; -?*) printf 'Unknown option: %s\n' "$1" >&2 usage exit 1 ;; *) # Default case: No more options, so break out of the loop. break ;; esac shift done if ((${#@} == 0)); then usage exit 1 fi fmt "${check_mode}" "${fail_fast}" "${@}" } parse_args "${@}"