{ pkgs, config, ... }: let dotsDir = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.dot_files/dots"; softLinkDots = dir: (builtins.listToAttrs (map (n: { name = "${dir + "/" + n}"; value = { source = config.lib.file.mkOutOfStoreSymlink "${dotsDir}/${dir}/${n}"; force = true; }; }) # HACK: We don't use the absolute path in readDir to respect pure evaluation in nix flakes. (builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir ../dots/${dir})))); gtkStyle = "gtk2"; in { programs.home-manager.enable = true; home = { packages = with pkgs; [ gcc sqlite luajit imagemagick dotnet-sdk_8 cargo rustc shellcheck openjdk go nodejs poetry python3 ruby yamllint curl llvm openssh openssl wget rsync readline gnumake cmake git gh ffmpeg silicon man jq tectonic fzf eza luajit ripgrep fd nixfmt gtk2 lxappearance webcord gtk-engine-murrine opensnitch-ui twitter-color-emoji open-sans noto-fonts fira-code nerdfonts direnv passage swappy ]; file = { ".local/" = { source = ../dots/.local; recursive = true; force = true; }; ".omnisharp" = { source = ../dots/.omnisharp; force = true; }; ".latexmkrc" = { source = ../dots/.latexmkrc; force = true; }; } // softLinkDots ".config"; sessionVariables = { GTK_THEME = "Kanagawa-Borderless"; QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME = "${gtkStyle}"; }; }; programs = { zsh = { enable = true; initExtra = '' source "$HOME/.config/zsh/zsh" __HM_SESS_VARS_SOURCED= source "$HOME/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/hm-session-vars.sh" ''; }; neovim = { enable = true; extraPackages = with pkgs; [ sqlite gh ]; # Magick is required for image.nvim extraLuaPackages = lp: [ lp.magick ]; }; }; gtk = let extraGtkConfig = { gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = true; gtk-cursor-theme-size = 0; gtk-enable-event-sounds = 1; gtk-enable-input-feedback-sounds = 1; gtk-xft-antialias = 1; gtk-xft-hinting = 1; gtk-xft-hintstyle = "hintfull"; }; in { enable = true; theme = { name = "Kanagawa-Borderless"; package = pkgs.kanagawa-gtk-theme; }; iconTheme = { name = "Kanagawa"; package = pkgs.kanagawa-gtk-theme; }; font = { name = "Open Sans"; size = 11; package = pkgs.open-sans; }; gtk3.extraConfig = extraGtkConfig; gtk4.extraConfig = extraGtkConfig; }; systemd.user = { targets.compositor = { Unit = { Description = "Compositor target for WM"; After = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; PartOf = [ "graphical-session.target" ]; }; }; services = { opensnitch-ui = { Unit = { Description = "Opensnitch ui"; PartOf = [ "compositor.target" ]; After = [ "compositor.target" ]; ConditionEnvironment = [ "WAYLAND_DISPLAY" ]; }; Service = { ExecStart = "${pkgs.opensnitch-ui}/bin/opensnitch-ui"; }; environment = { QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME = "${gtkStyle}"; PATH = "${config.home.profileDirectory}/bin"; }; Install = { WantedBy = [ "compositor.target" ]; }; }; }; }; }