# nvim-ts-autotag Use treesitter to **autoclose** and **autorename** html tag It works with: - astro - glimmer - handlebars - html - javascript - jsx - markdown - php - rescript - svelte - tsx - twig - typescript - vue - xml and more ## Usage ```text Before Input After ------------------------------------
ciwspan ------------------------------------ ``` ## Setup Requires `Nvim 0.9.5` and up. ```lua require('nvim-ts-autotag').setup({ opts = { -- Defaults enable_close = true, -- Auto close tags enable_rename = true, -- Auto rename pairs of tags enable_close_on_slash = false -- Auto close on trailing [!CAUTION] > If you are setting up via `nvim-treesitter.configs` it has been deprecated! Please migrate to the > new way. It will be removed in `1.0.0`. ### Extending the default config Let's say that there's a language that `nvim-ts-autotag` doesn't currently support and you'd like to support it in your config. While it would be the preference of the author that you upstream your changes, perhaps you would rather not 😢. For example, if you have a language that has a very similar layout in its Treesitter Queries as `html`, you could add an alias like so: ```lua require('nvim-ts-autotag').setup({ aliases = { ["your language here"] = "html", } }) -- or local TagConfigs = require("nvim-ts-autotag.config.init") TagConfigs:add_alias("your language here", "html") ``` That will make `nvim-ts-autotag` close tags according to the rules of the `html` config in the given language. But what if a parser breaks for whatever reason, for example the upstream Treesitter tree changes its node names and now the default queries that `nvim-ts-autotag` provides no longer work. Fear not! You can directly extend and override the existing configs. For example, let's say the start and end tag patterns have changed for `xml`. We can directly override the `xml` config: ```lua local TagConfigs = require("nvim-ts-autotag.config.init") TagConfigs:update(TagConfigs:get("xml"):override("xml", { start_tag_pattern = { "STag" }, end_tag_pattern = { "ETag" }, })) ``` In fact, this very nearly what we do during our own internal initialization phase for `nvim-ts-autotag`. ### Enable update on insert If you have that issue [#19](https://github.com/windwp/nvim-ts-autotag/issues/19) ```lua vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/publishDiagnostics'] = vim.lsp.with( vim.lsp.diagnostic.on_publish_diagnostics, { underline = true, virtual_text = { spacing = 5, severity_limit = 'Warning', }, update_in_insert = true, } ) ``` ## Fork Status This is forked from https://github.com/windwp/nvim-ts-autotag due to the primary maintainer's disappearance. Any PRs/work given to this fork _may_ end up back in the original repository if the primary maintainer comes back. Full credit to [@windwp](https://github.com/windwp) for the creation of this plugin. Here's to hoping they're ok and will be back sometime down the line.