local utils = require("nvim-ts-autotag.utils") local log = require("nvim-ts-autotag._log") local api = vim.api local helpers = {} function helpers.feed(text, feed_opts, is_replace) feed_opts = feed_opts or "n" if not is_replace then text = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(text, true, false, true) end vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(text, feed_opts, true) end function helpers.insert(text, is_replace) helpers.feed("i" .. text, "x", is_replace) end utils.insert_char = function(text) api.nvim_put({ text }, "c", true, true) end utils.feed = function(text, num) local result = "" for _ = 1, num, 1 do result = result .. text end api.nvim_feedkeys(api.nvim_replace_termcodes(result, true, false, true), "x", true) end _G.eq = assert.are.same _G.Test_filter = function(data) local run_data = {} for _, value in pairs(data) do if value.only == true then table.insert(run_data, value) break end end if #run_data == 0 then run_data = data end return run_data end local compare_text = function(linenr, text_after, name, cursor_add, end_cursor) cursor_add = cursor_add or 0 local new_text = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, linenr - 1, linenr + #text_after - 1, true) for i = 1, #text_after, 1 do local t = string.gsub(text_after[i], "%|", "") if t and new_text[i] and t:gsub("%s+$", "") ~= new_text[i]:gsub("%s+$", "") then eq(t, new_text[i], "\n\n text error: " .. name .. "\n") end local p_after = string.find(text_after[i], "%|") if p_after then local row, col = utils.get_cursor() if end_cursor then eq(row, linenr + i - 2, "\n\n cursor row error: " .. name .. "\n") eq(col + 1, end_cursor, "\n\n end cursor column error : " .. name .. "\n") else eq(row, linenr + i - 2, "\n\n cursor row error: " .. name .. "\n") p_after = p_after + cursor_add eq(col, math.max(p_after - 2, 0), "\n\n cursor column error : " .. name .. "\n") end end end return true end _G.Test_withfile = function(test_data, cb) for _, value in pairs(test_data) do it("test " .. value.name, function(done) local text_before = {} value.linenr = value.linenr or 1 local pos_before = { linenr = value.linenr, colnr = 0, } if not vim.tbl_islist(value.before) then value.before = { value.before } end for index, text in pairs(value.before) do local txt = string.gsub(text, "%|", "") table.insert(text_before, txt) if string.match(text, "%|") then if string.find(text, "%|") then pos_before.colnr = string.find(text, "%|") pos_before.linenr = value.linenr + index - 1 end end end if not vim.tbl_islist(value.after) then value.after = { value.after } end vim.bo.filetype = value.filetype or "text" vim.cmd(":bd!") if cb.before_each then cb.before_each(value) end if vim.fn.filereadable(vim.fn.expand(value.filepath)) == 1 then vim.cmd(":e " .. value.filepath) if value.filetype then vim.bo.filetype = value.filetype end vim.cmd(":e") else vim.cmd(":new") if value.filetype then vim.bo.filetype = value.filetype end end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, value.linenr - 1, value.linenr + #text_before, false, text_before) vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, { pos_before.linenr, pos_before.colnr - 1 }) log.debug("insert:" .. value.key) if type(value.key) == "string" then if cb.mode == "i" then helpers.insert(value.key, value.not_replace_term_code) else helpers.feed(value.key, "x") end else for _, key in pairs(value.key) do helpers.feed(key, "x") vim.wait(1) end end vim.wait(2) helpers.feed("") compare_text(value.linenr, value.after, value.name, cb.cursor_add, value.end_cursor) if cb.after_each then cb.after_each(value) end vim.cmd(":bd!") end) end end _G.dump_node = function(node) local text = utils.get_node_text(node) for _, txt in pairs(text) do log.debug(txt) end end _G.dump_node_text = function(target) for node in target:iter_children() do local node_type = node:type() local text = utils.get_node_text(node) log.debug("type:" .. node_type .. " ") log.debug(text) end end