Slotos 40615e9607
Add eruby defaults (#104)
* Fix minimal test setup

Inclusion of any config with `-u` also adds `~/.config/nvim/pack/*/start/*`
to rtp, which is probably the reason for tests passing on developers'
machines. This "problem" remains, and can in fact break tests through
interference with other plugins.

* Add eruby to default list of filetypes

This merely adds tests and one line of data to default setup values.
2023-04-28 05:19:09 +07:00

39 lines
760 B

set rtp +=.
set rtp +=../plenary.nvim/
set rtp +=../nvim-treesitter/
set rtp +=../playground/
set rtp +=../nvim-treesitter-rescript/
runtime! plugin/plenary.vim
runtime! plugin/nvim-treesitter.lua
runtime! plugin/nvim-treesitter-playground.lua
runtime! plugin/nvim-treesitter-rescript.vim
set noswapfile
set nobackup
filetype indent off
set nowritebackup
set noautoindent
set nocindent
set nosmartindent
set indentexpr=
set foldlevel=9999
lua << EOF
_G.test_rename = true
_G.test_close = true
_G.ts_filetypes = {
'html', 'javascript', 'typescript', 'svelte', 'vue', 'tsx', 'php', 'glimmer', 'rescript', 'embedded_template'
vim.cmd[[luafile ./tests/test-utils.lua]]