//Plugin by MaskedMonkeyMan import BasePlugin from "./base-plugin.js"; import fs from "fs"; import { Layers } from "../layers/index.js" function randomElement(array) { return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]; } function formatChoice(choiceIndex, mapString, currentVotes) { return `type !vote ${choiceIndex + 1} : ${mapString} (${currentVotes} votes)` } function toMils(min) { return min * 60 * 1000; } export default class MapVote extends BasePlugin { static get description() { return "Map Voting plugin"; } static get defaultEnabled() { return true; } static get optionsSpecification() { return { commandPrefix: { required: false, description: "command name to use in chat", default: "!vote" }, voteRulesPath: { required: false, description: 'the path to the layersConfig file', default: '' }, minPlayersForVote: { required: false, description: 'number of players needed on the server for a vote to start', default: 50 }, voteWaitTimeFromMatchStart: { required: false, description: 'time in mils from the start of a round to the start of a new map vote', default: 20 }, voteBroadcastInterval: { required: false, description: 'broadcast interval for vote notification in mils', default: 15 } }; } constructor(server, options, connectors) { super(server, options, connectors); this.voteRules = {}; //data object holding vote configs this.nominations = []; //layer strings for the current vote choices this.trackedVotes = {}; //player votes, keyed by steam id this.tallies = []; //votes per layer, parellel with nominations this.votingEnabled = false; this.onConnectBound = false; this.broadcastIntervalTask = null; this.onNewGame = this.onNewGame.bind(this); this.onPlayerDisconnected = this.onPlayerDisconnected.bind(this); this.onChatMessage = this.onChatMessage.bind(this); this.broadcastNominations = this.broadcastNominations.bind(this); this.beginVoting = this.beginVoting.bind(this); this.msgBroadcast = (msg) => {this.server.rcon.broadcast(msg);}; this.msgDirect = (steamid, msg) => {this.server.rcon.warn(steamid, msg);}; //load voteRules with options from source file this.loadLayersConfig(); } async mount() { this.server.on('NEW_GAME', this.onNewGame); this.server.on('CHAT_MESSAGE', this.onChatMessage); this.server.on('PLAYER_DISCONNECTED', this.onPlayerDisconnected); this.verbose(1, 'Map vote was mounted.'); } async unmount() { this.server.removeEventListener('NEW_GAME', this.onNewGame); this.server.removeEventListener('CHAT_MESSAGE', this.onChatMessage); this.server.removeEventListener('PLAYER_DISCONNECTED', this.onPlayerDisconnected); clearInterval(this.broadcastIntervalTask); this.verbose(1, 'Map vote was un-mounted.'); } //loads layer configs from disk into plugin memory loadLayersConfig() { this.verbose(1, `Fetching Map Voting Lists...`); let layersConfigString = ''; try { if (!fs.existsSync(this.options.voteRulesPath)) throw new Error(`Could not find Map Vote List at ${this.options.voteRulesPath}`); layersConfigString = fs.readFileSync(this.options.voteRulesPath, 'utf8'); } catch (error) { this.verbose('SquadServer', 1, `Error fetching mapvoting list: ${options.voteRulesPath}`, error); } this.voteRules = JSON.parse(layersConfigString); } async onNewGame() { //wait to start voting this.endVoting(); this.trackedVotes = {}; this.tallies = []; this.nominations = []; setTimeout(this.beginVoting, toMils(this.options.voteWaitTimeFromMatchStart)); } async onPlayerDisconnected() { if (!this.votingEnabled) return; await this.server.updatePlayerList(); this.clearVote(); this.updateNextMap(); } async onChatMessage(info) { const {steamID, name: playerName} = info; const message = info.message.toLowerCase(); //check to see if this message has a command prefix if (!message.startsWith(this.options.commandPrefix)) return; const subCommand = message.substring(this.options.commandPrefix.length).trim(); if(!isNaN(subCommand)) // if this succeeds player is voting for a map { const mapNumber = parseInt(subCommand); //try to get a vote number if (!this.votingEnabled) { await this.msgDirect(steamID, "There is no vote running right now"); return; } await this.registerVote(steamID, mapNumber, playerName); this.updateNextMap(); return; } const isAdmin = info.chat === "ChatAdmin"; switch(subCommand) // select the sub command { case "choices": //sends choices to player in the from of a warning if (!this.votingEnabled) { await this.msgDirect(steamID, "There is no vote running right now"); return; } this.directMsgNominations(steamID); return; case "results": //sends player the results in a warning if (!this.votingEnabled) { await this.msgDirect(steamID, "There is no vote running right now"); return; } this.directMsgNominations(steamID); return; case "restart": //starts the vote again if it was canceled if(!isAdmin) return; if(this.votingEnabled) { await this.msgDirect(steamID, "Voting is already enabled"); return; } this.beginVoting(true); return; case "cancel": //cancels the current vote and wont set next map to current winnner if(!isAdmin) return; if(!this.votingEnabled) { await this.msgDirect(steamID, "Voting is already disabled, emotional damage!"); return; } this.endVoting(); await this.msgDirect(steamID, "ending current vote"); return; case "reload": //allows for config hot reloads if(!isAdmin) return; this.loadLayersConfig(); await this.msgDirect(steamID, "Reloaded map vote layers configuration") return; case "help": //displays available commands await this.msgDirect(steamID, `!vote `); if(!isAdmin) return; await this.msgDirect(steamID, `!vote (admin only)`); return; default: //give them an error await this.msgDirect(steamID, `Unknown vote subcommand: ${subCommand}`); return; } } updateNextMap() //sets next map to current mapvote winner, if there is a tie will pick at random { const nextMap = randomElement(this.currentWinners); this.server.rcon.execute(`AdminSetNextLayer ${nextMap}`); } matchLayers(builtString) { return Layers.layers.filter(element => element.layerid.includes(builtString)); } getMode(nomination, currentMode) { const mapName = nomination.map; let modes = nomination.modes; let mode = modes[0]; if (mode === "Any") modes = this.voteRules.modes; if (this.voteRules.mode_repeat_blacklist.includes(currentMode)) { modes = modes.filter(mode => !mode.includes(currentMode)); } while (modes.length > 0) { mode = randomElement(this.modes); modes = modes.filter(elem => elem !== mode); if (matchLayers(`${mapName}_${mode}`).length > 0) break; } return mode; } //TODO: right now if version is set to "Any" no caf layers will be selected populateNominations() //gets nomination strings from layer options { //helpers const splitName = name => name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("_")); const removeCAF = name => name.replace("CAF_", ""); if (!this.server.currentLayer) { this.verbose(1, "Error: unknown currentLayer"); endVoting(); return; } this.nominations = []; const rulesList = this.voteRules.rules; let layerString = this.server.currentLayer.layerid; let nominationsList = rulesList.default; //chomp string until we find a match while(layerString.length > 0) { if(layerString in rulesList) { nominationsList = rulesList[layerString]; break; } layerString = removeCAF(layerString); layerString = splitName(layerString); } for(const nomination of nominationsList) { const mapName = nomination.map; let mode = getMode(nomination.modes, this.server.currentLayer.gamemode); let version = randomElement(nomination.versions); let cafPrefix = ""; if (version.includes("CAF_")) { cafPrefix = "CAF_"; version = removeCAF(version); } let builtLayerString = `${cafPrefix}${mapName}_${mode}_${version}`; if (version === "Any") { let maps = matchLayers(`${mapName}_${mode}`); if (maps.length == 0) { this.verbose(1, `error: could not find layer for ${builtLayerString} from vote rule \"${layerString}\"`); continue; } maps = maps.map(l => l.layerid); builtLayerString = randomElement(maps); } if (!Layers.getLayerByCondition((layer) => layer.layerid === builtLayerString)) { this.verbose(1, `error: could not find layer for ${builtLayerString} from vote rule \"${layerString}\"`); continue; } this.nominations.push(builtLayerString); this.tallies.push(0); } } //checks if there are enough players to start voting, if not binds itself to player connected //when there are enough players it clears old votes, sets up new nominations, and starts broadcast beginVoting(force = false) { const playerCount = this.server.players.length; const minPlayers = this.options.minPlayersForVote; if (this.votingEnabled) //voting has already started return; if (playerCount < minPlayers && !force) { if (this.onConnectBound == false) { this.server.on("PLAYER_CONNECTED", this.beginVoting) this.onConnectBound = true; } return; } if (this.onConnectBound) { this.server.removeEventListener("PLAYER_CONNECTED", this.beginVoting); this.onConnectBound = false; } // these need to be reset after reenabling voting this.trackedVotes = {}; this.tallies = []; this.populateNominations(); this.votingEnabled = true; this.broadcastNominations(); this.broadcastIntervalTask = setInterval(this.broadcastNominations, toMils(this.options.voteBroadcastInterval)); } endVoting() { this.votingEnabled = false; clearInterval(this.broadcastIntervalTask); this.broadcastIntervalTask = null; } //sends a message about nominations through a broadcast //NOTE: max squad broadcast message length appears to be 485 characters //Note: broadcast strings with multi lines are very strange async broadcastNominations() { await this.msgBroadcast("Type !vote in chat to cast your vote, Candidates:\n"); let nominationStrings = []; for(let choice in this.nominations) { choice = Number(choice); nominationStrings.push(formatChoice(choice, this.nominations[choice], this.tallies[choice])); } await this.msgBroadcast(nominationStrings.join("\n")); //const winners = this.currentWinners; //await this.msgBroadcast(`Current winner${winners.length > 1 ? "s" : ""}: ${winners.join(", ")}`); } async directMsgNominations(steamID) { for(let choice in this.nominations) { choice = Number(choice); await this.msgDirect(steamID, formatChoice(choice, this.nominations[choice], this.tallies[choice])); } const winners = this.currentWinners; await this.msgDirect(steamID, `Current winner${winners.length > 1 ? "s" : ""}: ${winners.join(", ")}`); } //counts a vote from a player and adds it to tallies async registerVote(steamID, nominationIndex, playerName) { nominationIndex -= 1; // shift indices from display range if(nominationIndex < 0 || nominationIndex > this.nominations.length) { await this.msgDirect(steamID, `[Map Vote] ${playerName}: invalid map number, typ !vote results to see map numbers`); return; } const previousVote = this.trackedVotes[steamID]; this.trackedVotes[steamID] = nominationIndex; this.tallies[nominationIndex] += 1; if(previousVote !== undefined) this.tallies[previousVote] -= 1; await this.msgDirect(steamID, `you voted for ${this.nominations[nominationIndex]}`); } //removes a players vote if they disconnect from the sever clearVote() { const currentPlayers = this.server.players.map((p) => p.steamID); for (const steamID in this.trackedVotes) { if (!(currentPlayers.includes(steamID))) { const vote = this.trackedVotes[steamID]; this.tallies[vote] -= 1; delete this.trackedVotes[steamID]; } } } //calculates the current winner(s) of the vote and returns thier strings in an array get currentWinners() { const ties = []; let highestScore = -Infinity; for(let choice in this.tallies) { const score = this.tallies[choice]; if(score < highestScore) continue; else if(score > highestScore) { highestScore = score; ties.length = 0; ties.push(choice); } else // equal ties.push(choice); } return ties.map(i => this.nominations[i]); } }