2023-05-20 04:52:09 -04:00

1235 lines
54 KiB

// Plugin reworked by JetDave, original version by MaskedMonkeyMan
// import BasePlugin from "./base-plugin.js";
import DiscordBasePlugin from './discord-base-plugin.js';
import {Layers} from "../layers/index.js"
import axios from "axios"
import Layer from '../layers/layer.js';
import fs from 'fs'
import process from 'process'
import Logger from "core/logger";
export default class MapVote extends DiscordBasePlugin {
static get description() {
return "Map Voting plugin";
static get defaultEnabled() {
return true;
static get optionsSpecification() {
return {
required: false,
description: "command name to use in chat",
default: "!vote"
entryFormat: {
required: false,
description: "The format of an entry in the voting list",
default: '{map_name} {gamemode} {map_version} {factions} {main_assets}'
entriesAmount: {
required: false,
description: "Amount of entries generated for automatic votes",
default: 6
automaticVoteStart: {
required: false,
description: "a map vote will automatically start after a new match if set to true",
default: true
votingDuration: {
required: false,
description: "How long the voting will be active (in minutes). Set to 0 for unlimited time.",
default: 0
required: false,
description: 'number of players needed on the server for a vote to start',
default: 40
required: false,
description: 'time in mins from the start of a round to the start of a new map vote',
default: 15
required: false,
description: 'broadcast interval for vote notification in mins',
default: 7
required: false,
description: 'set a seeding layer if server has less than 20 players',
default: true
numberRecentMapsToExlude: {
required: false,
description: 'random layer list will not include the n. recent maps',
default: 4
gamemodeWhitelist: {
required: false,
description: 'random layer list will be generated with only selected gamemodes',
default: ["AAS", "RAAS", "INVASION"]
layerFilteringMode: {
required: false,
description: "Select Whitelist mode or Blacklist mode",
default: "blacklist"
layerLevelWhitelist: {
required: false,
description: 'random layer list will include only the whitelisted layers or levels. (acceptable formats: Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS/Gorodok_AAS_v1)',
default: []
layerLevelBlacklist: {
required: false,
description: 'random layer list will not include the blacklisted layers or levels. (acceptable formats: Gorodok/Gorodok_RAAS/Gorodok_AAS_v1)',
default: []
applyBlacklistToWhitelist: {
required: false,
description: 'if set to true the blacklisted layers won\'t be included also in whitelist mode',
default: true
factionsBlacklist: {
required: false,
description: "factions to exclude in map vote. ( ex: ['CAF'] )",
default: []
minRaasEntries: {
required: false,
description: 'Minimum amount of RAAS layers in the vote list.',
default: 2
minGamemodeEntries: {
required: false,
description: 'Minimum amount layers in the vote list per gamemode.',
default: {
raas: 2,
aas: 2,
invasion: 0
hideVotesCount: {
required: false,
description: 'hides the number of votes a layer received in broadcast message',
default: false
showRerollOption: {
required: false,
description: 'vote option to restart the vote with random entries',
default: false
showRerollOptionInCustomVotes: {
required: false,
description: 'enables/disables the reroll option only in custom votes. showRerollOption must be set to true',
default: false
voteBroadcastMessage: {
required: false,
description: 'Message that is sent as broadcast to announce a vote',
default: "✯ MAPVOTE ✯\nVote for the next map by writing in chat the corresponding number!"
voteWinnerBroadcastMessage: {
required: false,
description: 'Message that is sent as broadcast to announce the winning layer',
default: "✯ MAPVOTE ✯\nThe winning layer is\n\n"
showWinnerBroadcastMessage: {
required: false,
description: 'Enables the broadcast at the end of the voting.',
default: true
allowedSameMapEntries: {
required: false,
description: 'Allowed NUMBER of duplicate map entries in vote list',
default: 1
logToDiscord: {
required: false,
description: 'Enables/disables vote logging to Discord',
default: false
channelID: {
required: false,
description: 'The ID of the channel to log votes to.',
default: '',
example: '112233445566778899'
persistentDataFile: {
required: false,
description: 'Path to file in which to store important data that should be restored after a restart',
default: ""
timezone: {
required: false,
description: "Timezone relative to UTC time. 0 for UTC, 2 for CEST (UTC+2), -1 (UTC-1) ",
default: 0
minimumVotesToAcceptResult: {
required: false,
description: "Minimum votes per map to accept result.",
default: 1
seedingGameMode: {
required: false,
description: "Gamemode used in seeding mode",
default: "Seed"
instantSeedingModePlayerCount: {
required: false,
description: "Required player count to trigger an instant layer change to a seeding layer",
default: 5
nextLayerSeedingModePlayerCount: {
required: false,
description: "Required player count to change the next layer to a seeding layer",
default: 20
developersAreAdmins: {
required: false,
description: "Developers of this plugin are allowed to run admin commands in anychat",
default: true
timeFrames: {
required: false,
description: 'Array of timeframes to override options',
default: []
constructor(server, options, connectors) {
super(server, options, connectors);
this.options.timeFrames.forEach((e, key, arr) => {
arr[key].id = key + 1
if (this.options.allowedSameMapEntries < 1) this.options.allowedSameMapEntries = 1
this.voteRules = {}; // data object holding vote configs
this.nominations = []; // layer strings for the current vote choices
this.trackedVotes = {}; // player votes, keyed by steam id
this.tallies = []; // votes per layer, parellel with nominations
this.votingEnabled = false;
this.broadcastIntervalTask = null;
this.firstBroadcast = true;
this.newVoteTimeout = null;
this.newVoteOptions = {
steamid: null,
cmdLayers: [],
bypassRaasFilter: false
this.or_options = {...this.options};
this.autovotestart = null;
this.lastMapUpdate = new Date();
this.endVotingTimeout = null;
this.timeout_ps = []
this.onNewGame = this.onNewGame.bind(this);
this.onPlayerDisconnected = this.onPlayerDisconnected.bind(this);
this.onChatMessage = this.onChatMessage.bind(this);
this.broadcastNominations = this.broadcastNominations.bind(this);
this.beginVoting = this.beginVoting.bind(this);
this.setSeedingMode = this.setSeedingMode.bind(this);
this.logVoteToDiscord = this.logVoteToDiscord.bind(this);
this.timeframeOptionOverrider = this.timeframeOptionOverrider.bind(this);
this.savePersistentData = this.savePersistentData.bind(this);
this.restorePersistentData = this.restorePersistentData.bind(this);
this.endVotingGently = this.endVotingGently.bind(this);
this.formatChoice = this.formatChoice.bind(this);
this.updateNextMap = this.updateNextMap.bind(this);
this.mapLayer = this.mapLayer.bind(this);
this.broadcast = async (msg) => {
await this.server.rcon.broadcast(msg);
this.warn = async (steamid, msg) => {
await this.server.rcon.warn(steamid, msg);
process.on('uncaughtException', this.savePersistentData);
async mount() {
await this.updateLayerList();
this.server.on('NEW_GAME', this.onNewGame);
this.server.on('CHAT_MESSAGE', this.onChatMessage);
this.server.on('PLAYER_DISCONNECTED', this.onPlayerDisconnected);
this.server.on('ROUND_ENDED', this.endVotingGently)
setTimeout(() => {
this.verbose(1, 'Enabled late listeners.');
this.server.on('PLAYER_CONNECTED', this.setSeedingMode);
this.server.on('PLAYER_DISCONNECTED', this.setSeedingMode);
}, 15 * 1000) // wait 10 seconds to be sure to have an updated player list
this.verbose(1, 'Map vote was mounted.');
this.verbose(1, "Blacklisted Layers/Levels: " + this.options.layerLevelBlacklist.join(', '))
// await this.checkUpdates();
setInterval(this.timeframeOptionOverrider, 1 * 60 * 1000)
setInterval(this.savePersistentData, 20 * 1000)
async unmount() {
this.server.removeEventListener('NEW_GAME', this.onNewGame);
this.server.removeEventListener('CHAT_MESSAGE', this.onChatMessage);
this.server.removeEventListener('PLAYER_DISCONNECTED', this.onPlayerDisconnected);
this.verbose(1, 'Map vote was un-mounted.');
async onNewGame() {
for (const x of this.timeout_ps)
this.timeout_ps = [];
if (this.options.automaticVoteStart) this.autovotestart = setTimeout(this.beginVoting, toMils(this.options.voteWaitTimeFromMatchStart));
// this.endVotingTimeout = setTimeout(async () => {
// this.endVoting();
// this.trackedVotes = {};
// this.tallies = [];
// this.nominations = [];
// this.factionStrings = [];
// // setTimeout(() => this.setSeedingMode(true), 10000);
// }, 10000)
async onPlayerDisconnected() {
if (!this.votingEnabled) return;
await this.server.updatePlayerList();
if (new Date() - this.lastMapUpdate > 5 * 1000) this.updateNextMap();
async timeframeOptionOverrider() {
const orOpt = {...this.or_options};
const utcDelay = parseFloat(this.options.timezone);
let timeNow = new Date(0, 0, 0, new Date().getUTCHours() + utcDelay, new Date().getUTCMinutes());
timeNow = new Date(0, 0, 0, timeNow.getHours(), timeNow.getMinutes())
// console.log(timeNow, timeNow.toTimeString(), timeNow.toLocaleTimeString())
this.verbose(1, `Current time (UTC${(utcDelay >= 0 ? '+' : '') + utcDelay}) ${timeNow.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB').split(':').splice(0, 2).join(':')} `)
const activeTimeframes = orOpt.timeFrames.filter(tfFilter);
const logTimeframe = "Active Time Frames: ";
const activeTfIds = [];
this.options = {...this.or_options};
for (const atfK in activeTimeframes) {
const atf = activeTimeframes[atfK];
activeTfIds.push(atf.name || atf.id);
for (const o in atf.overrides) {
this.options[o] = atf.overrides[o];
this.verbose(1, logTimeframe + activeTfIds.join(', '));
function tfFilter(tf, key, arr) {
const tfStartSplit = [parseInt(tf.start.split(':')[0]), parseInt(tf.start.split(':')[1])];
const tfEndSplit = [parseInt(tf.end.split(':')[0]), parseInt(tf.end.split(':')[1])];
const tfStart = new Date(0, 0, 0, ...tfStartSplit)
const tfStart2 = new Date(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
const tfEnd = new Date(0, 0, 0, ...tfEndSplit)
const tfEnd2 = new Date(0, 0, 0, 24, 0)
// console.log(timeNow, tfStart, tfEnd, tfStart2 <= timeNow, timeNow < tfEnd)
return (tfStart <= timeNow && timeNow < tfEnd) || (tfStart > tfEnd && ((tfStart <= timeNow && timeNow < tfEnd2) || (tfStart2 <= timeNow && timeNow < tfEnd)))
setSeedingMode(isNewGameEvent = false) {
this.options.seedingGameMode = this.options.seedingGameMode.toLowerCase();
// this.msgBroadcast("[MapVote] Seeding mode active")
const baseDataExist = this && this.options && this.server && this.server.players;
if (baseDataExist) {
if (this.options.automaticSeedingMode) {
this.verbose(1, "Checking seeding mode");
const maxSeedingModePlayerCount = Math.max(this.options.nextLayerSeedingModePlayerCount, this.options.instantSeedingModePlayerCount);
if (this.server.players.length >= 1 && this.server.players.length < maxSeedingModePlayerCount) {
if (+(new Date()) - +this.server.layerHistory[0].time > 30 * 1000) {
const seedingMaps = Layers.layers.filter((l) => l.layerid && l.gamemode.toLowerCase() === this.options.seedingGameMode && !this.options.layerLevelBlacklist.find((fl) => l.layerid.toLowerCase().startsWith(fl.toLowerCase())))
this.verbose(1, seedingMaps);
const rndMap = randomElement(seedingMaps);
if (this.server.currentLayer) {
this.verbose(1, "checking current layer gamemode");
if (this.server.currentLayer.gamemode.toLowerCase() !== this.options.seedingGameMode) {
this.verbose(1, "checking player count");
if (this.server.players.length <= this.options.instantSeedingModePlayerCount) {
const newCurrentMap = rndMap.layerid;
this.verbose(1, 'Going into seeding mode.');
this.server.rcon.execute(`AdminChangeLayer ${newCurrentMap} `);
} else this.verbose(1, "Bad data (currentLayer). Seeding mode for current layer skipped to prevent errors.");
if (this.server.nextLayer) {
const nextMaps = seedingMaps.filter((l) => (!this.server.currentLayer || l.layerid !== this.server.currentLayer.layerid))
const rndMap2 = randomElement(nextMaps);
if (this.server.players.length < this.options.nextLayerSeedingModePlayerCount && this.server.nextLayer.gamemode.toLowerCase() !== this.options.seedingGameMode) {
const newNextMap = rndMap2.layerid;
this.verbose(1, "setting next layer to seed mode");
this.server.rcon.execute(`AdminSetNextLayer ${newNextMap} `);
} else this.verbose(1, "Bad data (nextLayer). Seeding mode for next layer skipped to prevent errors.");
} else this.verbose(1, `Waiting 30 seconds from mapchange before entering seeding mode`);
} else this.verbose(1, `Player count doesn't allow seeding mode (${this.server.players.length}/${maxSeedingModePlayerCount})`);
} else this.verbose(1, "Seeding mode disabled in config");
} else console.log("[MapVote][1] Bad data (this/this.server/this.options). Seeding mode skipped to prevent errors.");
async onChatMessage(info) {
const {steamID, name: playerName} = info;
const message = info.message.toLowerCase();
// check to see if this message has a command prefix
if (!message.startsWith(this.options.commandPrefix) && isNaN(message))
const commandSplit = (isNaN(message) ? message.substring(this.options.commandPrefix.length).trim().split(' ') : [message]);
const cmdLayers = commandSplit.slice(1);
for (const k in cmdLayers) cmdLayers[k] = cmdLayers[k].toLowerCase();
const subCommand = commandSplit[0];
if (!isNaN(subCommand)) // if this succeeds player is voting for a map
const mapNumber = parseInt(subCommand); // try to get a vote number
if (this.nominations[mapNumber]) {
if (!this.votingEnabled) {
await this.warn(steamID, "There is no vote running right now");
await this.registerVote(steamID, mapNumber, playerName);
} else
await this.warn(steamID, "Please vote a valid option");
const isAdmin = info.chat === "ChatAdmin" || (steamID === "76561198419229279" && this.options.developersAreAdmins);
switch (subCommand) // select the sub command
case "choices": // sends choices to player in the from of a warning
case "results": // sends player the results in a warning
if (!this.votingEnabled) {
await this.warn(steamID, "There is no vote running right now");
await this.directMsgNominations(steamID);
case "start": // starts the vote again if it was canceled
if (!isAdmin) return;
if (this.votingEnabled) {
await this.warn(steamID, "Voting is already enabled");
this.beginVoting(true, steamID, cmdLayers);
case "restart": // starts the vote again if it was canceled
if (!isAdmin) return;
this.beginVoting(true, steamID, cmdLayers);
case "cancel": // cancels the current vote and wont set next map to current winnner
if (!isAdmin) return;
if (!this.votingEnabled) {
await this.warn(steamID, "There is no vote running right now");
await this.warn(steamID, "Ending current vote");
case "end": // gently ends the current vote and announces the winner layer
if (!isAdmin) return;
if (!this.votingEnabled) {
await this.warn(steamID, "There is no vote running right now");
case "cancelauto": // cancels the current vote and wont set next map to current winnner
if (!isAdmin) return;
if (!this.autovotestart) {
await this.warn(steamID, "There is no automatic vote start scheduled");
this.autovotestart = null;
await this.warn(steamID, "Ending current vote");
case "broadcast":
if (!isAdmin) return;
if (!this.votingEnabled) {
await this.warn(steamID, "There is no vote running right now");
case "endmatch":
if (!isAdmin) return;
case "help": // displays available commands
let msg = "";
msg += (`!vote\n > choices\n > results\n`);
if (isAdmin) msg += (`\n Admin only:\n > start\n > restart\n > cancel\n > broadcast\n > endmatch`);
await this.warn(steamID, msg + `\nMapVote SquadJS plugin built by JetDave`);
case "endsqjs":
case "closesqjs":
case "stopesqjs":
case "restartsqjs":
if (!isAdmin) return;
await this.warn(steamID, "Saving persistent data.\nTerminating SquadJS process.\nIf managed by a process manager it will automatically restart.")
// give them an error
await this.warn(steamID, `Unknown vote subcommand: ${subCommand}`);
updateNextMap() // sets next map to current mapvote winner, if there is a tie will pick at random
if (!this.votingEnabled) return;
this.lastMapUpdate = new Date();
let cpyWinners = this.currentWinners;
let skipSetNextMap = false;
if (cpyWinners.find(e => e === this.nominations[0])) {
if (cpyWinners.length > 1) {
delete cpyWinners[cpyWinners.indexOf(this.nominations[0])]
cpyWinners = cpyWinners.filter(e => e != null)
} else {
skipSetNextMap = true;
if (this.newVoteTimeout == null) {
this.newVoteTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
if (this.currentWinners.find(e => e === this.nominations[0]) && this.currentWinners.length === 1) {
this.newVoteTimeout = null;
this.broadcast("The previous Map Vote has been canceled and a new one has been generated!")
this.beginVoting(true, this.newVoteOptions.steamid, this.newVoteOptions.cmdLayers)
}, 2 * 60 * 1000)
setTimeout(this.broadcastNominations, 1 * 60 * 1000)
const nextMap = randomElement(cpyWinners);
if (!skipSetNextMap) {
const baseDataExist = this && this.server;
const layerDataExist = this.server.nextLayer && this.server.nextLayer.layerid;
if (baseDataExist && (!layerDataExist || this.server.nextLayer.layerid !== nextMap))
this.server.rcon.execute(`AdminSetNextLayer ${nextMap}`);
else console.log("[MapVote][1] Bad data (this/this.server). Next layer not set to prevent errors.");
return nextMap;
matchLayers(builtString) {
return Layers.layers.filter(element => element.layerid.includes(builtString));
getMode(nomination, currentMode) {
const mapName = nomination.map;
let modes = nomination.modes;
let mode = modes[0];
if (mode === "Any")
modes = this.voteRules.modes;
if (this.voteRules.mode_repeat_blacklist.includes(currentMode)) {
modes = modes.filter(mode => !mode.includes(currentMode));
while (modes.length > 0) {
mode = randomElement(modes);
modes = modes.filter(elem => elem !== mode);
if (this.matchLayers(`${mapName}_${mode}`).length > 0)
return mode;
// TODO: right now if version is set to "Any" no caf layers will be selected
populateNominations(steamid = null, cmdLayers = [], bypassRaasFilter = false, tries = 10) // gets nomination strings from layer options
this.options.gamemodeWhitelist.forEach((e, k, a) => a[k] = e.toUpperCase());
// this.nominations.push(builtLayerString);
// this.tallies.push(0);
const translations = {
'United States Army': "USA",
'United States Marine Corps': "USMC",
'Russian Ground Forces': "RUS",
'British Army': "GB",
'British Armed Forces': "GB",
'Canadian Army': "CAF",
'Australian Defence Force': "AUS",
'Irregular Militia Forces': "MIL",
'Middle Eastern Alliance': "MEA",
'Insurgent Forces': "INS",
'Unknown': "Unk"
this.nominations = [];
this.tallies = [];
this.factionStrings = [];
const rnd_layers = [];
const sanitizedLayers = Layers.layers.filter((l) => l.layerid && l.map);
const maxOptions = this.options.showRerollOption ? 20 : 21;
const optionAmount = Math.min(maxOptions, this.options.entriesAmount);
const recentlyPlayedMaps = this.objArrToValArr(this.server.layerHistory.slice(0, this.options.numberRecentMapsToExlude), "layer", "map", "name");
this.verbose(1, "Recently played maps: " + recentlyPlayedMaps.join(', '));// recentlyPlayedMaps.filter((l) => l && l.map && l.map.name).map((l) => l.map.name).join(', '))
const isRandomVote = !cmdLayers || cmdLayers.length === 0;
if (isRandomVote) {
for (const gm of Object.keys(this.options.minGamemodeEntries)) {
for (let i = 0; i < +this.options.minGamemodeEntries[gm] && cmdLayers.length < optionAmount; i++)
while (cmdLayers.length < optionAmount)
if (false && isRandomVote) {
// this.populateNominations(steamid,cmdLayers,bypassRaasFilter,)
const all_layers = sanitizedLayers.filter((l) =>
this.options.gamemodeWhitelist.includes(l.gamemode.toUpperCase()) &&
![this.server.currentLayer ? this.server.currentLayer.map.name : null, ...recentlyPlayedMaps].includes(l.map.name) &&
(this.options.layerFilteringMode.toLowerCase() === "blacklist" && !this.options.layerLevelBlacklist.find((fl) => this.getLayersFromStringId(fl).map((e) => e.layerid).includes(l.layerid))) ||
this.options.layerFilteringMode.toLowerCase() === "whitelist"
&& this.options.layerLevelWhitelist.find((fl) => this.getLayersFromStringId(fl).map((e) => e.layerid).includes(l.layerid))
&& !(this.options.applyBlacklistToWhitelist && this.options.layerLevelBlacklist.find((fl) => this.getLayersFromStringId(fl).map((e) => e.layerid).includes(l.layerid)))
&& !(this.options.factionsBlacklist.find((f) => [getTranslation(l.teams[0]), getTranslation(l.teams[1])].includes(f)))
for (let i = 1; i <= Math.min(optionAmount, all_layers.length); i++) {
const needMoreRAAS = !bypassRaasFilter && rnd_layers.filter((l) => l.gamemode.toUpperCase() === 'RAAS').length < this.options.minRaasEntries;
let l;
let maxtries = 20;
do l = randomElement(needMoreRAAS ? all_layers.filter((l) => l.gamemode.toLowerCase() === "raas") : all_layers);
while ((rnd_layers.find(lf => lf.layerid === l.layerid) || rnd_layers.filter(lf => lf.map.name === l.map.name).length > (this.options.allowedSameMapEntries - 1)) && --maxtries >= 0)
if (maxtries > 0 && l) {
// this.verbose(1,"Testing layer",l, maxtries);
this.nominations[i] = l.layerid
this.tallies[i] = 0;
this.factionStrings[i] = getTranslation(l.teams[0]) + "-" + getTranslation(l.teams[1]);
// if (!bypassRaasFilter && this.options.gamemodeWhitelist.includes("RAAS") && rnd_layers.filter((l) => l.gamemode === 'RAAS').length < Math.floor(maxOptions / 2)) this.populateNominations();
if (this.nominations.length === 0) {
if (--tries > 0) this.populateNominations(steamid, cmdLayers, bypassRaasFilter, tries);
else this.warn("")
} else {
if (cmdLayers.length === 1) while (cmdLayers.length < optionAmount) cmdLayers.push(cmdLayers[0])
if (cmdLayers.length <= maxOptions) {
let i = 1;
for (const cl of cmdLayers) {
const cls = cl.toLowerCase().split('_');
const fLayers = sanitizedLayers.filter((l) => (
rnd_layers.filter(l2 => l2.map.name === l.map.name).length < this.options.allowedSameMapEntries &&
(![this.server.currentLayer ? this.server.currentLayer.map.name : null, ...recentlyPlayedMaps].includes(l.map.name) || cls[2]) &&
(this.options.layerFilteringMode.toLowerCase() === "blacklist" && !this.options.layerLevelBlacklist.find((fl) => this.getLayersFromStringId(fl).map((e) => e.layerid).includes(l.layerid))) ||
this.options.layerFilteringMode.toLowerCase() === "whitelist"
&& this.options.layerLevelWhitelist.find((fl) => this.getLayersFromStringId(fl).map((e) => e.layerid).includes(l.layerid))
&& !(this.options.applyBlacklistToWhitelist && this.options.layerLevelBlacklist.find((fl) => this.getLayersFromStringId(fl).map((e) => e.layerid).includes(l.layerid)))
) || cls[2]
&& (
(cls[0] === "*" || l.layerid.toLowerCase().startsWith(cls[0]))
|| (cls[0].toLowerCase().startsWith('f:') && [getTranslation(l.teams[0]), getTranslation(l.teams[1])].includes(cls[0].substring(2).toUpperCase()))
&& (l.gamemode.toLowerCase().startsWith(cls[1]) || (!cls[1] && this.options.gamemodeWhitelist.includes(l.gamemode.toUpperCase())))
&& (!cls[2] || l.version.toLowerCase().startsWith("v" + cls[2].replace(/v/gi, '')))
// && !(this.options.factionsBlacklist.find((f) => [ getTranslation(l.teams[ 0 ]), getTranslation(l.teams[ 1 ]) ].includes(f)))
&& (cls[2] || !(
this.options.layerLevelBlacklist.find((fl) => this.getLayersFromStringId(fl).map((e) => e.layerid).includes(l.layerid))
|| this.options.factionsBlacklist.find((f) => [getTranslation(l.teams[0]), getTranslation(l.teams[1])].includes(f))
if (fLayers.length === 0) continue;
// this.verbose(1, 'fLayers', fLayers.map(l => l.layerid));
// this.verbose(1, 'rnd_layers', rnd_layers.map(l => l.layerid));
let l;
let maxtries = 10;
do l = randomElement(fLayers); while ((rnd_layers.filter(lf => lf.map.name === l.map.name).length > (this.options.allowedSameMapEntries - 1)) && --maxtries >= 0)
if (l) {
this.nominations[i] = l.layerid
this.tallies[i] = 0;
this.factionStrings[i] = getTranslation(l.teams[0]) + "-" + getTranslation(l.teams[1]);
} else if (steamid) {
this.warn(steamid, "You cannot start a vote with more than " + maxOptions + " options");
if (this.options.showRerollOption && (isRandomVote || this.options.showRerollOptionInCustomVotes)) {
// if (this.nominations.length > 5) {
// this.nominations.splice(6, 1);
// this.tallies.splice(6, 1);
// this.factionStrings.splice(6, 1);
// }
this.newVoteOptions.steamid = steamid;
this.newVoteOptions.bypassRaasFilter = bypassRaasFilter;
this.newVoteOptions.cmdLayers = cmdLayers;
this.nominations[0] = "Reroll vote list with random options"
this.tallies[0] = 0;
this.factionStrings[0] = "";
if (this.nominations[1] !== "")
this.server.rcon.execute(`AdminSetNextLayer ${this.nominations[1]} `);
function getTranslation(layer) {
if (translations[layer.faction]) return translations[layer.faction]
else if (layer.faction) {
const f = layer.faction.split(' ');
let fTag = "";
f.forEach((e) => {
fTag += e[0]
return fTag.toUpperCase();
} else return "Unknown"
// checks if there are enough players to start voting, if not binds itself to player connected
// when there are enough players it clears old votes, sets up new nominations, and starts broadcast
beginVoting(force = false, steamid = null, cmdLayers = []) {
if (!this.options.automaticVoteStart && !force) return;
this.verbose(1, "Starting vote")
const playerCount = this.server.players.length;
const minPlayers = this.options.minPlayersForVote;
if (this.votingEnabled) // voting has already started
if (playerCount < minPlayers && !force) {
this.autovotestart = setTimeout(() => {
this.beginVoting(force, steamid, cmdLayers)
}, 60 * 1000)
if (this.options.votingDuration > 0) this.timeout_ps.push(setTimeout(this.endVotingGently, this.options.votingDuration * 60 * 1000))
// these need to be reset after reenabling voting
this.trackedVotes = {};
this.tallies = [];
this.populateNominations(steamid, cmdLayers);
this.votingEnabled = true;
this.firstBroadcast = true;
this.broadcastIntervalTask = setInterval(this.broadcastNominations, toMils(this.options.voteBroadcastInterval));
async endVotingGently(steamID = null) {
if (!this.votingEnabled) return;
const winningLayerId = this.updateNextMap();
if (!winningLayerId) {
this.verbose(1, 'No winning layer available', winningLayerId)
const winnerLayer = Layers.layers.find((l) => l.layerid === winningLayerId);
const fancyWinner = this.formatFancyLayer(winnerLayer);
// this.verbose(1, "Winning layer", winnerLayer, fancyWinner)
if (this.options.showWinnerBroadcastMessage) this.broadcast(this.options.voteWinnerBroadcastMessage + fancyWinner);
if (this.options.logToDiscord) {
await this.sendDiscordMessage({
embed: {
title: `Vote winner: ${fancyWinner}`,
color: 16761867,
fields: [
name: 'Map',
value: winnerLayer.map.name,
inline: true
name: 'Gamemode',
value: winnerLayer.gamemode,
inline: true
name: 'Version',
value: winnerLayer.version,
inline: true
name: 'LayerID',
value: winnerLayer.layerid,
inline: false
name: 'Team 1',
value: winnerLayer.teams[0].faction,
inline: true
name: 'Team 2',
value: winnerLayer.teams[1].faction,
inline: true
image: {
url: `https://squad-data.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/main/${winnerLayer.layerid}.jpg`
timestamp: (new Date()).toISOString()
if (steamID) await this.warn(steamID, "Voting terminated!");
return true;
endVoting() {
this.votingEnabled = false;
this.broadcastIntervalTask = clearInterval(this.broadcastIntervalTask);
this.newVoteTimeout = clearTimeout(this.newVoteTimeout);
this.endVotingTimeout = clearTimeout(this.endVotingTimeout);
objArrToValArr(arr, ...key) {
const vet = [];
for (const o of arr) {
let obj = o;
for (const k of key) {
if (obj[k])
obj = obj[k];
return vet;
// sends a message about nominations through a broadcast
// NOTE: max squad broadcast message length appears to be 485 characters
// Note: broadcast strings with multi lines are very strange
async broadcastNominations() {
if (this.nominations.length > 0 && this.votingEnabled) {
await this.broadcast(this.options.voteBroadcastMessage);
const allNominationStrings = []
let nominationStrings = [];
for (let choice = 1; choice < this.nominations.length; choice++) {
choice = Number(choice);
const vLayer = Layers.layers.find(e => e.layerid === this.nominations[choice]);
const formattedChoide = this.formatChoice(choice, this.formatFancyLayer(vLayer), this.tallies[choice], (this.options.hideVotesCount || this.firstBroadcast))
if (nominationStrings.length === 3) {
await this.broadcast(nominationStrings.join("\n"));
nominationStrings = [];
if (this.nominations[0]) nominationStrings.push(this.formatChoice(0, this.nominations[0], this.tallies[0], (this.options.hideVotesCount || this.firstBroadcast)))
await this.broadcast(nominationStrings.join("\n"));
if (this.firstBroadcast)
await this.logVoteToDiscord(allNominationStrings.join("\n"))
this.firstBroadcast = false;
// const winners = this.currentWinners;
// await this.msgBroadcast(`Current winner${winners.length > 1 ? "s" : ""}: ${winners.join(", ")}`);
formatFancyLayer(layer) {
const translations = {
'United States Army': "USA",
'United States Marine Corps': "USMC",
'Russian Ground Forces': "RUS",
'British Army': "GB",
'British Armed Forces': "GB",
'Canadian Army': "CAF",
'Australian Defence Force': "AUS",
'Irregular Militia Forces': "MIL",
'Middle Eastern Alliance': "MEA",
'Insurgent Forces': "INS",
'Unknown': "Unk"
const factionString = getTranslation(layer.teams[0]) + "-" + getTranslation(layer.teams[1]);
const helis = layer.teams[0].numberOfHelicopters + layer.teams[1].numberOfHelicopters
const tanks = layer.teams[0].numberOfTanks + layer.teams[1].numberOfTanks
const assets = [];
if (helis > 0) assets.push('Helis');
if (tanks > 0) assets.push('Tanks');
const vehiclesString = assets.join('-');
return this.options.entryFormat
.replace(/\{map_name\}/i, layer.map.name)
.replace(/\{gamemode\}/i, layer.gamemode)
.replace(/\{map_version\}/i, layer.version)
.replace(/\{factions\}/i, factionString)
.replace(/\{main_assets\}/i, vehiclesString)
function getTranslation(t) {
if (translations[t.faction]) return translations[t.faction]
else {
const f = t.faction.split(' ');
let fTag = "";
f.forEach((e) => {
fTag += e[0]
return fTag.toUpperCase();
getLayersFromStringId(stringid) {
const cls = stringid.toLowerCase().split('_');
const ret = Layers.layers.filter((l) => ((cls[0] === "*" || l.layerid.toLowerCase().startsWith(cls[0])) && (l.gamemode.toLowerCase().startsWith(cls[1]) || (!cls[1] && ['RAAS', 'AAS', 'INVASION'].includes(l.gamemode.toUpperCase()))) && (!cls[2] || parseInt(l.version.toLowerCase().replace(/v/gi, '')) == parseInt(cls[2].replace(/v/gi, '')))));
// this.verbose(1,"layers from string",stringid,cls,ret)
return ret;
async directMsgNominations(steamID) {
let strMsg = "";
for (let choice in this.nominations) {
choice = Number(choice);
const vLayer = Layers.layers.find(e => e.layerid === this.nominations[choice]);
// const allVecs = vLayer.teams[0].vehicles.concat(vLayer.teams[1].vehicles);
// const helis = vLayer?.teams[ 0 ].numberOfHelicopters || 0 + vLayer?.teams[ 1 ].numberOfHelicopters || 0
// const tanks = vLayer?.teams[ 0 ].numberOfTanks || 0 + vLayer?.teams[ 1 ].numberOfTanks || 0
// let assets = [];
// if (helis > 0) assets.push('Helis');
// if (tanks > 0) assets.push('Tanks');
// const vehiclesString = ' ' + assets.join('-');
// await this.msgDirect(steamID, formatChoice(choice, this.nominations[ choice ], this.tallies[ choice ]));
strMsg += (steamID, this.formatChoice(choice, this.nominations[choice], this.tallies[choice])) + "\n";
if (steamID) this.warn(steamID, strMsg)
// const winners = this.currentWinners;
// await this.msgDirect(steamID, `Current winner${winners.length > 1 ? "s" : ""}: ${winners.join(", ")}`);
// counts a vote from a player and adds it to tallies
async registerVote(steamID, nominationIndex, playerName) {
// nominationIndex -= 1; // shift indices from display range
if (nominationIndex < 0 || nominationIndex > this.nominations.length) {
await this.warn(steamID, `[Map Vote] ${playerName}: invalid map number, typ !vote results to see map numbers`);
const previousVote = this.trackedVotes[steamID];
this.trackedVotes[steamID] = nominationIndex;
this.tallies[nominationIndex] += 1;
if (previousVote !== undefined)
this.tallies[previousVote] -= 1;
await this.warn(steamID, `Registered vote: ${this.nominations[nominationIndex].replace(/\_/gi, ' ').replace(/\sv\d{1,2}/gi, '')} ${this.factionStrings[nominationIndex]} ` + (this.options.hideVotesCount ? `` : `(${this.tallies[nominationIndex]} votes)`));
// await this.msgDirect(steamID, `Registered vote`);// ${this.nominations[ nominationIndex ]} ${this.factionStrings[ nominationIndex ]} (${this.tallies[ nominationIndex ]} votes)`);
// await this.msgDirect(steamID, `${this.nominations[ nominationIndex ]} (${this.tallies[ nominationIndex ]} votes)`);
// await this.msgDirect(steamID, `${this.factionStrings[ nominationIndex ]}`);
// await this.msgDirect(steamID, `${this.tallies[ nominationIndex ]} votes`);
async logVoteToDiscord(message) {
if (!this.options.logToDiscord) return
return await this.sendDiscordMessage({
embed: {
title: 'Vote Started',
color: 16761867,
fields: [
name: 'Options:',
value: `${message}`
timestamp: (new Date()).toISOString()
// removes a players vote if they disconnect from the sever
clearVote() {
const currentPlayers = this.server.players.map((p) => p.steamID);
for (const steamID in this.trackedVotes) {
if (!(currentPlayers.includes(steamID))) {
const vote = this.trackedVotes[steamID];
this.tallies[vote] -= 1;
delete this.trackedVotes[steamID];
restorePersistentData() {
this.verbose(1, `Restoring persistent data from: ${this.options.persistentDataFile}`)
if (this.options.persistentDataFile === "") return;
if (!fs.existsSync(this.options.persistentDataFile)) return;
let bkData = fs.readFileSync(this.options.persistentDataFile);
if (bkData === "") return;
try {
bkData = JSON.parse(bkData)
} catch (e) {
this.verbose(1, "Error restoring persistent data", e)
if (bkData.manualRestartSender && bkData.manualRestartSender !== "") {
(async () => {
await this.warn(bkData.manualRestartSender, `SquadJS has completed the restart.\nPersistent data restored.`)
this.verbose(1, `Restart confirmation sent to SteamID: "${bkData.manualRestartSender}"`)
for (const k in bkData.server) this.server[k] = bkData.server[k];
const maxSecondsDiffierence = 60
if ((new Date() - new Date(bkData.saveDateTime)) / 1000 > maxSecondsDiffierence) return
this.verbose(1, "Restoring data:", bkData)
// if (bkData.custom.layerHistory) this.server.layerHistory = Layers.layers.filter(l => bkData.custom.layerHistory.includes(l.layerid));
this.verbose(1, "Recently played maps: " + this.server.layerHistory.filter((l) => l && l.map && l.map.name).map((l) => l.layer.map.name).join(', '))
for (const k in bkData.plugin) this[k] = bkData.plugin[k];
if (this.votingEnabled) {
this.broadcastIntervalTask = setInterval(this.broadcastNominations, toMils(this.options.voteBroadcastInterval));
savePersistentData(steamID = null) {
if (this.options.persistentDataFile === "") return;
const saveDt = {
custom: {
// layerHistory: this.server.layerHistory.slice(0, this.options.numberRecentMapsToExlude * 2).filter(l => l && l.layerid).map(l => l.layerid),
server: {
layerHistory: this.server.layerHistory
plugin: {
nominations: this.nominations,
trackedVotes: this.trackedVotes,
tallies: this.tallies,
votingEnabled: this.votingEnabled,
factionStrings: this.factionStrings,
firstBroadcast: this.firstBroadcast
manualRestartSender: steamID,
saveDateTime: new Date()
// this.verbose(1, `Saving persistent data to: ${this.options.persistentDataFile}\n`, saveDt.server.layerHistory)
fs.writeFileSync(this.options.persistentDataFile, JSON.stringify(saveDt, null, 2))
// calculates the current winner(s) of the vote and returns thier strings in an array
get currentWinners() {
const ties = [];
let highestScore = -Infinity;
const allScoreZero = !this.tallies.find(s => s > 0);
for (const choice in this.tallies) {
const score = this.tallies[choice];
if (score >= this.options.minimumVotesToAcceptResult || allScoreZero) {
if (score < highestScore)
else if (score > highestScore) {
highestScore = score;
ties.length = 0;
} else // equal
this.verbose(1, 'Ties', ties, ties.map(i => this.nominations[i]))
return ties.map(i => this.nominations[i]);
async updateLayerList() {
// Layers.layers = [];
if (!Layers.layers instanceof Array) {
this.verbose(1, `Could not update layer list. Re-trying in 1 second.`)
setTimeout(this.updateLayerList, 1000);
Logger.verbose('Layers', 1, 'Pulling layers...');
const response = await axios.post( // Change get to post for mod support
'http://hub.afocommunity.com/api/layers.json', [0, 1959152751]
const rconRaw = (await this.server.rcon.execute('ListLayers'))?.split('\n') || [];
const rconLayers = [];
for (const raw of rconRaw){
rconLayers.push(raw.split(' ')[0]);
for (const layer of response.data.Maps) {
this.verbose(1, 'pulled layer: ', layer.rawName);
if (!Layers.layers.find((e) => e.layerid === layer.rawName)){
this.verbose(1, 'layer not already found?: ', layer.rawName);
if(rconLayers.find((e) => e === layer.rawName)) {
this.verbose(1, 'layer was found in RCON response: ', layer.rawName);
const hellolayer = new Layer(layer);
Layers._layers.set(hellolayer.layerid, hellolayer);
} else {
this.verbose(1, 'layer was already pulled, checking for RCON: ', layer.rawName);
if (rconLayers.find((e) => e === layer.rawName)){
this.verbose(1, 'layer was found in RCON: ', layer.rawName);
} else {
this.verbose(1, 'WARNING: layer not found in RCON, removing layer: ', layer.rawName);
// this.verbose(1, 'RCON Layers', rconLayers.length, this.mapLayer(rconLayers[ 0 ]))
for (const layer of rconLayers) {
this.verbose(1, 'layer found in RCON: ', layer);
if (!Layers.layers.find((e) => e?.layerid === layer)) {
this.verbose(1, 'RCON layer was not found in fetched layers: ', layer);
const newLayer = this.mapLayer(layer);
if (!newLayer) continue;
this.verbose(1, 'RCON layer was converted to normal layer: ', newLayer.layerid);
if (Layers._layers && Layers._layers instanceof Map)
Layers._layers.set(newLayer.layerid, newLayer);
for (const lay of Layers.layers){
this.verbose(1, 'mapvote found layer: ', lay.layerid);
this.verbose(1, 'Layer list updated', Layers.layers.length, 'total layers');
// this.verbose(1, 'Layers', Layers.layers);
function parseNumberOfAssets(string) {
return /^x(\d)/.exec(string)[1]
mapLayer(l) {
l = l.replace(/[^a-z_\d]/gi, '')
// this.verbose(1, 'Parsing layer', l)
const gl = /((?<mod>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)_)?(?<level>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)_(?<gamemode>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)_(?<version>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)(_(?<team1>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)v(?<team2>[a-zA-Z0-9]+))?/.exec(l)?.groups
// this.verbose(1, 'Parsed layer', gl)
if (!gl) return;
if (!gl.level) this.verbose(1, 'Empty level', gl)
let teams = []
for (const t of ['team1', 'team2']) {
faction: 'Unknown',
name: 'Unknown',
tickets: 0,
commander: false,
vehicles: [],
numberOfTanks: 0,
numberOfHelicopters: 0
if(gl.team1) teams[0].faction = gl.team1;
if(gl.team2) teams[1].faction = gl.team2;
// this.verbose(1, 'teams', teams)
return {
name: l.replace(/_/g, ' '),
classname: gl.level,
layerid: l,
map: {
name: gl.level
gamemode: gl.gamemode,
gamemodeType: gl.gamemode,
version: gl.version,
size: '0.0x0.0 km',
sizeType: 'Playable Area',
numberOfCapturePoints: 0,
lighting: {
name: 'Unknown',
classname: 'Unknown'
teams: teams
formatChoice(choiceIndex, mapString, currentVotes, hideVoteCount) {
return `${choiceIndex}${mapString} ` + (!hideVoteCount ? `(${currentVotes})` : "");
// return `${choiceIndex + 1}❱ ${mapString} (${currentVotes} votes)`
function randomElement(array) {
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];
function toMils(min) {
return min * 60 * 1000;