2021-08-04 00:48:34 -05:00

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Minecraft Scripts Documentation

All script usages can be found by passing the "-h" flag unless explicitly stated otherwise, for example: Minecraft-Start-Server -h


Type Range
Game Ports 12000-12099
Query Ports 12100-12199
RCON Ports 12200-12299


Used to install or start a minecraft server. All minecraft servers are installed to ~/Minecraft/ (this directory is created automatically)

All Minecraft servers backup their server.propeerties file when launched with this script to their server directory/backups. e.g. ~/Minecraft/Server-1/backups/

  • Usage:
    • To run an existing server and overwrite RCON password
      • Minecraft-Start-Server -s <server id>
      • Example:
        • Minecraft-Start-Server -s 0
          • This would start "Minecraft-Server-0" and overwrite Minecraft's RCON password with the password provided by the script
    • To run an existing server, but don't overwrite the RCON password
      • Minecraft-Start-Server -s <server id> -r
      • Example:
        • Minecraft-Start-Server -s 0
          • This would start "Minecraft-Server-0", but not overwrite the RCON password in Minecraft's config
    • To install a new server
      • Minecraft-Start-Server -s <new server id> -j <path/to/minecraft/server/jar>
      • Example:
        • Minecraft-Start-Server -s 0 -j ~/minecraft_server1.17.1.jar
          • This would copy the provided server jar to Server-0 and install the server
    • Flags
      • -s | --server
        • The server id that is provided to start/install the server
        • Corresponds with the server in ~/Minecraft where the ID is the number in the directory name
      • -r | --rcon-ignore
        • This flag will ensure that Minecraft's rcon password is not overwritten by the script
      • -i | --install


Used to connect to a running Minecraft server's console to see log output or kill the server with ^C (control + c)

To disconnect from an Minecraft server without killing it type ^B D, that being hold control and b and then let go of both and hit d.

  • Usage
    • Minecraft-Connect-Server <server id>
      • Example:
        • Minecraft-Connect-Server 0
          • This would connect to the server prefixed with server number "0"
    • Positional Arguments
      • <server id>
        • The server number corresponding to the server in ~/Minecraft/ where the server number is the last character in the server name
          • E.g. The server is named: "Server-0" then the server number would be "0"


Used to stop a running Minecraft server

This sends ^C (control c) to the Minecraft server

  • Usage
    • Minecraft-Stop-Server <server id>
      • Example:
        • Minecraft-Stop-Server 0
          • This would stopthe server prefixed with server number "0"
    • Positional Arguments
      • <server id>
        • The server number corresponding to the server in ~/Minecraft/ where the server number is the last character in the server name
          • E.g. The server is named: "Server-0" then the server number would be "0"