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Assignment 2

  • ABC123: zfp106
  • Name: Price Hiller
  • Course: CS2124
  • Section: 0C3
  • Semester: Spring 2024

Running the Programs

  1. Install cmake version 3.25 or greater.
  2. Ensure you have a recent version of make at the time of writing. This project successfully compiles with GNU make version 4.4.1.
  3. Go the directory with CMakeLists.txt and run cmake . to generate a Makefile.
  4. Run make all to compile all the programs.
  5. Go into the newly created bin directory where all the compiled programs will be output to
  6. Programs will be named PartOne, PartTwo, and PartThree

Program Outputs

Part One

C program to Check for balanced Parentheses in an Expression using Stack. The program will check if the expression has balanced Parentheses.

  1. /Price/college/media/branch/Development/Spring-2024/CS-2124/Assignment-2/assets/PartOne/img1.png
  2. /Price/college/media/branch/Development/Spring-2024/CS-2124/Assignment-2/assets/PartOne/img2.png
  3. /Price/college/media/branch/Development/Spring-2024/CS-2124/Assignment-2/assets/PartOne/img3.png
  4. /Price/college/media/branch/Development/Spring-2024/CS-2124/Assignment-2/assets/PartOne/img4.png
  5. /Price/college/media/branch/Development/Spring-2024/CS-2124/Assignment-2/assets/PartOne/img5.png

Part Two

Write a program which will take input (Infix expression) from user and converts the expression to Postfix expression (using stacks).

  1. /Price/college/media/branch/Development/Spring-2024/CS-2124/Assignment-2/assets/PartTwo/img1.png
  2. /Price/college/media/branch/Development/Spring-2024/CS-2124/Assignment-2/assets/PartTwo/img2.png
  3. /Price/college/media/branch/Development/Spring-2024/CS-2124/Assignment-2/assets/PartTwo/img3.png
  4. /Price/college/media/branch/Development/Spring-2024/CS-2124/Assignment-2/assets/PartTwo/img4.png

Part Three

Implement code that will tell you the time binary search took when implemented through both a recursive method and iterative method

  1. /Price/college/media/branch/Development/Spring-2024/CS-2124/Assignment-2/assets/PartThree/img1.png