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Price Hiller's Dots

This is a mirror from my Git server over here.

These are my dot files. All the actual dots can be found under dots/.

I've gone pretty far to break things up and make my dots as easy as possible to install for a new system. Currently I'm rolling non-NixOS Linux, so some things are a bit weird. I set up my system using Ansible over here.

In the future I intend to move my personal computer to NixOS. In the past I was running on a Mac, so you may find some Mac specific things (especially in my zsh) config.

For the record, feel free to take what you want. I'm not worried about getting contribution for dot files. They're largely just for fun, not something important. 🙂

Using the Dots from Nix

I have included a install.bash script at the top level of this repository. I did this because I don't like storing my home-manager config under $HOME/.config/home-manager and prefer to keep it under $HOME/.dot_files.

As such, the install.bash script wraps up the logic for running the flake outside of the default path home-manager expects.

TODO Various Tasks to get done [0/2]

  • Clean up and better modularize the config

    • Currently a large portion of this config lives in config/default.nix which, while ok for now, will get out of hand down the road
  • Implement automation to autoformat various paths

    • Looking through the commit history I have semi-regular style commits for formatting.
    • Would be good to add a global git hook on the client side for pre push validation
    • Would also be good to get a CI runner up that validates on the server side