2024-05-20 08:17:52 +07:00

2.9 KiB


Use treesitter to autoclose and autorename html tag

It works with:

  • astro
  • glimmer
  • handlebars
  • html
  • javascript
  • jsx
  • markdown
  • php
  • rescript
  • svelte
  • tsx
  • twig
  • typescript
  • vue
  • xml

and more


Before        Input         After
<div           >              <div></div>
<div></div>    ciwspan<esc>   <span></span>


Requires Nvim 0.9.0 and up.



If you are setting up via nvim-treesitter.configs it has been deprecated! Please migrate to the new way. It will be removed in 1.0.0.

Extending the default config

Let's say that there's a language that nvim-ts-autotag doesn't currently support and you'd like to support it in your config. While it would be the preference of the author that you upstream your changes, perhaps you would rather not 😢.

For example, if you have a language that has a very similar layout in its Treesitter Queries as html, you could add an alias like so:

  aliases = {
    ["your language here"] = "html",

-- or
local TagConfigs = require("nvim-ts-autotag.config.init")
TagConfigs:add_alias("your language here", "html")

That will make nvim-ts-autotag close tags according to the rules of the html config in the given language.

But what if a parser breaks for whatever reason, for example the upstream Treesitter tree changes its node names and now the default queries that nvim-ts-autotag provides no longer work.

Fear not! You can directly extend and override the existing configs. For example, let's say the start and end tag patterns have changed for xml. We can directly override the xml config:

local TagConfigs = require("nvim-ts-autotag.config.init")
TagConfigs:update(TagConfigs:get("xml"):override("xml", {
    start_tag_pattern = { "STag" },
    end_tag_pattern = { "ETag" },

In fact, this very nearly what we do during our own internal initialization phase for nvim-ts-autotag.

Enable update on insert

If you have that issue #19

vim.lsp.handlers['textDocument/publishDiagnostics'] = vim.lsp.with(
        underline = true,
        virtual_text = {
            spacing = 5,
            severity_limit = 'Warning',
        update_in_insert = true,

Fork Status

This is forked from https://github.com/windwp/nvim-ts-autotag due to the primary maintainer's disappearance. Any PRs/work given to this fork may end up back in the original repository if the primary maintainer comes back.

Full credit to @windwp for the creation of this plugin. Here's to hoping they're ok and will be back sometime down the line.